My husband is married to an entrepreneur. Poor guy. It is not what he signed up for. 15 years ago today we were married and at that time I was a VP in a bank and a darling climbing the corporate ladder.
He thought he got a corporate gal.
But somewhere along the way I became an entrepreneur. When I wanted to start my masters in psychology he said “Go for it!”
When I wanted to invest another $6000 in a coaching certification program he said “Go for it!”
When I decided I would take the package my bank was offering me and start a coaching business he said “Go for it!”
I know that kind of support isn’t always the norm and I am grateful. If you had traveled back in time 15 years ago and asked that girl in the white dress if she expected her husband to give her that kind of support she would have said “Absolutely!” because that is who we signed up to be for each other.
But starting my business was never the hard part. That was the exciting-scary-fun time.
What came since then were some high highs and some low lows. My husband has celebrated those highs. More importantly he has sat with me in the lows, telling me over and over again how good and valuable I am until I start to believe again it just might be true.
If you had asked me 15 years ago if my husband would show up this way for me I would have said absolutely. He is just that good. The part I’d have struggled to understand 15 years ago is that I would have ever needed this kind of support.
Well it turns out I did and I’m so grateful that guy next to me said “yes” 15 years ago.
Happy Anniversary to the best spouse-of-an-entrepreneur a gal could have!
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