For the first time, Patty shares information about pendulum magic. This is just one tool that is available to us to help us receive guidance from the Universe.
What is a pendulum?
Patty explains that it can be anything on a string or a chain that has some weight to it. She also details why she prefers using a chain with a crystal since that type of stone carries energy.
How can you use your pendulum?
You can use it to help you with decisions small or large. Patty explains how you can gain insight and why you might want to jump into the process without overthinking it.
Benefits of using a pendulum.
Find out 5 ways that you can use this as part of your data gathering resources. It’s also nice to have something tangible to help us access our subconscious brain.
What types of questions can you pose to your pendulum?
Patty explains what types of questions you can ask, and how to find out what is yes and no with your pendulum. This is simple even though it’s tempting to try to complicate the responses received by your pendulum.
How to build trust receiving guidance.
Patty explains how to trust the guidance from your pendulum. That will help you learn to trust and receive other signs. You’ll also find out how to ask questions in a way that can provide certainty.
If you want more information and guidance selecting your pendulum and setting it up, the course is a great way to get started.
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0:00:04.3 S1: Welcome to the Space for Magic podcast, where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to receiving all the gifts the Universe has for us. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an ex-type A corporate banker, turned intuitive coach. Using a blend of common sense brain science and just a dash of magic, I’m here to help you create abundance in every area of your life and business. Welcome.
0:00:36.6 S2: Hey, they’re welcome to this episode of The space for magic podcast. I’m your host, Patty Lennon, and today I’m gonna talk about what I consider to be a fun topic, which is pendulums and working with pendulums, and some of the interesting conundrum that come up about working with a pendulum that always fascinate me and always give me insight into my own psyche and to other people’s psyche, and if I haven’t shared this before, one of the things that I love about the work that I do now versus the business coaching work that I used to do is that in exploring people’s relationship to receiving, whether it’s receiving abundance in material form or guidance from the other side of the veil. To me, the crux of the issue with most people receiving whatever that is that they wanna receive myself included, really does come back to the way our brains work, and whether they’re set up to work for us or against us, and I put against us in quotes because of course, our brain’s always just doing the best you can for us based on its current programming, and to me, there’s a piece of the puzzle, understanding how the brain is operating in relationship to receiving, and for today’s podcast for this purposes is receiving guidance, is understanding that the brain plays a role in it, and just like everything else we do in life, how we do one thing is how we do all things, so there’s just always so much data we can get about what’s really going on inside our minds when we look at how we do something…
0:02:24.8 S2: And for me, having done this work now for two years in both the receiving school and then as part of the receiving school and part of some of the other workshops I’ve run, showing people how to use different tools that can help them get guidance. I can tell you that there’s patterns to how we engage tools that can help us receive guidance, and again, a pendulum is one of them, and so how we engage the pendulum, if we choose to use it, I can really show us some other things that are going on for us, it can be really enlightening. So a pendulum, if you’re not familiar with it, is really anything, any string with a weight at the bottom, but for… When we use it to get spiritual guidance, I recommend that people use a metal chain with a crystal at the bottom, and the reason I recommend that is simply because the crystals are alive, they carry an energy, they’ve always carried in energy on the planet, and so to me, it just… It feels more in alignment with what we’re trying to do. When we use a pendulum, which is essentially to help us get answers, that there is this pulsing matter at the bottom of the pendulum being the crystal that is the conduit of that information has always felt better to me, but of course, if you’ve got a pendulum and it’s got something, the weight on the bottom of it is a ball or some other object that feels good to you, by all means.
0:04:01.1 S2: I’m not suggesting that the Crystal pendulum is better, but if you are brand new to pendulum work or you’ve been thinking about getting a pendulum, I do recommend crystal pendulums, and also in my experience, I just have always had an easier time really connecting to the pendulum when it has a Crystal at the base, what that means is that not all pendulums really, in my experience, work for us, or they’re not always clean or clear as a method of us getting information, if they’ve got energy stuck in them, and so it’s really important to get to a place where you’re connected to your pendulum and you’re in agreement, you and the pendulum are in agreement to work together. And to me, the crystal really helps build that connection. In the receiving school, someone just posted a question about working with a pendulum, and the question was really that when I asked the pendulum simple questions, I can trust the answer, but when I ask bigger questions and by bigger meaning more life-altering, I guess, or like life path determining questions, I don’t trust the answers I get and that maybe my mind is actually affecting the answers.
