What do you think about the “metaverse”?
Do you think about it?
Are you wondering what the heck the metaverse is?
The truth is the “metaverse” is more a concept right now than it is a definable “thing.” For the purposes of our conversation, I’m going to define it as a mostly future place where money, goods and experiences will be traded in a virtual space, rather than IRL (in real life.)
I’m conflicted. I feel like I “should” know enough to form an opinion about this future reality but every time I dip a toe in the water of NFTs and other virtual systems it’s like the life force drains out the bottom of my body and I’m exhausted before I begin.
But then I heard my friend Anna Tsui talking about this stuff and I asked her to have a conversation with me on the Space for Magic podcast. She is part of my woo crew – meaning she swims in the deep end of the metaphysical pool (although metaphysical and metaverse sound alike – they aren’t.) If her woo-woo self felt drawn to this space that energetically drains me I wanted to know how she plays there happily.
Anna is younger than me so tends to lean into “new” faster than I do.
From her perspective, resistance to this future reality is the reason to lean in. Because we must go where we fear to tread (I’m paraphrasing here.)
You can listen here to decide for yourself: EP. 175 How to Master Choosing Even When We Don’t Feel Like It
I’m still not sure about this. Part of me feels that the current hype around the metaverse is more a marketing ploy on the part of Mark Zuckerberg to distract us from the energetic fiasco he’s created at Facebook and related apps.
What I am sure about is that my conversation with Anna blew me away .. and it wasn’t even the part about the metaverse.
We were talking about the energetics of the planet right now. How so many plans are getting upended. Rugs are being pulled out from underneath people left and right (myself included.). I asked her what her take on this was and she said something that was a total gut punch to the third eye:
“Right now we are being asked to choose. You must decide if you believe this is a Benevolent Universe or a Dangerous One!”
Whoa Whoa Whoa!
There were so many juicy bits to this interview. If you are looking for a new way of looking at the world right now I highly recommend you listen in here: Space for Magic Podcast Ep 175
With love,
P.S. Remember – whatever is going on for you right now, you are amazing. You are powerful. You are love.
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