Are you a good storyteller?
The way you tell your story matters.
The manner in which you describe your life to yourself and others impacts how you feel and what happens next.
What you choose to notice in your life and what gets top billing when you speak about your life advises the Universe what you care about.
For instance…
I’m sitting on my porch as I write this. The sun is shining. I’m loving that the grass is deep green from all the rain we’ve had lately and the birds are singing. I’m typing on my MacBook and love the flexibility this little gal gives me! I feel completely free! The kids are going to be excited to finally spend some quality time at the park after school today!
I could also tell you
I’m trying to get some work done on my computer but the fire engines that are so close by keep distracting me. And now that I look at my planters I see they really need some work – ughhh – one more thing to do! Kids will be home in a few hours and goodbye freedom. How in the world am I possible going to meet all my deadlines today?
Both these versions are technically true.
The first one felt great to tell. The second made my body tighten. The first story puts me in a place where I take action from a place of freedom and personal power. The second story sets me up to stressed and anxious – Yuck!
Those emotions and the actions that follow those emotions also send a signal to the Universe to send me more people, places and things that will continue to make me feel that way.
See how important storytelling is!
Our stories are the only way we have of controlling our outer reality. We can’t control what goes on around us but we can control what we choose to focus on. That focus is the key to getting in the flow. Just keep looking at all the right that is going on and more right will flow your way.
Don’t believe me? Try it out! Take a pitiful story you’ve been hanging onto and transform it. Make it the most glorious fairytale known to woman and go shout it from the rooftops. See what changes!
I dare you!
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