Patty shares a how-to in this episode. She’s breaking down her personal journaling method that only takes 5 minutes. She hasn’t always journaled, and it wasn’t her favorite thing to do. Maybe you can relate. That’s why she developed her 5-minute method and practice.
She explains how the things we track expand. There’s science around why that happens. It’s not just a theory. That’s why this concept (tracking the things we want more of) is used in all types of applications.
You can get Patty’s The Space for Magic Journal and her journaling program if you want but it’s not required. In this episode, she outlines how you can do the same practice that she uses. It’s a practice and a process that gives you a wonderful way to keep track of the magic in your life.
Here’s to more magic in your life!
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00:04: Welcome to the Space for Magic podcast, where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to receiving all the gifts the Universe has for us. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an ex-Type A corporate banker, turned intuitive coach using a blend of common sense, brain science, and just a dash of magic, I’m here to help you create abundance in every area of your life and business. Welcome.
00:37: Hey there, Patty here. Welcome to this episode of the Space for Magic podcast and this episode is brought to you by the Space for Magic journal. And here’s why, today is going to be a tactical episode, we’re gonna talk about how to do something, and specifically how to do journaling in a way that works for pretty much everyone’s schedule. And here’s why, I found when I sort of stepped on to the personal development path, even before I really got into any of the spiritual or the deeply spiritual work, there was always this sort of underlying idea that if you’re doing your work, your journaling, there’s rarely a course, I take really a program, including business development courses, where they don’t say Journal, journal about what you think, journal about what you feel general about what you found. And somewhere along the way, I absorbed this idea that if I’m being a good seeker, a good self-developer, a good whatever, then I’m journaling. People that are good, they journal. And the problem for me with that is, I don’t like to journal, I know it… Don’t you have this kind of assumption that if people are into the stuff I talk – magic, success, personal development, there’s this assumption that people like to journal and I don’t…
02:12: I find it tedious, I love to write. Probably if I blogged every day still, I used to do that a long time ago. I would love that. I love sharing my ideas openly and thinking through them in sort of this public setting, but keeping a journal just to me is tedious, and I wished it wasn’t because there were times… There were times where I do journal a lot when I’m going through something, when my mom was sick, when my mom passed away, when I first started my business, when there’s big things happening, I tend to journal a lot, and it’s just a way for me to get out my thoughts, but I don’t have a consistent habit, and at some point, years after my mom passed, I was looking back on the journals that I wrote in during that time, and there was so much I forgot about, so many little miracles… Little magical things that happened in the midst of everything that was going on that were just so beautiful, such bright spots, and I completely forgot about them, and when I realized that there was a lot that I was losing track of.
03:23: A lot of really good stuff that I was losing track of. I wanted to start to really have a way to capture it, you now have a discipline around it or something, a bit more consistent, but I knew journaling, even a whole page of journaling felt cumbersome, and so what I decided… And actually, I can’t even say I decided this, I believe… Honestly, I don’t even remember. Was it a spirit, spirit guide that I talked to, a meditation or maybe a real healer, like a person, that’s how intertwined they are at this point, someone either from the spirit world or that I was working with, told me that it was gonna be really important for me to capture a record of all the magical events that happen in as I was walking my path, and that I would use that information to help other people, and a lot of that tracking is what has caused me to develop the content that I talked to you guys about, that I talk about here on the podcast and on Facebook Live and in my blog. So I made a commitment to myself that I was just going to journal at least one magical thing that happened every day.
04:45: Now, I will admit, I actually regularly fall off the wagon, and then I just get back on and then I could do it consistently, and then over the time since I started doing that, what I found is when I am tracking the magic that’s happening, it starts to expand… And what I love about that is, was that I realized that that matched a law that I had learned back in my business days, which was Pearson’s law, and Pearson’s law states that what is tracked expands and what is tracked and reported on expands exponentially, and really… When you think about even coaching, when you’re working with a coach or you’re working with in a program where there’s accountability, the reason people tend to do better in that setting is because they have to report back to someone else, and just that reporting just causes you to show up differently. Well, in my journal, I’m reporting on something. So that thing I’m reporting on is going to expand, and in this case, it was magic, which… How cool is that? And by magic, I’m talking about, You know, I’m having a down day and as I say a prayer to the Divine, but please just send me something that helps me stay on track, keeps my thoughts high, or tells me I’m on the right track, and then that sign shows up, or I’m just going around along with my day and it’s a great day, and then just something even more spectacular happens, and I know that it’s in response to just the way I’m seeing the world, so it’s all those things, it’s not necessarily big piles of money always showing up.
