Joining Patty is an internationally acclaimed and award-winning online marketer, 3x best-selling author, top podcaster, and speaker Scott Aaron. He is the go-to specialist when it comes to converting traffic, establishing connections, generating leads, creating sales, and building personal brands all using LinkedIn. Fully immersing himself in learning LinkedIn and social media strategies, Scott quickly […]
Jesus said what ?!!!
The other day I was out walking, upset about a minor offense that felt really really big. Almost immediately I felt Jesus by my side. Jesus showing up is not a regular occurrence for me. Despite being raised Catholic, Jesus has never been one of my “go-to” guys. The first thing He did was challenge […]
Confession: I slept with the UPS man
I have a confession. I slept with our UPS man. It was years ago but its a memory as clear to me today as it was 6 years ago when it happened. I’ve always had a thing for guys in uniform so that may be part of the reason. I loved my husband at […]
Daisy Chronicles: The Birthday Fight
In May 2017 I began finding daisies sprinkled throughout our property, daisies we did not plant. They were my mom’s favorite flower. I think she left them for me to remind me of the journey we took together, especially the lessons learned through her cancer and death. I’m sharing them now in the posts labeled […]
I want to be a Badass Caterpillar
Whenever I move through a period of transition I become slightly obsessed with the butterfly metamorphosis. I look at pictures of butterflies. (Especially the ones that show a butterfly emerging from the cocoon). I talk about butterflies (as in this blog). I read about the caterpillar-to- butterfly metamorphosis. All. The. Time. I especially like to focus on […]