We’ve all heard that thoughts create things and that we attract more when we are in a
state of appreciation.
Recently someone asked how can I accept and appreciate things when I don’t have
what I need; when times are difficult.
Patty shares how accepting and appreciating are different and why they can both be
helpful to us.
If things aren’t how you’d like them to be, this episode will help you uncover the
compassion and gratitude that you have for your life. You will also get a better
understanding of how to accept what’s present, even if it’s not what you expected or
One of the best ways to gain perspective comes from great advice from Mr. Rogers.
When things go wrong – look for the helpers.
“Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Fred Rogers
Patty shares a question prompt that will help you gain perspective and see things in a
new light.
She also shares a to-do prompt that puts appreciation into action.
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