Today Patty is breaking down and answering the question “How do I know what I’m being guided to do?” She shares her own journey, and gives herself as an example, all with the goal of helping you go through a time of so many shifts and changes.
While we may be full of uncertainties, doubts, and fear, this episode will guide you through what those mean, and what to do when you feel them.
“Most of the pain, discomfort, and suffering we get when something uncomfortable is happening has to do with our mind fighting it.” -Patty Lennon
To receive guidance and be able to understand it, here are three things you should do:
- Ask for guidance and be ready to receive it.
- Expect to receive and pay attention to the signs.
- Work on your own intuitive communication.
“You may not always know for sure that you’re going in the right direction, but if you’re going on the wrong direction, it’s going to be really obvious.” -Patty Lennon
In the middle of this time of uncertainty, it’s crucial to place your trust in your inner knowing and follow its lead. Embrace the entire journey – the beautiful and the challenging – and trust that every place you are being led to is in service to you and is a part of your growth.
As we conclude this episode and go on a temporary pause, remember to make space for magic.
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Patty 0:04
Welcome to the space for magic podcast where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to receiving all the gifts the universe has for us. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an ex type a corporate banker turned intuitive coach, using a blend of common sense brain science and just a dash of magic. I’m here to help you create abundance in every area of your life, and business. Welcome.
Patty 0:29
Hey there, and welcome to what is going to be the last podcast for a while. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. And as I’ve shared the last couple of episodes, I have been guided to put a number of things on hold, and put a number of things that I’m working on into a sabbatical phase so that I can myself be in a quieter place, a place of receiving guidance and downloads and healing. So as I’ve shared in the past episodes, you know, there’s energetic shifts happening in the world, they’re happening at global levels are happening at micro levels, they’re happening to you individually, they’re happening to communities, you belong in lots of disruption, and all for a higher purpose. And in the midst of that, you know, I am being guided to make some changes, as I’ve shared, and my guess is you are as well. And there’s a question that I’ve been getting, as I’ve been talking to people, especially in one to one conversations, curiosity about how do I know that I was meant to close my membership that I meant to put this podcast on hold and cancel speaking engagements, lots of things. And then there’s a whole bunch of other changes that I am not sharing here publicly that have to do with my personal life, because they involve other people. But don’t worry, there’s nothing like destructive happening, that I’m not sharing nothing like that. But there are people in my personal life who know more about those details. And they’re like, how do you know to do all these things? Like how are you sure. And the thing is, against a sure that I’m sure about anything right now. Because I think that feeling of sureness comes from your mind, our minds, my mind. And my mind has been fighting me every step of the way on these changes. In a lot of ways. I am dismantling much of what I have built over the last at least four years, if not longer. And I think in order for me to walk through how I’ve seen signs and how I’ve known the communication for what it is meaning divine communication, communication from my Spirit team and higher communication, I think I have to take a step back before the communication and the guidance came through. But all of this this episode, the goal for me is to share with you, hopefully helpful guidance and understanding and how you can recognize and follow the guidance that you’re getting right now. Because we are in a time where we are really being called internally to look for answers. It doesn’t mean you can’t learn from teachers or mentors or books or any other resources you find. But it’s important that while you’re receiving that guidance from outside of you, you’re checking in to make sure that what’s coming is in agreement with what’s inside of you. So you’re not overriding your instincts for what someone else is saying. And in that context, the more you look for your own soul to lead you the stronger your guidance from the universe from the Spirit team from the Divine is going to be So a while ago, and I can’t quite tell you when but at least a year but probably longer. I had started praying for limitations to me walking my highest path for those limitations to be removed. And that in my prayer and I’ve taught you know, this is the prayer of light I say every morning that I basically created as I went along and you can get that at forward slash prayer can download that prayer sage morning. I had started asking for you know Archangels Ascended Masters, my spirit team I individuals we’re team to all help me walk my highest path. And I pray that in earnest And it’s not that I thought I was walking a false path, you know, sometimes we just know like, we are way, like way off where we’re supposed to be. And that usually requires just a big courageous decision like leaving a relationship, leaving a job starting a job starting a relationship and shifting in big ways like that. But the harder place, I think, for most of us is when things are mostly working, but not quite right. Or things have shifted, and the things that used to work