In this short and sweet episode, we’ll answer the question of identifying when to let go and when to push through. There are different signs that let us know what we have to do, and it’s just a matter of taking the time to see and recognize them.
“Just because you’re taking a little bit longer to accept the call of freedom in your life doesn’t mean that you’re doing something wrong. You’re on a journey.” -Patty Lennon
Maybe you already know what you have to do, but you’re just not quite ready to do it. You may need to practice the process or acquaint yourself with the thought. That’s a part of a process and one that you have to go through.
In this episode, we’ll help you answer:
- How do I recognize what I need to do?
- How can I make these difficult decisions?
- What should I do when I need help?
No matter what it is that you need to do, or the decisions you need to make, remember that letting go is a journey. Finding the strength to keep moving is a journey. No matter where you might be on this road, know that it’s okay. You’re okay where you are. So be kind to yourself and give yourself the space to go through your journey.
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Hey there magic maker. Are you ready to shake off the stuckness? We’ve all been in and fire up what’s waiting for you in the future? If so, I’d love for you to join me on my new event unleash your magic happening June 21, and 22nd virtually so you can join us from anywhere in the world. Go to forward slash unleash your magic and get your ticket today. Welcome to the speed through magic podcast where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to receiving all the gifts the universe has for us. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an X type a corporate banker turned intuitive coach, using a blend of common sense brain science and just a dash of magic. I’m here to help you create abundance in every area of your life, and business. Welcome.
Here, welcome to this episode of the space for magic Podcast. Today, I’m gonna keep this episode short and sweet. Because I think we need more of that right now. I think we need spaciousness. And in order to create that spaciousness, what we consume outside ourselves needs to be limited. You know, when I was planning this podcast, when we had planned the content calendar, the topic for today was when to let things go and when to push through. And this came up in relationship to questions I was getting in the receiving school about when do we know that this resistance we’re feeling is fear, and we really need to push through it. And when is it our soul telling us where we’ve done enough, and that we’re really supposed to surrender at this point, or that our highest path would be to surrender. And it can be difficult to discern those two situations, when fear is in the mix. And fear gets in the mix really quickly, when the people we love are involved with our choices, and are impacted by our choices when there’s money, or lack of money at risk. When our career and our our way of life are at risk, all those things make moving forward or knowing what’s meant to happen really confusing. From my really high level, if it feels like you’re pushing a boulder up a hill, then most likely you are meant to surrender. If it feels though, like you can’t tell if that’s what’s going on or not. What I guide people to do is look beyond this thing you’re going to push through you’re considering pushing through, you’re considering taking an action you’re considering finish something, when you think about getting to the other side of it. Does it feel like excitement? Or does it more feel like okay, well, at least it’s done and over with and I don’t have to think about it anymore. If you feel excitement, when you see yourself getting to the other side of it, the most likely it’s fear holding you back. But if it’s more like, well, at least if I get this done, I don’t have to think about it anymore, then that is typically a really good clue that you’re not supposed to move forward with it. I was speaking at a couple of conferences a little while ago, and the topic of procrastination came up and there was lots of takes on procrastination. I’m going to give you mine. Procrastination is your soul telling you one, this may not be your time or even if it is going to be your time soon to take action. That right now is not it. I don’t find that procrastination is really a sabotage. There’s a different quality to procrastination, there’s an expectation that is going to get done just not now. And if not now, then it’s not now. And it will be at some point. You know, I got this recording done late. So I don’t know if this is going to run when we’re expecting it to run on June 22. But if it is, then today when you’re listening to it as the anniversary of my mother’s death, and she’s been gone 11 years. And I’m noticing a lot of old grief around it coming up partially because my son just graduated high school that has its own grief and then that grief blends and touches on all the other unprocessed grief. My mom was my son’s person. So when, when she died early in his life, it really broke his heart. And I think it’s still, there’s some old feelings of resentment coming up in me that this is the way life works, right? That little beings can get attached to someone that loves them so much. And then that can be taken away. And so I’ve been thinking a lot about that journey, especially towards the ends of my mom’s life, she died from cancer. So it was a deterioration that happened before she exited the planet. And to a certain extent, I’m grateful for that, because it gave me time to say goodbye, my when my dad died, he had a heart attack in his sleep. So it was very sudden, although he was just on the cusp of 90, so I had a lot of good quality years with him. But that journey where that petering off, happened with my mom of her energy and her consciousness, it was almost like I moved in and out of the letting go. And sometimes, that’s what’s happening. When you keep trying to do something where you know, you’re meant to just let go. It’s you’re practicing at it. And it’s okay, that you’re not perfect. It’s okay, that you can’t quite get it right. And fully let go. It’s okay that fear still tethers you just a bit. You know, if this is running, when I expect it to run, we are just in the process of moving into day two of unleash your magic. And that is a two day event that I created, specifically, because from day one, I wanted people to have processes to release these tentacles of fear that are holding them back. Because on my own journey, I found without support, it’s really challenging to do that on your own. And so I tell you that because if you are not participating in that event, and you didn’t work with me on it, please go get some help. Find a healer, or work directly with your spirit team doesn’t mean you have to bring in another human but ask for some help letting go of fear, ask for some help. A couple of weeks ago on this podcast, I shared my prayer of light that I do in the morning. It’s a way I call it a lot help from my Spirit team. So if you need some help with that, go to forward slash prayer and you can download that it’s the privacy each morning. But what I most want you to understand is You’re amazing. You’re incredible. Just because it might take you a little bit longer to accept the call of freedom in your life doesn’t mean that you’re doing something wrong, you’re on a journey. And I want to remind you what, you know, when I do sessions, private sessions with people, especially people who have never really stepped a toe in the water of having an intuitive session. And so they might be hearing from a loved one for the very first time. When those loved ones come through the very first things they want you to know. And this is across the board, across the board. I’ve never not seen this happen. They want you to know that. They love you. And here’s the one I want you to hold on to. They are proud of you. They are proud of you because when you leave this plane, this earth plane, you will see how courageous and amazing and kind and loving and beautiful you were while you were on the earth plane and you will realize you’re much harder on yourself than you needed to be. And one thing that came up in my speaking engagements a couple of weeks ago because it was about burnout. And I was talking about how like in early life, sometimes our our caretakers can cause those patterns of behavior that caused us to keep going and going and going when we should be stopping. Well, those individuals will also say besides saying I love you and I’m proud of you, they will say I’m sorry. I’m sorry I gave you this. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this So just understand every being that’s not attached to this fear based or is plane, or this not fear based this plane where fear exists. Once they’re out of that dynamic they see so clearly your greatness and you will see it to have the courage to follow it. Follow freedom, follow love, follow light. Be true to yourself. I love you have a beautiful week and make space for magic. Hey, thanks for listening. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this episode with them. And if you’re feeling really generous, I’d love for you to leave us a review at your favorite podcast app. It helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy. When I hear what you have to say about what I’ve shared. I’m cheering for your success. Have an amazing day. And don’t forget, always create space for magic.
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