Bring up the word “niche” in a group of purpose-driven entrepreneurs and you are likely to hear groans and growls. Niche-ing feels limiting for many.
You are a lightworker, a healer, a magician! You can help anyone, right?
Well not quite. You may be able to serve many but that isn’t your purpose. You have come to this planet at this particular moment in time to serve a specific group of people and getting clear on that powers up your mission and it fuels your sales.
Here is why:
When you are clear about whom you are here to serve and you can express that in a few words you make it much easier for other people to connect you to your people.
For example, just last night I met Clare, a financial coach. I’ve already referred her one client and will likely refer her more because she was quickly able to identify her niche.
I meet plenty of financial coaches and I have strong respect for what they do but very few get referrals from me. Its not because I don’t want to refer them business I just can’t think of anyone off the top of my head that needs them.
Clare transformed our simple conversation into a powerful referral opportunity by describing her niche.
She told me she focuses specifically on helping engaged couples get their financial ducks in a row so they can head off into wedded bliss with a clear understanding on how each handles money and what they want for their financial future.
I just happened to know someone who expressed this very need. They connected today. Clare’s specificity made that happen.
Your niche is not your enemy. It’s your friend. It announces your brilliance to the world in a clear, concise way.
So what about you? Are you ready to announce your niche to the world?
If you struggle with identifying your niche, check out my Intuitive One Page Business Plan Program. In the very first module I’ll hold your hand as you easily uncover your ideal client. Your answers will emerge intuitively so there will be no guessing as to whether this is right for you. You’ll KNOW it! To learn more visit:
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