Have things been feeling a little topsy turvy lately? There is some crazy Divine turbulence happening in the world right now. Some (the lucky few) are feeling exhilarated and moving forward without knowing quite where they are going. They’ve spent so much time trying to be “in control” that this total lack of direction feels […]
My Client Mary
My client Mary (not her real name) always wants a guaranty that what she is about to do will work out before she starts. So each coaching call we spend about 10 minutes discussing the EXACT SAME THING: She doesn’t get guarantees. I don’t get guarantees. You don’t get guarantees. Nobody gets guarantees. Eventually, Mary […]
Breaking Through Fear…
Before I launched my first big conference years ago there was a lot of fear. In order to move through it I tried to visualize a positive outcome – sold out event, thrilled attendees – but it never worked. The vision was bigger than I was at that time and it never felt “real.” […]
The Universe Responds To Our Energy Not Our Actions
I’ve been spending much of my non worky-work time contemplating what it means to have a Soul Infused Business. If I’m going to talk it, I best be able to walk it! For me, honoring the rest periods is a big challenge. I know when I need a rest. I know when my SOUL needs a rest and […]