In this short and sweet episode, Patty talks about hibernation. With the Winter Solstice approaching the Northern Hemisphere, the season of hibernation is also approaching.
Hibernation could mean different things to different people, and it isn’t necessarily winter that always calls it forward. It could be brought after a period of big energy, or the completion of a project, or something else that brings the need to go inward, go quiet and replenish your energy. No matter what hibernation may look like for you, it’s a good and beautiful tool. It’s a wonderful way to create space for magic.
Patty also gives news about the podcast. Stay tuned to hear how The Space for Magic will take shape in the future.
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Whenever we create something, whether we’re talking about our children, or I should say, when we’re the channel of the creation, whether it’s a children or a book, or music or a project or a group that we put together. Once that happens, that creation then takes on its own soul, right? It has its own energy, and it has its own destiny. And as the steward of that creation, sometimes we want to, we want to control its destiny. But that’s not our job, right? We’re a channel we are not the owner of that creation, we’re the channel we’re the steward of that creation. Welcome to the space for magic podcast where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to receiving all the gifts the universe has for us. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an X type a corporate banker turned intuitive coach, using a blend of common sense brain science and just a dash of magic. I’m here to help you create abundance in every area of your life, and business. Welcome.
Hey, there, welcome to this episode of the space for magic podcast. I am your host, Patty Lennon. And today I want to talk to you about hibernation. Now, if you are in the southern hemisphere, you may not be feeling this for sure. As you’re entering the time of awakening, right, you are coming close to your summer solstice, those of us in the northern hemisphere are approaching our winter solstice. And I think there’s just such a cultural resistance to where nature calls us to during winter, which is to hibernate. Now, hibernation for different people means different things. And sometimes it’s not even the winter solstice that calls it forward, if we you have been in a period of big energy, whether that’s been good energy, or maybe difficult energy or transformative energy or whatever kind of energy, right? When there’s a lot moving, then there’s a need to go inward and a need to go quiet, just like farmers leave their fields fallow. So that they can replenish themselves, we need to do that for ourselves. And there’s lots of different aspects, we can do that, you know, if we’ve been out and we’ve been engaging in a lot of energy with other people, whether you’re an extrovert, certainly, if you’re an introvert, you need to go inward and replenish that energy. If you have just completed a big creative project, you’ve created a lot of new ideas, then the need to not create for a period of time to let that creative well refill itself, or maybe to engage in creativity in a receptive manner where you’re taking in art or taking in movies or music so that you’re essentially still engaging in creative pursuits. But from an of receptivity standpoint, and not from a, like actually producing the creativity. If you run a marathon, then after that marathon, I would imagine I don’t know because I don’t run marathons, there’s a need to, you know, let your body recover from that really harsh training. And so, really winter does call us to that. And sometimes it’s a spiritual hibernation, right? Where maybe if we’ve been doing a lot of quote unquote, work on ourselves, we need to just stop right and just be in relationship to the Divine be in relation to the universe without sort of managing that relationship. Or if you’ve been doing EFT tapping, you know, Victoria Cryder, who I’ve had here as a guest, who is my personal tapping therapists will say, you know, you’re not meant to be doing it all the time. There’s a need to pause a need to take an opportunity to let the healing catch up, like all the healing work, catch up and land. So it’s with that in that spirit that I will be taking a small hibernation in this podcast. And what I mean by that is, we will be running episodes over the next period of weeks. I don’t want to tell you exactly how many weeks it’s going to be because I want to give it some time and space. So we’ll be running old episodes that were favorites during this hibernation period where I have a time to go inward and really feel where this podcast wants to go. Where does it want to experience new growth and new life, is it a type of guest? Is it a type of content? Is it maybe seasonal content or episode content where, you know, we explore a topic for three or four episodes at a time, I have lots of ideas. But what I’ve realized is we’ve been going straight for five years, which is amazing. And this podcast has essentially rebirthed itself, I would say twice. But there’s a time now, for me to just let it have a little time and space to let me see what it wants to show me. And what I mean by that, if you’re not clear is that whenever we create something, whether we’re talking about our children, or I should say, when we’re the channel of the creation, whether it’s a children, or a book, or music, or a project, or a group that we put together. Once that happens, that creation then takes on its own soul, right? It has its own energy, and it has its own destiny. And as the steward of that creation, sometimes we want to, we want to control its destiny. But that’s not our job, right? We’re a channel, we are not the owner of that creation, where the channel, we’re the steward of that creation. And as the steward of this podcast, I want to give it a chance to tell me what it wants for its next best life. So for now, I just want to leave you with the idea that hibernation is a good and beautiful tool. It’s a wonderful way to create space for magic, I would say at its purest version, it is essentially making space for magic because it’s pulling yourself out of the mix, and allowing all this space for the universe for the divine to come in and inspire and empower and infuse with light and love something that the divine loves, right? Every creation the divine loves. So I wish you a wonderful hibernation period. And certainly if you’re in the southern hemisphere, and this doesn’t appeal to you, then I wish you a beautiful bright period, right? A coming alive period. If that is what you’re ready for. Either way, I encourage you to trust what your body what your soul what your mind, all your body’s energetic bodies need right now. And just give it a scan and see is hibernation something I need? And if it is, it’s something that I’m calling for. How do I make that happen? I send you so much love. And I wish you a beautiful Solstice, wherever you are in the world. Remember, make space for magic. And I’ll be back soon. Hey, thanks for listening. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this episode with them. And if you’re feeling really generous, I’d love for you to leave us a review at your favorite podcast app. It helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy. When I hear what you have to say about what I’ve shared. I’m cheering for your success. Have an amazing day. And don’t forget, always create space for magic.
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