Patty explains what oracle cards are and how they differ from tarot cards. It’s important to know that every oracle card deck is different based on what the creator intended. There is usually a guidebook where the author provides insights for you.
Patty shares how oracle cards build brain strength. While the card decks are often used for inspiration that is not the only application. What you might not know is that each deck is created for different purposes.
Patty shares how using oracle decks has helped her. She also details why using this tool impacts your brain. They can help you think more clearly, and help to reduce stress.
In this episode, she tells us an easy way to start – even if you aren’t sure this is your thing. She’s going to explain using an oracle card deck in detail next week in the next episode.
No special skills or belief is required to use oracle cards. They are one method for us to hear messages from the Divine in a way that we can understand.
Oracle card week is coming! Patty is sharing details about her soon-to-be-published deck as well as teaching in more detail about how to use them.
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0:00:04.3 S1: Welcome to the space for magic podcast, where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to receiving all the gifts the Universe has for us. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an ex-Type A corporate banker turned intuitive coach. Using a blend of common sense, brain science, and just a dash of magic, I’m here to help you create abundance in every area of your life and business. Welcome.
0:00:36.6 S2: Hello there welcome to this episode of this peace for Magic Podcast I’m your host, Patty, and I am super excited about today’s topic, which is oracle cards, and I’m gonna come at this topic in a bit of a different way, which is that we’re not gonna talk so much about the metaphysical aspects of oracle card, what we will… We’ll get into that, but where I wanna start with is How oracle cards can benefit you, whether you believe in the spiritual or the metaphysical aspects of oracle cards, because there’s a very real psychological benefit to using Oracle card without engaging any of the metaphysical side of them, and the reason I offer this is that in the beginning, the psychological benefits of oracle cards were far greater than the spiritual ones for me when I started out using them. And I’m gonna talk a little bit about why that is. So if you’re not familiar with oracle cards, they can be confused with Tarot, tarot decks are different. The energy of a tarot deck is different. The purpose of a tarot deck is different, and I don’t consider myself an expert in tarot, but if I was going to describe it to someone, Tarot is more of a predictive tool.
0:02:00.0 S2: So each card in the tarot deck has aspects to it that are specific, so every Taro deck matches up the images and the descriptions might be different, but each card has a meaning and it’s specific in the taro. And if you were to go to someone to have your tarot red, they would be able to give you expectations of what’s coming, and with a specificity that I don’t find that Oracle card deck typically has, and I do recommend that if you’re gonna use Tarot, that you’d be properly trained in it, whereas Oracle card decks really don’t require that same background, that same training, and every deck is different, so the first card and one person’s oracle card… One creator’s oracle card deck will be completely different than someone else’s. It’s not a system. Necessarily, it’s an offering. Really, some Oracle card decks are very affirmation-focused, so each card you pull is going to have a little affirmation on it, some of it is more guidance-based, and as you look at various oracle card, you’ll see each of them has their own purpose, their own energies or their own angle. It was like if you were to go to the bookstore and take out four different books on how to lose weight, let’s say, depending on where the author is coming from, one might talk about might come at it from loving yourself, one might come out of from a very disciplined stop eating so much, exercise more place another one might come at it from a…
0:03:39.5 S2: Let’s look at why we write a psychological aspect, so just like you can get many books on a topic, you can even buy fiction book about the same essential plot line, Romeo and Juliet’s been done over and over and over again, but based on who the author is, what they’re trying to convey, always at a God’s story, is it a traditional story, is it a renaissance story? Then each of those books, even though we know the plot line of Romeo and Juliet, they’re gonna have a feel that’s very different, they’re gonna have an energy that’s very different, so Oracle card decks are the same way, the creator and the purpose of them can be wildly different, so before I fully stepped on to the path I’m on now, one that I would consider our spiritual and metaphysical, although also based in reality and pragmatic, I occasionally would go for tarot card reading and they very intriguing and exciting long before I understood I had any gifts myself and at one point, I had purchased a tarot deck and all the Energy inisde me told me this was not a deck I was meant to use, and I eventually gifted it to someone else.