you’re trying to convince yourself are still working, and they’re not quite working. And we have free will. And so until we ask for help changing that, we will not get that guidance, unless it has to do with a soul contract. Where you know, something that is sort of a make or break for your life and now is something you would have decided at the soul level before you were born. In those cases, your spirit team is going to work really hard, you’ll still retain freewill, but they’re going to work overtime to get you where you want it to be as a soul. A lot of times it has to do with a move of relationship, work, or relationship to it can be to something non animate, like, you know your relationship to food, or drugs or alcohol or work or sex, you know, things that can lend themselves to addictions, let’s say and so all of those things, you might have a soul contract on in which case, the guidance will be a lot stronger. But then there’s things that are really left up to you, for you to choose how your life is gonna go. And these are all choices you wanted to have. Even though when we get here, we wish we had less choices we were so it would just tell us what to do. But I do believe that me asking for this help on a daily basis in earnest to walk my highest path is how I’ve ended up getting the intensity of the guidance I’m getting right now. There were also pieces of guidance that came
Patty 7:21
and the way that they came or disruptions in my life over the last year. And each of them individually felt very frustrating. But what I’ve since been told is that those disruptions came to slow me down. So it’s almost like I was moving so fast that if they tried to intercept my life, and redirect me, when I started asking for it, it would have just been like a crash and burn like they needed to do things that slowed me down. And those included having a medical issue that I need surgery for it had to do with an injury and my son had had to do with some disruptions with work. Anyway, all of that to say, the first amount of guidance you may be getting may not even be something you’re aware of. So if like shits been going wrong, it’s possible. That’s just a prelude. Like it’s possible it’s happening in service to you, in some way you’re not going to recognize in the moment, and I certainly didn’t. So I can now see it with hindsight that I couldn’t see it in the moment. But what did help was when things were kind of going not the way I want them to was to remind myself that things were happening for me and not to me, and to really lean into it, and accept it and surrender to it. That doesn’t mean when you say I know this is happening for me and not to me that’s meant to bypass spiritually bypass the pain you’re going through it means it gets you to kind of lean into the pain and receive the pain and the discomfort so that you can release it so that you can move forward because most of the pain and the discomfort and the suffering we get when something uncomfortable is happening has to do with our mind fighting it. And so learning how to surrender and that was the episode that we put out that I put out last week was about that. So you can listen to that if you think that’s where you’re at. Now, even when these difficult things were happening. There were signs that came in that told me I was being held and supported specifically from especially I should say from my parents. So both my mom and my dad who have passed have sent me specific signs. There is an abundance of them. There’s been an abundance of numbers showing up and when I was going Through the most intense period of the transition I’m in now where I was being asked to let go of a lot 777 and force, you know, sequences of four sevens were showing up and that the sevens are generally about a spiritual evolution. It’s not that it made it any less comfortable. But I could keep reminding myself, Okay, I’m being guided that this is part of a bigger ask this is part of a bigger plan, hang in there trust. I also want to say that when you’re being guided, if it feels really uncomfortable, where you’re being guided, just check in and see is the discomfort coming from your mind and from your fears. And if they are, then it’s good chance you are being guided, because your mind wouldn’t really get that upset about things that weren’t going to create massive change. And generally, those changes are long term for a higher purpose and for a better purpose. So, you know, that was a piece of the puzzle was that as I started to get these ideas in these downloads, they brought up fear. And then almost immediately alongside the fear, there were signs. And they weren’t direct signs, like do this. Yes, this is it. But it was they were signs that kind of were affirming that my angels were closer that my mom and my dad were closer, and if they’re that staying back close to me, it’s because they know they that I need their support. And if they’re there to support me, then it must be because they’re in support of what’s being asked of me. So those are just conclusions I made. Now my primary gift is a Claire cognizance like that’s my first the way I generally receive information. So Claire cognisance is, you just know. So that may not be yours, right? That may not be your language. And if you haven’t read my book, I walk through like the different languages you can go to. My books make space for magic you can get on any major retailer. But also if you go to my website, forward slash, make space for magic, you’ll see the link to the book, etc. So you can learn about that more in the book. But depending on what yours is, you know, if yours is feeling clairsentience, or clairvoyance, or clairaudience, clairvoyance is seeing clear audiences hearing depending on what your language is, then that’s