I don’t know about you, but the type of communication I’m seeing on social media and in mainstream media is making my heart hurt. Everyone seems to be shouting at each other. And even when I’m not taking in the media, I can still feel it in the air. For us light workers (sensitives, empath, […]
Enough! WE are the solution!
Today I’m going a bit out of character and bringing a little anger to this message because… I’m angry. I’m angry at myself. And I’m angry with the way things are going right now. I just read a horrific story on Facebook. It made my insides roil and my heart cry. It was about violence […]
Lessons in Courage and Dreaming
I think many of us hang out in the angsty space of BECOMING. We wonder are we doing ENOUGH, being ENOUGH. Are we living our purpose fully? Or worse, we can feel, see, taste and almost touch what is meant to come next and yet we are frozen in place by something, a block. At […]