This last week I spent a lot of time lying next to my daughter. She came down with one of those viruses floating around. She doesn’t want to talk, eat, drink or be touched. She’s a good patient and asks very little. She likes me around, so I stay close.
As I lie there with my little one, quiet and still, I was thinking about money and wealth, which probably sounds really weird so let me explain…
Inside The Collective our focus is on money and wealth this month. The conversations we’ve had on coaching calls and in our Facebook group are focused on the way you can let in abundance (or resist it) with thoughts, words and actions.
Appreciation is the key to allowing in what we desire. So as I lie there with my little one I consciously chose to feel the wealth in our moments together:
- The wealth of time that I have to spend with her.
- The freedom to take that time and dedicate it to her.
- The sweetness of my daughter’s soul. She is a gentle being. She is my teacher in so many ways as she navigates this wicked little bug she’s got. She is patient with her body. Not demanding it be something it is not ready to be.
- The wealth of the love I feel for her. The pure joy of getting to be her mother.
There was a time in my life when all of this would have eluded me. I would have wanted the sickness to be over. For normal to return. I would have squeezed work into the cracks never really slowing down long enough to just “be” in this moment.
The quality of “money” wealth is the same as “time” wealth and “relationship” wealth. When we allow in wealth in all its colors it multiplies.
We always have access to wealth and when we play in a wealth mindset, wealth naturally grows.
As I watch the women in The Collective play with their wealth thoughts … and watch as more “money” wealth pours into their lives I am reminded how powerful we each are.
If increased wealth is something you desire I encourage you to find the wealth that already surrounds you. Wealth in all its forms attracts wealth.
And in case you need to hear it, let me remind you of a few things:
Yes, you do deserve great wealth.
Yes, you are already enough.
No, there is nothing more you need to “do” to be worthy of the wealth that awaits you.
Yes, you are loved. Deeply. Truly. Boundlessly.
In love and light,
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