At the cusp of a new year I take stock of all the gifts the passing year has brought me… the building blocks of this new year. Hands down at the top of the list of “Gifts of 2014” is the acceptance of jealousy.
In the past I always thought less of myself when I felt jealous. If a swell of jealousy filled my gut and seeped into my heart I’d quickly hit the reprogram button and whisper all kinds of affirmations into my soul. Trying like hell to be not jealous.
This process might seem like textbook zen, but there was no escaping that trying to feel good on the back of a wave of jealousy was HARD. The affirmations (aka reprograming) didn’t feel easeful. It didn’t feel productive. It was exhausting.
At some point in 2014 my snarky inner voice said “Screw this!’
I decided if I felt jealous I was just going to stay with it. And I did.
I didn’t run. I didn’t fight it. I just let it flow in all its envy-green glory.
And something miraculous happened…
It turns out that when jealousy is allowed to move freely through the body it transforms pretty quickly into LOVE. Love for self and love for the person that inspires jealousy.
Inside that jealousy-induced love the person that makes you green with envy can inspire you to create change, go bigger, own your power.
For example, I was surprised to find out that the mom that is soooo much more involved in her kids homework and after school activities didn’t exist simply to make me feel bad about my own mothering. She was actually just helping me see that I wanted to be more involved in my kids homework and after school activities too. And now that I’ve created that space for my kids I really like her.
Jealousy can transform competition into inspiration!
Jealousy is simply an alert system from your soul. It tells you there is something you’re reaching for but some teeny tiny part of your brain doesn’t think you can achieve it. Jealousy points you to exactly where your unconscious bullsh*t is keeping you small. And bringing that crap into consciousness creates a whole lot of inner power!
Through jealousy I’ve been inspired to create more income, be kinder and create space for the people I love most.
and I stopped beating myself up for feeling jealous.
As you reach for a bigger, better 2015 what would happen if you used jealousy to inspire you?
I am still amazed that with all I know and all the “work” I’ve done on myself that I need to learn again and again that all parts of me are sacred. The jealousy, the anger, the rage, the tears are just as sacred as the joy, the gratitude, the love, the grace and the smiles.
What about you? Is there some emotion you’re ashamed of? Some part of you that you are trying to change? What miracles are waiting on the other side of you recognizing once and for all that everything that is YOU is sacred and beautiful?
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