My guest today is Terri Trespicio, brand advisor, a writer and a speaker-consultant. She has a TedX talk that just hit 4 million views! I was recently a speaker at one of Terri’s events and I’m going to share some of the great info I learned there as well.
Terri is also a standup comic, which is something I admire because she’s great at it and because it takes such courage to stand up in front of a crowd and make them laugh.
Here’s what we talked about:
- Why Terri is careful about who she works with. The price tag isn’t the factor that she uses when deciding what projects are a good fit.
- Why you need a signature (talk, approach, idea) and why most of us are afraid to take that step.
- What makes a speaker great – you won’t want to miss this.
- What mistakes even seasoned speakers make and how to avoid them.
- How to manage the 2 audiences you have when you are asked to speak at an event.
- What questions to ask an event organizer before you create your talk.
- How to be part of the 1% of speakers who will get invited back and get invites from your talks.
- When you get on the stage, it’s either about you or about them. How to make your one big idea resonate.
- How Terri got on the TedX stage. Hint: it was because of her idea – not because the organizer knew her (he didn’t) and because she was willing to show up and find the answers.
- Hear the insight that Seth Godin shared with Terri about success in your business. (It’s a game-changer)
- What saying no to work means to Terri. (This is a killer insight.)
Contact Terri:
Terri’s Business Insider Article
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