probably how you’re going to get your initial guidance. And so it was like, I would just know things. And even in the just knowing them, I would try and negotiate for something different. And that was where I was at a few months ago, when I was at a conference speaking. And one night, I had a dream. And it was a prophetic dream. And by prophetic dream, I mean, it was not just a regular dream, it was I knew it was telling me something important. And my dad was in it. And sometimes I dream about my mom and my dad and other loved ones. And usually it’s just me dreaming about them. But there are times where I can just feel that they’re in the dream. And there’s not more than I can tell you about that. But every person I’ve ever said that to say yes, I know what you’re talking about. If you’ve had someone close crossover, or a being come into the dream, and when you wake up, you just know that that was a real experience, and not just a creation of your mind. So my dad was in the dream. And in the dream, he was telling me to let go of all these things. And he did it through symbolism. It wasn’t a direct, you know, telling me to let go of the membership and closes podcasts and stuff. In fact, they it wasn’t even clear what I would be letting go of. But it was clear that a massive, letting go of a lot of things that had to do with my work, and the way I live would be removed, and that they need to be removed because they weren’t necessary. And they they were taking up space that needs to be devoted to something else. So I had a prophetic dream. And then share that dream with someone who then got other downloads for me that match what I was already knowing, but like trying to avoid looking at all that to say you might get dreams when you’re being asked to change in big ways. Even if the external of it isn’t big, but the internal is big. You’re not going to get it just like once you’re going to get it lots of ways. Your team is going to use helpers, human helpers who will tell you things they will say things to you, possibly unsuspecting that they’re even giving you a message. You might be listening to this right now and it confirming something that you you know for yourself or that you felt they’re gonna send you sign and your loved ones are going to try and communicate with you in various ways. So there’s just lots of ways that that information will come out once, it will not just be one signs. And if you’re not sure, if you’re missing the signs and the communications, you can ask for clarity, ask for clarity. And I was doing that every step of the way, please, clarity, clarity, clarity, and I kept making my prayer, stronger that I am in agreement with this, if this is for my highest path, I will follow it. I will need a lot of help though, because this is really scaring me. And so I was just very honest. And I talk to you guys about that all the time is just remember, your spirit guides. The Divine wants intimacy from you, you do not have to pretend to be brave, you do not have to pretend to be okay with what’s being asked of you, you can ask for whatever you need, you can ask for courage, you can ask for resources, you can ask for confirmation, whatever it is, that you need, you can ask for it doesn’t mean everything you ask for you’re gonna get because it may not be for your highest good. So for instance, at one point, any chance, if this it all could be possible, I would love to win Powerball, because I would then feel less scared.
Patty 16:25
With a lot of the changes that were being asked of me that are going to have a financial impact on me, I didn’t get that. So I can ask for some reason. But you don’t always get it because most likely doing this in the face of the financial potential risk of it is part of this process. I would guess I’m not going to even put say that I know that for sure. But all signs are leading to that. And I suspect it’s because when I come out on the other side, it’s part of what I’m meant to teach. And so then as I leaned more into it, and I started to do one thing after the other and my team every time I would say like, Okay, well can you kind of show me the bigger picture and show me what’s going on, they would just say do the next step, do the thing that’s in front of you. And the only thing I would be clear on is the very next step. And sometimes it was a tiny one. And sometimes it was a big one. But when I would do the next step, then what I need to do after that would become really obvious. And sometimes it was good to rest, like I would do something and then I would know for two weeks, I wasn’t meant to do anything and do the best I could to enjoy myself and to have fun or relax or you take it easy. And what they were showing me was that and you may not get this clarity, but was that there was you know, energetically I was being recalibrated each time, I made a courageous choice and acted on it, I had a recalibration. And you may not be aware of that, that that’s happening for you. But every time you make a courageous choice and following guidance, your vibration shifts and there is a recalibration period. Sometimes it’s just a few minutes, but sometimes it’s gonna be weeks, at different points, I have felt incredibly achy, almost like the way you get achy with a fever, like all my energy will disappear. Like I mean, like the idea of even getting up out of off the couch feels overwhelming. And I’ve learned just to rest, and almost always within 24 to 48 hours if I purely rest and don’t try and think about anything or overthink anything. I’m usually back to normal drinking lots of water, though along the way and eating foods that really will nourish my body, avoiding the things that I tend to eat, when I feel anxious or scared like chocolate, or, you know, other foods that just