I spent a good part of yesterday (Sunday) working. That is fairly unusual for me but I had some personal deadlines I needed to meet.
I got home in time to help with bedtime. As I lay with my four year old, Little K, she put two hands around my head, pulled me in close and gave me a big kiss. Then she pulled away and just stared at me.
It is the way she looks at me when she’s missed me.
In the past I would have let that fill me with guilt. But I’ve learned to get clear on why I spend my time where I spend it. Although I wanted to spend time with my family, working on this particular day served a higher purpose for all of us.
Instead of wallowing in guilt I took in the beauty of Little K’s face. I accepted the love she felt for me. The same love that made her miss me.
I was present with her. All of me was there and I know she felt it. None of me was floating around guilty-mom-land. And that made the moment simply delicious.
Creating a shift in motherhood is less about big changes in action and more about shifts that take place in small moments.
Small moments build on themselves.
Small moments have the power to create big happy.
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