0:05:27.7 S2: And is this possible? So she was asking me a question if as is possible, of course, it’s possible for our minds to affect the answers that we get from a pendulum. What is it likely? And that’s really the crux of the issue. Is it likely? And for this particular person, what was interesting is she’s just stepping onto the path of this work, and so the guidance I had given her was, Why don’t you take a step back from asking the big questions of the pendulum and just stick with the smaller ones, the ones that feel less critical and be gentle in the process, and so this is really the first insight that I normally get with people when they’re using pendulums, and I would offer it to you if you’ve used a pendulum or you’re considering using a pendulum, is it that you go into it full force wanting you all the answers from the pendulum, or that you step on to the path gently, or maybe you’ve purchased a pendulum and still sitting in the box or the bag or the pouch that it came in, and you haven’t quite touched at all of these are pretty clear insights into how we do most things, if not everything, and in this particular person’s case, this desire to get all the answers right away, as opposed to being gentle with the process and then likewise being gentle with herself.
0:06:52.1 S2: It was really important, it’s helpful for me to see this because that helps me give guidance to this person while they’re in Receiving school and doing the work, but I would say for you, as you look at using a pendulum if you’ve used one or you… Some other tool of divination, like an oracle card deck, did you go into it full force finding all the answers immediately, or did you… And we just talked about what that means, or maybe it’s that you are a gentle with it, you are paced, in which case, when you look across your life is that… Are you even-keeled and leveled in all things that you do and maybe it’s time to take a little with your pendulum and ask a bigger question, or if it’s still sitting in the box or the pouch they came in, are you fearful of the path ahead or are you resistant to take step forward, not necessarily even in pendulum work, but in life in general, have you always held back… I thought that, Oh, I need to learn more, I need to figure out more. I have to look up an article on how to use this pendulum before I start using it, right.
0:08:00.0 S2: And then does that translate into other areas of your life where you keep yourself from jumping in presumably so that you can gather more information before you do start something, and then if that’s the case, if that’s how you’re doing everything, what would happen if you did it differently, what if you jumped in, what’s the worst that’s gonna happen, especially with a pendulum, presumably, you’re not going to change your entire life based on what the pendulum says the first time you use it, right, this is… You can embrace it with a sense of curiosity and just see what happens. So if you’re new to pendulums, what I would say is so valuable about the pendulum, and this was what it was like for me, this was the pendulum was really the first tool that I embraced when I stepped onto this more intuitive path, embracing this intuitive experience on the planet that we could get information outside our senses, the pendulum was really helpful for me because it gave me something concrete to use in the midst of having very intangible experiences when I first started, as I’ve shared here before, I was shut down to most of my gifts, my entire life up until the age of 35-36, and so all of this started to open up to me at the age of 35-36, and now I had an entire lifetime of being a very concrete person behind me, and so as all of this information start just whirl, and I started to know things I’d never known before, and I was having visions and I was hearing things, the pendulum gave me a comfort, like a pacifier or lanky or something, it was a physical item to accompany me on this journey, and it gave me, a labor, similar to the way my yoga mat did the first time I purchased my own yoga mat, it was that this is holding space for the spiritual journey that I’m in, and it was comforting to hear answers, to use the pendulum and then to see those answers come through the pendulum as well, and to this woman’s credit or questioning, maybe these answers are actually coming from my mind, how did I know that the answers I was getting from the pendulum are in actually coming from my mind when I had already thought those answers and the explanation of why the pendulum was so valuable to me is a lot of times the answer as I were getting…
0:10:36.3 S2: I was getting more counter-intuitive to the way I had done things, and so the fact that the pendulum was also giving me this answer that seemed counterintuitive, it gave me a lot of comfort, also absent of any other way to make a decision, if my mind saying something, and then the pendulums are greening it and I have no other tools to make a decision then, at least that’s a two-point tool, and minimally, the pendulum is really just accessing your subconscious, at least then you’re getting to that place, the subconscious place as opposed to seeing, adjust your overthinking brain because the subconscious operates on a different level, and so if the conscious brain and the subconscious or an agreement… Well, at least you got that going for you. That’s what I used to tell myself. So if you’ve been playing with opening up to Intuitive Gifts, if you’ve been looking to strengthen them, if you are looking to work with a pendulum, or maybe just some new ideas on how to work with the pendulum you’ve always worked with… I wanna share some of the things I did that really helped me allowed me to step into a more playful space with the pendulum, so the first thing was that I didn’t ask the pendulum significant questions, questions that the answers would be…
