Last night I was watching Robin Roberts on Oprah’s Master Class. She has walked a pretty tough road at times. Her attitude and wisdom is inspiring.
During the interview she talked about the story of the butterfly. I hadn’t heard it before and as an inspirational-fable-junky that is surprising. It touched me at a deep level.
Whether you are struggling or having trouble watching someone struggle I bet this will hold some meaning for you too. This is a direct excerpt from Robert’s book:
I was struck by how frequently in life we are tested by adversity. If we allow ourselves to use it as a lesson and a path forward, we can emerge from our pain on the other side, stronger and more alive than before. One of my favorite stories tells of a butterfly’s cocoon. Someone sees the movement of the butterfly pressing against the wall of the cocoon, and they think they’ll help it along and just cut a little hole in the cocoon so the butterfly can come on out with ease. But the butterfly dies soon after. There’s a reason why it’s beating its wings against the wall of the cocoon – to make it stronger. That’s the way I like to think about the trials we go through. They’re meant to make us stronger.
From the Heart: Eight Rules to Live By by Robin Roberts
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