Where does it hurt?
Where does the pain of your challenge leave you feeling as if giving up seems like the much smarter option?
The reason I ask is that I reached a point about a month ago where I felt like giving up (again.). It doesn’t really matter what I was giving up on or why. The point is that we all reach that place. Over and over and over again.
And the reason we get to that “giving up” point is that we ignore the small aches along the way that tell us we need to slow down, revisit what is true, check in with our soul. We tolerate what doesn’t work for us in the hopes that our toleration will get us to the finish line
But tolerations only bring us weariness in the long run.
I’m not talking about doing something that scares you and at the same time takes you further down the road of your own soul’s path. That is not a toleration. That is good and admirable soul-evolving work.
I’m talking about putting up with stuff your soul keeps telling you is wrong for you.
Where has your soul put up caution tape that your ego-driven brain has ignored? Look at it. That caution tape is there for a reason. It’s meant to guide you in a direction that is right for you.
Are you struggling to hear your soul’s whispers? I know. At time our fear and overwhelm can shroud that beautiful navigational beacon we came with and it sucks.
I have found that silence and nature can be a great aid in creating the space to hear your soul once again. Clear your calendar, head out side and just sit. Meet your soul where it is and hear what she has to tell you.
It has your answers.
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