When I worked at The Bank, I was often referred to as lucky. Promotions, bonuses and awards seemed to land in my lap. At least that is what some of my peers thought.
The truth is I paid attention. I was always super clear what my bosses wanted and my focus was always pointed toward making the boss look good.
This wasn’t hard for me. I like pleasing people. I chose the people to please wisely. It seemed to work for my career.
I also thought very differently about my life then my peers. I didn’t much care if I lost my job. Ever. I liked my career a lot but it didn’t define me. Really what was the worst that could happen?
That attitude allowed me to take risks. I offered bold opinions that had merit. I refused projects that didn’t suit me. I gave up small dollar amounts in fees our clients owed to keep them happy even if it was against corporate policy. I was me.
As I speak with moms on a daily basis now I find that fear is permeating so many lives. I’ll admit I’ve felt the weight of fear a few times since I launched this new business. But that fear is what keeps all that “luck” from our lives.
I’ve found that even though I left The Bank the process to create “luck” hasn’t changed:
- Pay attention – opportunities are always present!
- Choose the people you please wisely – not everyone needs your time even if they tell you they do.
- Don’t let silly stuff like your home, clothes or money define you. Be really clear about what matters.
- Take risks! You are a mom. We are not dead. You don’t have to always play it safe. Take a risk. Even a small one!
- Be you. There is only one you. We need that YOU. YOU is lucky!
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