Last year I joined an amazing network of Women Entrepreneurs, Savor the Success. Surrounding myself with smart, balanced and talented women is one of the things I do to care for myself. So naturally, I was interested to hear how these same smart, balanced, talented women stay balanced as moms during the holidays and here […]
It Takes a Village – Q&A with Savvy Auntie
It is hard to move ourselves up on our Holiday To Do lists if we try to do everything ourselves. A recent situation caused me to seek out America’s Savvy Auntie, Melanie Notkin for help… Q: The other day one of my children’s favorite aunties offered to help me do some of the Christmas shopping. […]
Ambiguous Merriment
By MGAL Guest Dina Ferrante There are two main ideas that have been swirling around in my busy brain since the day after Halloween when the holidays were gently nudged down my throat. Merriment & Ambiguity…or could be expressed as…Celebration & Uncertainty or maybe even Joy & Utter Confusion. What a conundrum. The merriment, celebration, […]
Next Year Will Be Different
I love, love, LOVE Christmas. When I was pregnant with my first born, Little M, I had visions of how magical Christmas would now be with children of my own. I was viciously ill with morning sickness at the time so I just thought: “Next year will be different.” The following year I had an […]
Did You Invite a Coyote for Christmas?
Life Coach Patty Lennon describes the Coyote Spirit and urges readers to embrace that which cannot be controlled.