Before I launched my first big conference years ago there was a lot of fear. In order to move through it I tried to visualize a positive outcome – sold out event, thrilled attendees – but it never worked. The vision was bigger than I was at that time and it never felt “real.”
Eventually I found a vision that would work – it was bringing my children up on stage the day of the conference so they could experience what all those missed bedtime stories helped create.
When I was alone and convinced the conference would fail on every level imaginable this vision of my children would pull me out of it.
The conference turned out to be a huge success and bringing my children up on stage to own the part they played in it was the very very best memory I have of that day.
This picture was taken by the amazing Anne Hatfield and I’m so grateful to have it. I don’t think I have ever had a vision match the reality so perfectly before this moment.
If you are trying to do something big or scary right now find a moment in the future you can hold on to that will make it all worth it. I promise -it will create its own miracles.
If you’d like to join Patty at her next live event register for Soul Infused Business LIVE happening on May 17 in Ridgefield, CT here:
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