Today Patty talks about the “compare and despair” syndrome. It impacts and affects all of us; heart-centered entrepreneurs most of all.
We are relational beings. Comparison isn’t inherently a bad thing. Learning from others is part of life. Modeling what someone else has done can be an effective strategy.
Where we get into trouble is seeing someone else who (we think) has done something better, faster or more successfully. We take our soul out of the equation.
Patty shares a personal story about how this has shown up in her life. When we compare, we lose track of the fact that the divine has a plan. Your journey isn’t going to be like anyone else’s journey.
What if the struggle is divinely blessed? What if it’s a sign that it’s time to make a shift or get back in touch with your soul?
Patty shares 3 key steps to getting out of the compare and despair cycle and turning that focus on what’s going to be most helpful in this moment.
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