A few months ago I saw a Facebook post from my friend Jeannie Spiro. She was talking about a transformation she underwent during the pandemic. She slowed down, lost weight and rearranged her priorities completely.
There was a look in her eyes I recognized and was a little jealous of. Where isolation had taken a bit of the stuffing out of me, Jeannie had come alive in a new way – her eyes had a story to tell.
I invited her on the Space for Magic podcast to share what happened. As she describes it, after a great 2019 and a successful live event that happened just as we went into isolation, she knew something needed to change. Outer success was not matching how she felt inside – she was depleted.
Jeannie shares how she asked the Universe for help, a new way to approach her business and her life. Answers showed up, and she began losing weight, and everything else shifted too!
“In order to make a change, I needed to shift everything as a whole”
Two big questions she asked herself “what do I need to change to live well and what’s possible?”
To hear more of the interview and dip into Jeannie’s a-ha’s and wisdom listen here: (link to my podcast.
This is a 2 part interview so once you finish this interview you can follow me over to Jeannie’s podcast here to finish the rest of the story: https://jeanniespiro.com/episodes/making-space-for-magic-with-patty-lennon-part-2/
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