are more comfort foods, I really try and stick with as much as I can the things that grow straight from the ground. So fruits and vegetables, lots of water, that kind of thing. So then, as I have made these chefs, and actually, they’re guiding me to make a mention of something, I have been doing work to stay in communication with my sphere, a team with guidance for many, many years at this point. It was something I start mid life. So it was not something I did from a young age. But it has been many, many years that I’ve been very loyal to being aware of guidance to playing with guidance, learning my language, how the universe talks to me. And so my team is saying to make sure I remind you that if you haven’t done that work, it will not be as fluid and easy for you and the work for you to do at this moment. Whether you think you’re in that space or not is to really really work on your own intuitive communication really work on that and you know, I have courses on that certainly And there are other resources out there with those courses. If you have a question on what that would be like, what those courses are that I have, just email me, Patty And I’ll give you what the options are. But it’s really important for you to do that work. So there you go. But assuming you’ve been doing that work, and you don’t have to be doing it perfectly, and you don’t have to be an intuitive out there working in the intuitive space, but just you have been in a relationship with the divine, you’ve been in relationship with signs you’ve been in relationship with the communication that’s been coming to you, even if you haven’t always been clear about what it is, then you’ll be able to get more of this. But each as I’ve moved more and more on this path, and so basically have really committed to it with making these courageous decisions, what has started to happen is they’ve been making it really easy for me to know, when I’m on the right path, and when I’m just doing something that’s not following guidance, because it’s confusing, right? Sometimes you get a message, but it’s not 100% clear exactly how to activate on that message. And you might train negotiate for something different. I did that with this podcast, actually. And I’m like, Well, how about we go to the end of the year, you know, have a nice clean, like wrap up at the end of the year. And the way that they’re working meet with me at this point is that if I start to negotiate for some other options, I will start to get nauseous. And so they’re giving me very strong body signals at this point, which is not a primary language of mine, like I don’t normally get a lot of like physical symptoms, I would say those are more for I do if I’m in the I’m in a experience where I walk into a room and a lot of people are like angry or frustrated or sad, I will feel it. So I am an empath, but not were like my guidance comes in the form of like physical medical issues. And so I think that that does happen, especially to people who are on shamanic paths, people who are on the path of becoming medical, intuitive, or medical healers, I think they tend to get a lot of these got points of feedback I historically have not, but I’m getting them now. So they make it really clear to me really quickly. Nope, even as an you know, one of the things I’ve been asking for as an example, as I’ve been praying for help in some resource, like a journal or a book, something that feels inspirational that can really lift my thinking, when it starts to get heavy, because some of the stuff is really pulled me down these choices I’ve been guided to make have, you know, really put me into some places where I’ve really felt fear and worry and frustration and anger and things. And so I’ve been saying like, okay, I get that this is my ego fighting this, but he’ll Could you send me kind of like some resources that maybe would give me prompts to, you know, lift my thoughts. And a friend said, oh, so and so put out a library of her courses, and they’re on sale right now. And she just said it in passing. And I was like, Oh, I love her work. Maybe this is the resource. So I went, I was like, Can you forward me that email, I went and clicked on the link and was so inexpensive. So it wasn’t even a money decision. And I went to go grab it, like hitting the Checkout button. I wasn’t even at the point of entering my credit card information. And I immediately felt like, gravity was pulling me down, like my stomach dropped, I started to feel nauseous. I’m like, Alright,
Patty 24:00
I got it. That’s not where I’m heading. So they are making it very clear when I’m going in the wrong direction. And the more you make an attempt, because you’ll have to be perfect at this to follow guidance. You may not always know for sure you’re going in the right direction. But what will happen is, you’ll know you’re going in the right direction, because you’ll experience that when you go in the wrong direction. It becomes really obvious. So as long as you’re not getting that kind of feedback, you can keep going in the direction you’re going, knowing that they’re going to find some way to stop you. Another thing that happened was and has been happening for me is because they’re making it clear part of why start to feel like nauseous is if I have any significant amount of time on technology. They want my phone away. They want my computer where they really want me away from that stuff. And what started to happen is I’ve had problems with technology at such ridiculously absurd are the levels that it’s almost comical? The same thing with my phone. So these are examples of the way that I’m getting guidance. But there’s no baby Yoda showing up and telling me, Patti, this is what you need to do exactly this. And this is how it’s gonna work out. And I say that