I’m often asked why the clients I work with are so successful at achieving their goals. Do I have some secret formula? Well, I do have a formula but it is not so secret.
How does a client go from sitting on a $1,000,000 property for a year in the “worst real estate market ever” to having two cash offers in a single week?
How does a person go from being ready to quit her job because she is treated so badly to being sought out by her boss and co-workers on how to make things “right” in the office almost overnight?
How does someone who is struggling financially find that her wish has been granted and her daughter’s college education costs are covered completely?
The answer is simple. Each one of these very real clients finally said “Enough.” Enough of the bullsh*t! Enough of the limiting beliefs! Enough of playing small!
It really is that simple. I may be particularly talented at leading people to their “enough” moment but it is that one word that holds all the magic. If you can get there, the road ahead of you holds nothing but beautiful, magical, fantastical freedom.
But be warned! – Once you have your “enough” moment, you have conjured a full team of fairies, angels and pixie dust to guide you on your way. Get ready to fall in love with the reality of your own magic!
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