This is an open letter I wrote to my clients today but it could be applied on any day to any of the many amazing people I work with. On days when I could fall short of the mark for myself, I don’t because of my clients. So…
Dear Clients,
Thank you for being part of my life. If it weren’t for you I would have had a very different 24 hours.
Last night I was so weary and heartsick from what I saw in my Facebook feed that everything in me wanted to grab a glass of wine and watch “This is Now” even though I know I need to be in bed reading by 9:30 to be my best self for you.
And this morning when I realized we ran out of coffee I thought about getting the kids off to school then, skipping the gym and heading to my favorite coffee shop for some caffeine and a giant bacon, egg and cheese.
I wanted that so bad but I knew what I’d feel like by the time my first call happened.
So instead I sucked down my protein shake and headed to the gym. I got coffee on the way home (that was for you and for me) but I resisted the siren-song of the bacon once again.
And right now as I chill out and wait for our next call I’m going to eat a nice protein filled salad and take a bath. (even though a part of me is saying a large piece of chocolate would be so lovely right now.)
Thank you my loves. Some days when I can’t show up for myself the way I know I should, I will show up that way anyway because of you. You make me better and I truly truly love you for it.
Thanks for being here and reading my message. I want you to stay connected with me so that I can share all future communications with you.
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