06:37: Although that’s fun, right? I realize that being able to track this magic, I didn’t just make sense because I saw that it made sense, I didn’t just see that it was working in my life, it then tied back to this very practical law that businesses base their reporting foundation on, which also, by the way, ties to a lot of psychological techniques or techniques that therapists give their clients about training the brain to focus on what is important to it and what it wants to receive as opposed to focusing on things we don’t want, right. So it had a lot of good solid routes, I had proof that it was working in my life, I could point to this independent law that’s out there in the business world that I know works, and then I understood the psychological… What was happening in the brain when you’re reporting on something, and what happened was, I ended up with this record of this really cool stuff, and sometimes I would talk about it in my journal, the thing that happened and why I really liked it, and sometimes I just know that all the pay Chad was maybe one or two things that had happened that were really cool, and that is the five-minute journaling practice that I do, it’s just to track that.
08:00: Now, since then, I’ve also developed a couple of other consistent habits, and I’ve talked about them here before, and that combining those consistent processes along with what I know about how to draw magic in and then tracking the magic is really what I brought together to create the Space for Magic Journaling Program, now, if you don’t know about this program is… ’cause I’ve never really talked about it. I mostly created it as a complement to my Space for Magic Journal, and I… Again, I haven’t talked too much about that either here, because the first time I did it sold outright, and then we got it back in stock, but I had all these amazing guests lined up, so I didn’t really have a chance to talk about it again with you… But if you are interested in getting a journal that kind of dives deeper into what I just talk to you about, and I’m gonna go through that again and tell you what I really talk about in the Space for Magic journal. But if you’d like to get a copy of that journal, you’d to purchase it may be for yourself or a gift for someone else, you can go to
09:17: Now, when this episode drops, it will be December 9th, so if you’re thinking about buying it as a holiday gift, I will tell you what we’re seeing from date of order is it’s taking about 14 days to deliver. So just factor that in. If you order it today, the day the episode drops, or probably in the next couple of days and you’re trying to hit maybe Christmas, you’re still good, but I would say any of the other holidays we’re celebrating around now, I don’t think it’s gonna get there in time, so I wanna be honest about that. So you’re not disappointed, but if you’re looking at starting a new habit for the new year, this would be a beautiful one to do, and you don’t have to get the journal to do it, ’cause I’m gonna walk you through the basic journaling process now, but I will say, the people that have already ordered and are using the journal, they’re telling me it’s very magical, they hold it and it feels magical, and I will tell you I put a lot of love into the creation of this… Every aspect of it, from the paper, from the cover, from the binding to the actual fonts that we use, the design of the pages, all of it, we worked on individually with the design team to make it as fun and interesting to use.
10:36: And by the way, when you purchase the journal, you don’t just get the journal, you actually get my Space for Magic journaling program, which is a 97 program. And the journal itself is 37. So for 37, you’re getting the journal, the hardcover journal, and the journaling program, so it’s a really great value, but you may not be interested in purchasing the journal itself, so I do wanna give you what the actual journaling process is now, besides the magic tracking. So as I’ve told you guys here, one of the things I constantly drive home is it’s how important it is first thing in the morning when you wake up, to breathe before you do anything else to really focus on a couple of breaths before you reach for your phone or a loved one, or taking care of a pet or a child, you wanna just connect to yourself… Right, that’s the first thing in the journal, I gave you a little check box, so you succeed right from the moment you get up. Yes, I did my three breaths, the second step is to set an intention for how you wanna feel during the day, today I wanna feel magical, today, I wanna feel productive.