0:04:56.1 S2: Once I started to understand the depth of knowledge that I think is really necessary to properly use a tarot, but I was seeing a few different people as I start to explore spiritual and personal development work that use oracle cards, and those were… I found to be much lighter and easier to work with and understand, and finally one day, I step out into the open and purchase my own oracle card deck, and it felt like such a big, big step. It was certainly a gateway drug for me ’cause I don’t like to shop, but I will spend so much time looking and exploring oracle card decks and purchasing them oracle cards and crystals are my two places where there’s probably no limit to what I’ll invest, but luckily, most of those have fairly low price threshold, so when I got my first Oracle card deck and I started using it, and I’m not gonna talk too much about how to use an oracle card deck, I’ll actually talk about that next week, and the reason is next week in my community, it is going to be Oracle card week, so I’ll talk a little bit more about why that is later, but for now, when I opened my first Oracle card deck and start using the cards, there is immediate relief that perhaps within these cards would be some guidance would be…
0:06:25.4 S2: Some suggestions would be information that might help me deal with whatever was happening at the moment, and when you have that feeling of curiosity, when you have that feeling of relief, when you have a feeling of excitement, joy, playfulness, these are all things I find. Oracle card deck can welcome in us all of those energies, get your brain to play nicely with forward movement with development, the energies of curiosity, the energies of relief, the energies of fun and play, all of these energies actually reduce the amount of stress hormone you have working in your brain, they get the amygdala of the fear brain to power down, which actually allows more blood flow to go to the higher thinking part of the brain, so just that along, just opening the oracle card deck can really start to give you some really strong psychological benefits now, if you were to come to it as a cynic, let’s say, or someone that wasn’t convinced that the oracle card decks could welcome in information and you were to purely use it as a tool, here’s why it works well, our brains are programmed to revisit problems in the exact same way, there’s grooves in our brain, and we run information in the exact same way, unless we do something to change the way we solve problems.
0:08:00.7 S2: So I’m gonna go back to the weight loss thing. They mentioned before the bus, most times when people are engaging in patterns of weight loss, let’s say they are on the roller coasters, so sometimes they gain weight, then they lose weight, then the gametes not a consistent process for them raising my hand. It’s because that person is using the exact same strategy, even though it might look very different, it’s actually the same strategy, and usually it’s an all-in, it’s either I’m all in or I’m all out type strategy, there’s a few other strategies that can cause the roller coaster, but generally speaking, it, you’re going at it’s psychologically the exact same way, and there’s like this need to fix the problem of the weight, and then once it’s fixed, sort of let go eventually, so you need to approach it in a very different way to start to have different results. And oftentimes, what we do is we look for different providers of the same strategy and think we’re doing something different. How do you do something different? Well, at first it’s hard, you have to get some tool to show you what to do different, and in the beginning, it will feel very unnatural because you’re running this new groups in order to run that new groove in your brain, that new strategy, you wanna make it as easy as possible.