because when people ask me like, how do I know for sure that I’m following the right path? I don’t know for sure, for sure. But I’m fairly confident that I’m doing the best I can. But I am not getting someone that’s telling me do this, do this. It’s coming to me as knowing it’s coming to me. And then when I consider doing it, and I let go of my fears, I definitely feel like freer, I feel a lot lighter. Some of these choices, it’s happened almost only like momentarily, because the fears kind of dropped them. But then as I’ve, once I made, what’s really interesting is once I do the thing that moves me along that path, I was incredibly concerned about closing the magic Lau my membership. The day after it ended though, right up till that moment, I continued to have some fears. But the day after it closed, the fears completely went away, completely went away, which was really Manta was my ego, just trying to get me to not do that thing. And I hope I know that this is a little bit all over the place. But I wanted to leave you this last one with an understanding of what this journey looks like. It’s messy. And a lot of times the way forward doesn’t receive the kind of strength and guidance we want. But when we go off the path, when we’re working against the guidance, it gets stronger and stronger and stronger. And I’ve talked about that I talked about in the book I’ve talked about here. First we get the Whisperer, then we get the whack, then we get the boulder over the head, right? And just as a matter of like, how hard do you want your team to hate you to let you know which direction to go in. And when that pain starts happening. A lot of times it’s you know, scoot new in a different direction. And just remember that what however hard they’re hitting you right now, that is the gentlest they can be and still be in agreement with their desire or in alignment with the agreement you made for them to guide you. So in answer to the question, if you’ve had is like, how do I know I’m being guided, I can’t tell you for sure. A specific exactly this, this and this, but I can tell you that it’s a knowing. And if that’s how you get your information, you’re going to have to start to trust that knowing and if you feel, then you’re going to have to trust those feelings. And if you hear and if you see whatever it is, you need to start to trust more and more and more what you know, you let yourself know what you know, and then follow it even if it doesn’t make logical sense, because the reality is, there’s very little making, quote unquote, logical sense these days. And that’s why it’s so important for you to come within and really be following your own guidance, and the guidance your spirit team is giving you I did want to mention a couple of other resources. If you go to forward slash signs, I have a free download on the 10 most common signs we get. We have a flash sale going on the day after two days after this podcast drops. If you go to forward slash flash sale, you can get my training on sacred abundance, which means being in alignment with where you’re being guided, especially if abundance is the question mark for you. So that’s going to be on sale, I think it’s going to be like 90% off. And you can go to forward slash flash sale. And certainly if there’s a resource you need, email me, Patti And I will do my best to get back to you as I move into this inward time because one of the things I’ve been told now that I’ve been making these changes as they’re doing this in service of me, getting different kinds of downloads, that the way that I’m going to be providing guidance and healing to others is changing, that it’s going to come through me as transmissions more than it’s going to be me creating, like coursework per se. So I may be on email less. So you may I may be delayed in getting back to you but I will get back to you and you can always check with the team support for help as well, especially if it’s just like does Patty have a course on this or does she have a program on this? And again, if you Have a read my book, please read it. Because I can tell you there is a lot in there. That is especially important right now, when I say make space for magic, I’m really talking about how do we make space for the divine to help us. And that’s what we’re talking about here right now. So I don’t know how long this podcast will be on hiatus. Just know, as soon as I can come back, I will, I do think I’ll be sharing information, it just won’t be in this format. So if you don’t follow me on social, follow me, and that may be where I put new content out, minimally. Get on my email list. And so if you download, forward slash signs, if you grab that, if you go to, forward slash prayer and get my morning prayer, all those things will sign you up for my emails, I will absolutely always be letting my email community know about new content that I’m putting out. So sign up if you’re not already on my list, because you will be getting all of my downloads first and foremost. I love you so much. Thank you so much for being a listener here for being part of the community here. I appreciate you so much, and I send you so much love and my very last wish right now as I sign off is please make space for magic. The Divine loves you so much. And she has your back. Hey, thanks for listening. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this episode with them. And if you’re feeling really generous, I’d love for you to leave us a review at your favorite podcast app. It helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy. When I hear what you have to say about what I’ve shared. I’m cheering for your success. Have an amazing day. And don’t forget, always create space for magic.
Speaker 2 32:09
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