Five years ago, I “met” my Spirit Teachers. These were three Light Beings assigned to guide me in my work. I was introduced to them through a Shamanic practice, guided by my mentor at the time. It was such a comfort to receive validation that there were Teachers in the Spirit world responsible for helping me along my path.
Over the years, two of the three have communicated with me easily. But the third, Joseph of Arimathea, has rarely shown himself.
Each morning, I say my prayers, call in help, and offer thanks to my entire team—including these Teachers. But a couple of weeks ago, I realized that when I spoke to Joseph, it felt like I was speaking into the void. I decided to do something about it.
I said, “Joseph, I legitimately believed you were assigned to help me. But at this point, I’m starting to think I made this up. So, if you are really one of my teachers, send me a sign. Send me a… hippo.”
I don’t know why I picked a hippo—it was just what popped into my head. It seemed like a good balance between unusual enough to stand out but not so absurd as to feel impossible.
Anyway, about five days passed… no hippo. I was sooooo disappointed.
By day seven, I decided to “set Joseph free.” Before I said my morning prayers, I said, “Joseph, your silence is deafening. I’ll no longer reach for your help. But on the chance you are there… at this point, I’ll need to see a dancing hippo.”
(ahhhh – the old “one foot in one foot out” dance – you know it right?)
As I spoke my prayers, not speaking Joseph’s name gave me all kinds of feelings. What if I was wrong? What if I offended him? But also… it felt a little easier. It’s hard to keep talking into the void.
Later that night, a friend sent me a reel.
You probably know where this is going.
No, that reel did not contain a dancing hippo. But the reel that came on right after it did.
The next day, I was led to get a book from the library. And throughout the book, the main character just kept going on and on about hippos.
Needless to say, I’m back to asking Joseph for help.
When I told this story to a friend the other day (mostly to amuse her), she said something that stuck with me: “This helps so much because I always assume doubt isn’t a big issue for you.”
Here’s the truth: I spend about 20–40% of my time in full faith, directly connected to Spirit. The other 60–80%? Wobbly.
But here’s what I want you to know: Do not judge your wobble.
Doubt is the very ingredient Spirit uses to strengthen your faith. Your wobble feels like your weakness, but it is the exact place where miracles are forming.
I am wishing you many miracles,
P.S. Forecast Your Future begins on Monday. One of my main goals in offering this 5 day program is to help you strengthen your faith in your own Spirit Connection. And if you wobble – I’ll be there to help! You can learn more and purchase your ticket here:
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