0:09:28.8 S2: So if you look at, going back to the oracle cards, if, for instance, when someone hurts you, maybe you have a particular type of person that tends to show up in your life, a big one for people here in this community, in the space for magic community, energy vampire sucking your energy, let’s say that’s a consistent issue, you might fix it for a while, but then without noticing someone else creeps in and becomes an energy vampire for you or an old energy vampire seems to be able to access your energy again, and you can’t figure out why? You’re coming back to that place. Well, you’re limited to what you know how to already do, right, so when you bring that challenge, let’s say, to an oracle card deck, and you open it up and you just pick one card and you’re thinking, I want information or guidance on how to deal with this energy vampire and you open a card and the card says love, or maybe it says miracles, or maybe it’s as signs… These are some typical oracle cards. We’ll start with love. And when you get that love card, immediately, what starts happening in your brain outside any other interaction you’re having with the cards, is your brain immediately goes to saying, Okay, how do we solve this problem with love, how do we solve this problem with love? How do we solve this problem with love now, if in the past, you’ve been using almost like a barrier and you’ve been bracing yourself against the energy vampire, that’s the groove in your brain, all of a sudden when you’re looking at the card that says Love on it, your brain starts to think about the problem in a different way, and just getting your brain to think about the problem in a different way, starts to run a new Grove, it starts to run blood flow in a different way, it starts to fire up synapses that haven’t fire up yet in the engagement of the problem, the same thing would go a very…
0:11:33.1 S2: Not all decks have this card, but a good amount of them will have some reference to, It’s time to write, or it’s time to coming into your artist or music or use dance, that really doesn’t seem a solution that would come forward for dealing with energy vampires and yet, if you got that card that said, It’s time for you to write a book, it’s time for you to dance, it’s time for you to allow music into your life, it doesn’t matter how illogical a card is, your brain starts… Start trying to solve the problem with that new card, and just by opening up energies of other solutions, your brain is going to land on new opportunities because your brain… Although it can get in the way, when the amygdala is in charge, it really can get in the way of forward movement and your soul’s expansion and all the good stuff that comes with space for magic. There’s other parts of your brain, they’re really, really good at helping you find pragmatic solutions to navigate the challenges of the world, and so oracle cards really help us do that. Now, I personally find that there is magic beyond this, and the magic comes from using an oracle card deck repeatedly.
0:12:58.0 S2: So when I am talking to people about starting their journey to use oracle cards, I always recommend to start with choosing one card every day, picking a card, you don’t even have to come to the deck with a question, just keep picking a heart every day and let it inspire you or guide you or give you some inspiration for the day, because oracle cards, the majority of oracle card decks come with a guide book, so you’re not just getting the card, you’re also getting a description about what the card means, and do you have… This little bubble of light to start your day with just doing that, you’re shifting the energy in your day, but beyond that, what you’ll start to see happen, and this happens for everyone is if you do it for two, three weeks, you’re gonna see one card coming at you consistently… And it’s probably not gonna surprise you what the car is… One of the reasons we’re doing oracle card week next week is because my deck is going to be released finally, I’m so excited. It will be out next week and to celebrate that, we’re gonna be doing lots of fun things, and I’ll tell you about that in a minute, but one of the cards in my deck is self-love…
0:14:10.5 S2: Wow, if you are taking cards for three weeks, so that’s 21 days and you see the self-love card 10 times, well, you don’t really have the effort too much to see what the deck is trying to tell you, it’s time for you to put more attention on yourself, it’s time for you to put more energy into self-love, right. And so it’s time for you to turn the spotlight of your love on to yourself, so without doing a whole lot of anything that Oracle dark car deck has already started to find a solution for challenges you may not realize you happy might be depleted, you might have a difficult relationship going on in your life, you may have challenges with a child or an aging parent or a partner, and again, the deck showing you pay attention yourself, that’s where the solution is gonna come, now that’s not necessarily the card everyone’s gonna get if they’re having a difficult relationship or a challenge in their life, but they will get a consistent part… Right. Well, on top of just that being good guidance and feeling easeful, what that starts to do is it starts the repetitiveness of it, start to show your brain that this tool that you have in this oracle card deck has some merit because your brain likes facts, it likes things that logically add up, it likes patterns, and when it starts to see a pattern, it starts to feel safe, and that safety then opens you up to receiving more guidance through the oracle card deck.
