Now that we’ve moved into our new home we are adjusting to the changes that come with a big move. One of those changes is that we are officially “in the country” (or so I’ve been told.) And being in the country means we have mice that will try to visit.
The other night we heard the scritch-scratch of a mouse in the wall. My husband was immediately “on it.” He was setting traps, studying mouse entry points etc etc. When I started to laugh at his fervor he looked shocked.
He had a right to be. When we first met I was living in an apartment and went crazy over a mouse that had gotten into my dwelling. To say I was obsessed would be an understatement. I had him hunting the poor little guy day and night. I didn’t want to stay in the apartment. I couldn’t sleep and had gotten twitchy every time I saw a sudden movement.
I felt threatened. I wanted someone else to make the problem go away.
So fast forward 15 years my husband wanted to know what had changed. My answer was simple: everything.
I could write pages about those changes but in big picture terms I’ve come to see that everything that arrives in our life has a purpose. Mice, for example, remind us not to get focused on little problems. And having just moved I have been focused on little problems (like where is the freakin toaster?!!!)
I thanked our visitor for the message to think “bigger” and have taken it to heart.
Years ago I didn’t have that deep connection to self and Source and an understanding that we are all connected. As a result fear (or anger) was my go to response for things I didn’t like or couldn’t control (like mice, weather patterns, traffic – you get the point.)
I see this same fear of the unknown paralyze my clients all the time, especially around sales and marketing. In the early stages of entrepreneurship sales and marketing feels strange. We don’t understand it. We don’t know how to create predictable, desirable outcomes and it creates fear and anger. This used to happen to me, as well.
When I first started out I thought if God wanted me to do my work in the world, She would take care of the sales and marketing. When it didn’t seem like that was the case I got pissed (because I was scared.) Why wasn’t God making sales easier for me?!!!
I felt threatened. I wanted someone else to make the problem go away.
Fast forward six years and I now love and honor my relationship to sales and marketing. So what’s changed?
I came to understand that sales and marketing (and more importantly my relationship to sales and marketing) shows me how I’m doing in honoring my worth, asking for what I desire, receiving and allowing. Learning to sell and market in a way that works for my soul has been a beautiful teacher.
I’ve learned entrepreneurship is a spiritual process and so anything that shows up with it is part of this sacred path. Of course God could do my marketing and sales for me (and She has been known to present some pretty rock star miracles in that department), but She wants me to honor my worth, ask for what I desire, receive, allow etc etc.… and She knows if She does it for me I’ll never learn how to do it for myself.
I’ve gotten pretty good at marketing and sales and I must say it is fun! I’m so glad She let me figure this out on my own!
If you’d like to embrace Sales and Marketing as a sacred process that you do joyfully and easily I’ll be sharing more about what I’ve learned about walking your Sacred Money Path on a free call next week. You can join me by registering here: Sacred Money Path Training and I’ll send you all the deets.
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