Scarlett shares Jesse’s story and how she decided to be part of the solution in society.
Forgiveness is a key part of Scarlett’s journey. Find out how it has benefited her and how she incorporates it into her program. Hear her definition of forgiveness and learn why forgiving is an integral part of healing.
Scarlett shares the key to being happy in your life and it’s something all of us can do and how it’s linked to having few regrets in life.
Courage – how to be comfortable being uncomfortable and why it leads to growth.
Find out how Rwanda genocide providers reached out to Scarlett’s son and helped him start his path to healing.
The level of the issue is staggering. Scarlett shares how children as young as 6 are now suffering from anxiety, and the lasting impact for the kids and for our society.
Social Emotional Learning is part of school safety. It’s the part that we don’t hear about as much, but it’s incredibly effective and can make a huge difference.
Find out what you can do on a local level at your children’s schools. Scarlett outlines what every parent can do.
When we choose love, we are taking our personal power back. Find out how and why this is making such a huge impact in our schools. This is human-centric and applicable to adults as well.
Hear Scarlett talk about knowing her purpose and why she considers it a gift. Why there is no more important conversation.
There are multiple ways you can help, and Scarlett and Patty outline how you can get involved or support others who are leading the way.
Newtown Helps Rwanda
Safe and Sound Schools Site
Scarlett’s Book: Nurturing Healing Love: A Mother’s Journey of Hope and Forgiveness
Scarlett Lewis Bio:
Scarlett Lewis founded the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement after her son was murdered during the Sandy Hook tragedy in December 2012. Shortly after his death, Scarlett decided to be part of the solution to the issues that we’re seeing in our society—and that also caused the tragedy. She created the Movement and became an advocate for social and emotional learning (SEL) that teaches children how to manage their emotions, feel connected, and have healthy relationships.
Scarlett works to promote the Choose Love Enrichment Program, a no cost, comprehensive SEL program that empowers educators and their students to choose love for themselves and others. This program teaches children how to handle adversity, have courageous conversations, and to respond with love. The Choose Love Enrichment Program has been downloaded in all 50 states and in more than 65 countries. This program includes the best of what is statistically effective and being taught in classrooms today that can reduce and prevent mental illness, substance abuse, bullying and more.
Since the tragedy, Scarlett has spoken across the US and internationally to diverse audiences urging everyone to become part of the solution to the issues we’re experiencing today. Scarlett has spoken in national, statewide and community-based events including hundreds of talks in schools and to educators and administrators.
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