0:15:49.5 S2: So if you are someone who is what I call woo-curious, the oracle card deck experience can be great, if you feel like I know that there’s all these spiritual to his success, I know I have gifts, but it almost feels like other people are experts in… You’re not, which I’m telling you, you are, is sometimes it doesn’t feel like that in your body, sometimes you won’t experience that even though you are that wise, it feels like maybe you need training or you need more information, which can be great, but the oracle card deck can really start to help you understand how much wisdom you have flowing through you already, how much guy and you have flowing through you already and that you already have access to, and it can really help you start to trust what you know, because most likely, if that self-law of card came up 10 times as you stopped and thought about it, you would feel where the energy of, I need to take better care of myself, I need more attention was coming from, and also you can feel how you shoved that information down and probably were in the pattern of, as soon as I get to the end of my task less as soon as I fixed it with this person, as soon as I get this other person out of my life, then I can be happy, useful, peaceful.
0:17:05.2 S2: And yet, there was wisdom inside of you that was saying, Take care of yourself, take care of yourself, take care of yourself, so, so much good stuff starts to come once the brain gets on board with the Oracle cards, there is some confusion about what an oracle card deck is in terms of the energy. So the oracle card is simply paper, it’s paper or whatever, it’s printed on its in its word, there is no energy in the oracle card deck and growing up Catholic, there is in that religion, and I know this goes to different types of religions, especially Christian-based religions, there’s this concept that you… You don’t wanna idolize false God., you don’t wanna make the oracle card deck a God. And I agree with that concept, because your Ogle-car deck is not a spiritual being, it’s not anything that’s divine even, it’s a way for the divine to speak to us in a way that we can understand. And that’s all it is, it’s no different than when a loved one on the other side of the veil keeps leaving as pennies or dime, it’s a way for the other side of the veil to talk to us.
0:18:21.9 S2: And you may be wondering, Well, who is talking to us? And I say that really depends on who you want to talk to you, when I go to my oracle card deck, I’m basically coming in with the assumption that I’m receiving information from divine intelligence, but when I want him, maybe a conversation with my mom who’s crossed over or a spirit guide, I can receive that as well, it’s just I need to bring that intention to the deck, but again, if this is still a little bit of a foreign concept for you, you can start by simply just coming to it and using it as information and nothing more so as you move forward with this journey of creating space for Magic, I would love for you to come join us in Oracle Week, next week, most of the activities will be happening inside the space for magic Facebook group, so you can access up at we’ll put a link in the show notes. We’ll be doing Oracle goble, I’ll be doing oracle card readings in the group every morning, so if you like Oracle card reading, that’s great, we’ll be releasing the login or the check out line to buy the oracle card decks and the journal when we release the space for magic journal last year that sold out super quick, so that’s probably going to happen here too, if you join the Facebook or you’ll be…
0:19:50.0 S2: Or if you are in the Facebook or bamenda morning, you’ll be the first to know when the oracle cards go on sale, so you can be one to get the inaugural batch of the cart. I will next week also be talking through the cards, why I chose which cards I chose to be in the deck, what my philosophy was about creating the deck, and then on Thursday… Next week in the group, I’ll also have Erika my graphic designer who I partnered with to create the deck, we’re gonna have a conversation about what it was like to create the deck, so if you have any interest in creating your own Oracle card deck or you just wanna understand what the behind the scenes looks like. We’ll be talking all about that, the page is not yet up to purchase oracle cards, but once they go on sale, I will see if our producers can come back in here and drop the link to the deck themselves. And if you have any questions for me about the deck you are certainly welcome to email me, and I just hope that what’s ahead of you feels exciting and new and spontaneous, and if you’re not in that energy, I highly recommend exploring oracle cards, ’cause I find they always bring that energy to me.
0:21:13.6 S1: So I’m looking forward to seeing you in the group next week as we jump in and have so much fun with us. And in the show notes, I’ll also put a link to the scheduled first oracle card reading in the group, so you have that as well. Alright, have a great day. Hey, thanks for listening. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this episode with them, and if you’re feeling really generous, I’d love for you to leave us a review at your favorite podcast app, it helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy. When I hear what you have to say about what I’ve shared, I’m cheering for your success, have an amazing day, and don’t forget. Always create space for Magic.
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