I think many of us hang out in the angsty space of BECOMING. We wonder are we doing ENOUGH, being ENOUGH. Are we living our purpose fully?
Or worse, we can feel, see, taste and almost touch what is meant to come next and yet we are frozen in place by something, a block.
At the Dream and Vision Workshop I led two weeks ago, what we discovered in the room is that everyone knows the very next step they need to take on their journey but few take it because they aren’t sure what comes after that first step.
We are like Indiana Jones in that scene where he needs to walk across the invisible bridge and the next step only appears when he puts his foot down – that requires some serious COURAGE!
In the two weeks since the Dream and Vision workshop I’ve received lots of stories of how our attendees found that courage and the magic that happened as a result. If you’ve been struggling to find your courage to take the next step I bet you’ll find inspiration in these stories…
1.Don’t let money be your reason for not starting.
One attendee received and accepted the message that she needed to invest in body care in order to be ready to deliver her gifts fully to the world. It felt hard investing that much money in something that didn’t directly create income for her family but before she left she agreed to do it.
When she got home she found $1000 waiting for her, a gift from a neighbor who sold his house in part because of a lead she gave him.
Money is easy peasy for the Divine so don’t even begin to believe She’d let that get in your way.
2. Give yourself permission to be satisfied.
One woman wrote me after the workshop to say “thank you for helping me understand that I have accomplished everything that was important to me. I have loved and cared for the people around me and that has always been my purpose. Now is the time for me to focus on myself.”
I think this story was the most transformative for me because as I read her words I realized how much I have already done in my life that is good and true to who I am. As a self-help junkie I’m always looking for what to improve, grow and fix. This woman reminded me to truly appreciate what I’ve already done. It is that state of appreciation that attracts even more to appreciate!
3. Release what no longer works to make room for what is coming.
One of the attendees struggled with whether to release a part of her business. It didn’t feel like a fit anymore but it was a source of income. Ultimately, she did find the courage to remove that service from her website. When she returned home that night she found that OUT OF THE BLUE two new clients had joined the part of her business she wanted to grow.
It’s so easy to say “I’ll release x when something better comes along” but in order for something better to come along we have to make space for it.
and finally my own story…
4. Ask for help.
I’ll admit I’ve gotten spoiled. For the last two years when I’ve launched ticket sales my events have sold out pretty easily. I KNEW the Dream and Vision workshop would do even better because it was fueled with a major dash of Divine Inspiration.
Except I was wrong. I opened ticket sales and only a few people registered.
I was considering cancelling the event when a colleague I respect very much said “Oh no, you will not! The people that purchased your ticket need what you have to offer. You need to trust the Divine’s Plan.” Her words had the power to shift my mindset from “how do I protect myself from this failure” to “how do I make this succeed?”
That shift led me to write an honest email to my list, sharing that ticket sales were slow and asking for help getting the word out on the event. My ego screamed, begged and pleaded with me not to send it. “What will people think?” my ego asked. My soul ignored the ego and sent the email anyway and the coolest thing happened:
One hour after I wrote the email (days before the email was scheduled to go out to my list) four ticket sales came in. Over that weekend (before the email actually went out to my list) most of the tickets to the event sold.
The energy of asking for help created its own magic and miracles.
And what was so beautiful and amazing was that after the email did get delivered, so much love and support flooded back from all of you that I was reminded once again that I am SO NOT IN THIS ALONE!
Whatever you are doing, I promise you that you are not meant to do it alone. Ask for help. It is not just the actual asking, but the energy of the ask that allows in Divine assistance in really BIG ways.
I love you. I mean that. You are the reason I can do this and I am so freakin grateful to be in this with you.
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