11:53: Today, I wanna feel rich. Today, I wanna feel like a kid, you can pick whatever you want, and then you just jot that down for the day, and that those two things with three breaths, first thing in the morning, and then picking your intention that should probably take less than a minute, and then you wanna track at least one magical thing a day, although I want to start sending an intention for your day, you’ll find many magical things happen, and so you just wanna jot those down that I find takes anywhere from two to three minutes and then finally, three things that you appreciate for the day, and if you already have a gratitude journaling process, then this combines that that inside the Journal, we have a space for it, and if you’re already doing that in your own journal, you can just add the three things I just mentioned besides, which is the three breaths, just saying… Yes, I did it. The setting, the intention for the day. Just writing down what that dealing was that you intended to have for the day and tracking anything magical that arrives, and again, besides just ending the month, Space for Magic journal itself has space for about 33 days of journaling…
13:13: Just over a month. But whatever you’re using at the end of the month, you’re gonna have this amazing record of a rhythm, you didn’t even realize what’s happening in your life, and again, going back to Pearson’s law, what you record expands, and so it’s not just to have this record, but to understand, by focusing your attention here by making this record, you’re having these things expand in your life, you’re having what you can appreciate expand, you’re having the magic that comes into your life expand, you’re having the ease with which you breathe will start to expand. All of these things start to come together. Because you’re reporting on this now if you want… ’cause you’re recording this, I should say now, if you want a report on it, come into the Space for Magic Facebook group and just let the group know how you’re doing, just having a space where you’re telling other people about what’s been happening starts to shift the magic or whatever you’re reporting on, exponentially, how cool is that you can do this in any area of your life… And this worked for me because I wasn’t reporting to one person, what started to happen is I was reporting to you, I was reporting to my audience what I was seeing happen, and sure enough, the more I talked about it, the more I grew and the more the blessings grew.
14:44: So if you’ve been feeling like maybe now or maybe just as you go into the New Year, you’d really like to have a journaling practice, but honestly, journaling, it just feels like a big pain in the butt to you, I think this process will really shift it for you, now, inside the Journal, the Space for Magic journal, we also have a page for ideas and insights and inspirations each day, so if you did wanna go deeper, if you enjoy journaling and you really want that space to go deeper, there’s plenty of space in the journal for that as well. Again, where you can get the journal is to go to We’ll put that link in the show notes and then if you wanna come report on it, come to our free Facebook group, and tell us about it. We’ve got lots of fun stuff going on in the group, I pop in, sometimes I do a surprise oracle card reading, sometimes I’ll give a mini training. But there’s always fun stuff happening in there… And as we’re heading into the end of the year, if you’re thinking, Okay, I’ll start that in the New York…
15:59: New Years, I really recommend you start it now because this is one of those things where wouldn’t it be cool to… In a year that like the one we’re having for it to really wrap up with a powerful sense of magic and miracles and things getting easier because that happens when you start reporting on these things. And also because December 21st, which is the winter Equinox, is also a very powerful planetary conjunction. I’m not gonna speak about that because I am not an astrologer, but it is a powerful window that we’re all stepping into, and if you are start recording magic heading into that 20, the 21st, you are gonna be walking through a portal with a lot of power on your side, I definitely hope that you grab a copy of the journal… It’s so fun, I’m so proud of it because it really is just so beautiful. When I hold it, I’m excited to hold it. But don’t wait for your journal to arrive to start recording these things, you just get a little tiny note, both get a piece of paper. I do think it’s better to write than it is to put it in the computer, but you do what feels good to you, you just start to track those things, an intention for the day, three appreciations, doing your breaths in the morning and tracking your magic, and with that, you will have a five-minute journaling practice that will just transform what is happening in your life, so with that, have a fabulous, fabulous day.
17:37: I wish you very happy holidays and going into this new year, I know I’m with everyone in saying, Thank you 2020 for what you had to share with us, and 2021, You cannot come soon enough.
17:50: Alright, thanks, everyone. Hey, thanks for listening. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this episode with them, and if you’re feeling really generous, I’d love for you to leave us a review at your favorite podcast app, it helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy when I hear what you have to say about what I’ve shared. I’m cheering for your success, have an amazing day, and don’t forget. Always create space for magic.
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