0:11:56.1 S2: Just felt so important, that kind of using this little string with a crystal on it, it seems irresponsible at first… Right. At this stage in the journey, the pendulum, I would rely on my pendulum more than I would rely on some thought that floated through my head, but back then that felt… That felt scary. I trust what you’re feeling about it, be gentle with the process, and ask questions that are still something that you wouldn’t necessarily know the answer to or have a concrete answer to, but open you up to possibility. So the kind of questions that I would recommend is, what to optimal for me to eat right now? Stuff like that. And then, of course, you can’t ask what… The way I just said that it was actually not the way you could ask a question to a Bengali, you would say, you know, Is it optimal for me to have a salad right now, is it optimal for me to have cereal right now, and you would phrase the questions so that you can get yes, no answers. Now, as you get more nuanced in the work that you do with the pendulum, you can get a little more robust with the questioning and creative with the questioning, but in the beginning, you definitely wanna stay with yes, no questions, and of course, before you start working with the pendulum, you have to determine in conjunction with the pendulum what that particular pendulum’s…
0:13:25.8 S2: Yes, no looks like so, in some cases, a pendulum swinging clockwise is a yes, and counterclockwise is no, in some case, swinging horizontally is a yes and vertically is a no and on and on and on. The options go… What’s interesting for me is my… Yes, no. Changes based on the pendulum, and what’s really interesting is a few months ago, I was creating a course to show people how to work with their pendulums, how to align with their pendulums, how to choose a pendulum, how to clear… How to clean it, how to work with it. And so I was filming these trainings, and so I pulled out different pendulums I’ve used so they could show that there were different examples of different ways that you could feel about a pendulum, different looks of a pendulum, some had a tiny ball at the top, some have an actual designed image, and so I was showing those and as I was working with a pendulum I’ve had for years, probably my oldest my dearest pendulum, it wasn’t working, it was actually not giving me consistent answers, and I thought, that’s so fascinating. And as I talked to it, it told me that we were done in our work together, which kind of made me a little sad, but I also honored the fact that it was ready to be retired, and so as the ground softens around where I live, I will bury it and allow it to return to its source and separately, along the same lines of how you sometimes a pendulum can just be finished in its work…
0:15:15.4 S2: One of my clients, who I had mailed a pendulum to, she told me just last week, she’s like, Well, my pendulum broke… What does that mean? It dropped and it cracked and I said, Well, I think it just means that it absorbed a level of energy where it just is done right, and now it’s ready to be buried and return to the earth that crystal… And so that can happen. And so it’s really important to know you’re still in alignment with the pendulum, and if you’re brand new to pendulum work, you can… I can’t walk you through all the ways to align with the pendulum and get to talk to you, but you can do go check out… I have a small course that you can get on my website, I go to, you can grab that course that I’ll show you everything from soup to not somewhat to do with a pendulum, but presumably, if you’ve held a pendulum before you are able to purchase one and hold it, what you’ll find is you’ll feel an energy off of it, and so in the beginning, you just ask it questions that you actually know the answer to first just to see what the yes and no answer is, so…
0:16:25.1 S2: Questions like your name and maybe where you are born, stuff like that, and you’ll see it, give you a yes, you’ll see, I give you a no, and then that’ll be what your yes and nos are, and then as you start to step on to your journey with working with the pendulum, again, using simple questions like, Is it optimal for me to leave at five, Is it optimal for me to leave at 5-15, is it optimal for me to leave at 5:30? This was something I used to do when I was potentially gonna hit traffic, but there were windows of time that seemed to go better, even inside rush hour, and I would use the pendulum to give me an exact time to leave work. Right, so these are the kinds of things that you can ask the pendulum that do guide your actions, guide a time you’re leaving work, it would guide what you’re eating, and so you might find, Oh yeah, when I followed what a pendulum guided me to eat… Maybe by the end of the day, I felt a lot better. Or Yes, consistently when I test it, what time to leave on the pendulum and do it for a period of time, right, ’cause you can’t just do one day, you do it for like, let’s say, 14 or 20 days, consistently when I follow what the pendulum says, I get a much better outcome.
0:17:40.8 S2: These are the kinds of simple things you can do that will build trust, apply that same approach over to any other area of your life, especially when it comes to receiving guidance from the other side of the veil, when we do these smaller conversations with guidance, what happens is we can then slowly build up that trust and it’s that trust, which is essentially our brain feeling safe in the process that allows us to embrace those bigger questions. Right, and so here again are coming back to, you know, pendulums work… And if you can get on board with that, if you can just suspend any doubt you might have for a minute and just believe me that pendulums work. The reality is them working for a person in particular you or your spouse or a child, or your friend really comes down to how safe your brain feels trusting guidance. And so then that gives us a great insight because then that tells us, you know, okay, I may think I’m ready to follow signs that I get… This is a question I get all the time is, how do I find signs? And how do I ask for signs? And how do I trust signs it? Well, if you’re using the pendulum and you build up that trust in the pendulum, that’s also gonna build up your trust in signs, likewise, if you can’t bring yourself to trust a pendulum and then you keep looking for signs, but you’re not seeing them, most likely what’s happening is not that the signs aren’t showing up, but that your brain is filtering them out.
