A few weeks ago James Franco launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund the film production of three stories from his book “Palo Alto.”
At its heart the story of WHY Mr. Franco is doing this has all the makings of a great campaign. Sadly, the campaign is not succeeding.
His Oz co-star, Zach Braff launched a campaign for similar reasons back in May and it received over $3 million in funding.
They both share notoriety, adoring fans, a good idea, a compelling “WHY” so how could they have such drastically different results? In this case the answer lies in the pitch video.
Great pitch videos have T.L.C.:
T – Make people Think and Touch their Heart
L – Make them Laugh
C – Make people Care and if you can make them Cry
Rather than breaking down for you what worked and what didn’t work in these videos I’m going to let you decide for yourself.
Watch each video here and here and take notes on what made you think, laugh or care. Also note when your attention drifts or you get bored (Ahem Mr. Franco!) and why.
Once you’re done I’d love for you to stop back here and leave a comment on what impressed you the most about either video. (And always feel free to mention your upcoming crowdfunding campaign!)
We learn from each other!
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