I have seen Patty speak several times to hundreds of women and I can't say enough about her incredible prowess of the business world and how we can make heart centered income! She is motivational to the core with witty prose to keep everyone's attention - and she deeply resonates with women of all types and ages...you can see it on their faces when she speaks.
Judy Goss, Founder Over 40 Females
Seeing Patty speak is like watching the Macy's Fourth of July fireworks. She's bright, sparks self-awareness and lights up faces.
She is a truth-speaking, no-excuse-making, tell-it-like-it-is speaker who entertains - while inspiring and teaching her audiences.
Carolyn Herfurth, Founder The Biz Truth
An enthusiastic and generous speaker, Patty is a delight. I’ve heard her speak a few times, and her realness sets her apart. Patty genuinely wants others to understand her message, and she connects quickly and easily with her audiences, no matter how large. She’s speaks TO people—not AT them, and leaves others feeling that they are a valued just by being there. She would be a great addition to any conference or workshop.
Susan Tabor-Kleiman, Founder Your Professional Writer
I love hearing Patty talk about crowdfunding, she delivers a wealth of knowledge in a fun and exciting way. If you don't have a chance to see her in person her book "The Crowdfunding book" is the next best thing. It provides a step-by-step guide that ever campaign manager should follow if they want to succeed.
Alex Feldman, CEO and Founder CrowdsUnite
Patty always rocks my world. Within ten minutes of talking with her about my upcoming webinar, she helped me with the language for how to structure a comfortable seeding...with it being natural, (no ick!) and authentic. I can't wait to implement her ideas! Thanks Patty! xx
Teri Goetz, Founder, Goetz Center for Wellness
Patty's perspective and insight have been invaluable in helping me to create the company I want to run and the life I want to live every day. She knows women have more options in work and in life than ever before, and her passion for helping women build their own success truly shines through. I recommend her to anyone who's ready to create a life she loves!
Kate Fitzpatrick, CEO & Founder at Kate Fitzpatrick Consulting; Wellness Advocate, doTERRA
“Patty is a master at hearing what is not being said and is expertly able to pick up tiny threads of important connections from session to session. I burst with excitement and anticipation before every call because I know GREAT THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN! She’s fantastically gifted, refreshingly authentic and powerfully transformative! I’m so thankful that I have her.”
Lynn Trotta, Nature Based Life Coach
Patty has the power to tap into exactly what you need to hear to move forward. Patty transforms with her brilliant - soulful "zingers" she dishes out like it's nothing....like anyone could say that...and yet I've never heard anyone else get to the heart of the matter with such light and practicality and just logical wisdom encased in completely unique phrasing as she does. Working with Patty is like nothing I’ve experienced before.
Paige Nolan, Founder Paige Nolan Coaching
Patty is brilliant at showing others how to blend intuition with get-it-done strategy. What people love most about Patty is her wicked smarts, searing ability to see the truth, and witty sense of humor.
In short, Patty = magic business dust!
Angela Jia Kim, Founder Lifestyle Brands
Wow! I have looked for a coach to really help me get out of my own way and help guide me into a passion filled life. Patty has done this for me. I have had a ridiculous amount of mind blowing moments on our calls and through emails. Her intuitive sense is spot on and is what I need to further my business and my LIFE.
Nel Shelby, Founder Nel Shelby Productions