0:19:14.9 S2: It’s scared of that, right? It’s scared of trusting something, it doesn’t actually… It isn’t able to prove with its senses… And again, this is one of the reasons why I like people to start with a pendulum if they’re gonna start with any tool that they’re gonna use independently without the help of someone, I like the pendulum because it is so physical, it’s an object and then it’s very clear, it’s either yes or no. Although you could leave room for a maybe… And this is a question I get sometimes with people who take the pendulum courses. Well, what about the… Maybe, like I’ve heard, you can ask for yes, no, and maybe from your pendulum, so maybe it’s like, Yes, as clockwise and no is counter-clockwise, then maybe the pendulum going in a straight line is maybe… I don’t do that when I program my pendulums, I do not program them with a maybe option, and the reason is I don’t need a maybe option if I wanna live in a world of maybe I don’t need a pendulum or guidance from the other side of the veil, I can come up with a… Maybe all by myself.
0:20:20.7 S2: I don’t really wanna hear it if the pendulum it only has a maybe to offer me… Well, that’s not interesting to me. And I get to do that, I get to have that relationship with my pendulum and say, that’s not helpful to me. It’s just like if you were gonna hire someone to help you invest in the stock market, a financial advisor, and you said, you know, should I invest in Apple? Stop. And they said Maybe, well, that’s not helpful. You need them to tell you yes or no, and if they’re telling you maybe on everything or even on some things, then maybe… You need another financial advisor. Right, so when I go to my pendulum, I want exact answers, and if I don’t get a strong yes or no, where I go with it rather than looking for a maybe is to rephrase the question. And that is something that I find is so powerful in pendulum work is when you start working with the pendulum and you work with a pendulum regularly, as you find that the nuance of how you ask something matters in allowing through an answer. And you know, I just mentioned the word I use when I question the pendulum is, Is it optimal for me to have cereal for breakfast, right.
0:21:38.2 S2: Because you might ask it, should I have cereal for breakfast or is it good for me to have cereal for breakfast, or I don’t know, can I have cereal for breakfast? And all those questions could give you a yes, where is it optimal meaning is that the best answer it… That might give you a very different answer, and so learning how our language and what we’re reaching for can give us stronger responses is really helpful, and what I find is for someone that hasn’t learned how to use that questioning Nuance, when I introduce even something simple like Is it optimal? And they’re surprised at how strongly yeses, and what I mean by that is that where they might… Let’s say their… Yes is a clockwise circle. They might have gotten a little clockwise circle all of a sudden they’re using optimal, they’re getting this giant sweeping circle in their pendulum that’s so amazing to them that the language could actually filter a much stronger message to us, but that’s like the other side of the veil going, Yes, yes, yes. As opposed to, Yeah, I guess so. We can actually have that engagement with our pendulums, which to me is so fun and so cool.
0:23:00.2 S2: So if you are new to pendulum work here, I’m just gonna give you a couple of steps to think about as you go on to your path with your pendulum work, the first is understand there’s no trick to getting the right pendulum for you. It’s really how you feel about that pendulum also, you can have multiple pendulum, so don’t try and find the perfect one, just find the perfect one, for now, there’s… I have a crystal shop locally, so that’s where I shop for my pendulums, but there’s lots of places that you can get pendulums, and ideally, any time you’re buying something with crystals in it, you wanna make sure that if it’s within your control that they are properly sourced from the Earth, which is why I like shopping at my local personal store, but there’s lovely, lovely people on Etsy and different online providers that will be able to supply you with pendulums. So look and see which one calls to you, maybe you wanna start with which crystal calls to you, and then look for a pendulum with that Crystal. So amethyst, the purple stone is really about healing, it’s also connected to our top chakra or third eye Rose quartz, the light pink color is about self-love, and if you’re stepping on to this path with a desire to be embracing a spirit of self-love, that’s a great option.
0:24:28.8 S2: And so each of these steps along the way of choosing the pendulum, you can help you understand what’s right for you right now, and so just pick one. The second is ask those basic questions to help you see what your pendulums… Yes, no, are, and then finally be gentle in your questioning at first. Now, if you would like my help in working with a pendulum, you can go check out that pendulum course, it’s a small course, very low priced, and that will give you all those things you might be looking for, how to phrase those questions, how to clean and clear your pendulum, how to align with it energetically, etcetera. For now, as you think about working with a pendulum, what are the thoughts you’re having and what do they mean, what can they show you about the rest of your life because how we do everything, how we do one thing is how we do everything, and so there’s always opportunity to learn.
0:25:26.1 S1: They have a great… Hey, thanks for listening. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this episode with them, and if you’re feeling really generous, I’d love for you to leave us a review at your favorite podcast app, it helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy when I hear what you have to say about what I’ve shared. I’m cheering for your success, have an amazing day, and don’t forget. Always create space for magic.
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