Becoming limitless part two!
Patty talked about this in last week’s episode and she got a big response so she’s explaining more and answering questions from the Space for Magic community.
Recap: Patty shared that she’s recognized the ability to be limitless in an embodied way. She realized that part of this involved giving up old identities that no longer fit us.
She recently gave up being the “Super-mom-problem-solver-of-all-the-things identity.” Can you relate? What isn’t fitting you?
When the time comes to make a big shift in life, we often wait for a “feeling” first. Patty explains that it’s okay to internally identify without disrupting your whole life or going public. Allow the process to unfold slowly.
Enter baby steps.
If you hate going slow, you are not alone. Patty used to feel that way too. When making big shifts, baby steps are your friends. Hear how you can embrace them in anything you are facing today.
Why are we so unforgiving of ourselves?
My recent training covered this, and it relates to shifting identities. How do we do that in a trusting way? Baby steps.
Check in on something you’ve been reaching for. What is the next version of that? Feel into where you are pushing to get there. Can you sit with the question without the answer?
Can you be excited about the journey instead of worrying about the perfect outcome? Transitions are messy, but if you trust that it’s all working out for your best, what could you find exciting?
This is where baby work best. This episode will give you the inspiration to look at letting go of the old and embracing the new.
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0:00:04.5 S1: Welcome to the space for magic podcast, where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to receiving all the gifts the Universe has for us. I’m your host, Patty Lennon, an ex-type a corporate banker turned intuitive coach using a blend of common sense brain science and just a dash of magic, I’m here to help you create abundance in every area of your life and business. Welcome.
0:00:36.6 S2: Hey there. Welcome to this episode of the space for magic podcast. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. And today, I wanna pick up where I left off last week. Now, if you didn’t listen to last week’s podcast, that’s okay, I’m gonna give you the high-level summary, I was talking about becoming limitless, and this is a brand new awareness to me, I just got a super download… Oh my goodness, I’ve been walking into walls from a whole life, and now I can just walk around them in a moment, and I was sharing it, and what I had come to realize was that I am feeling limitless lately, like really in an embodied state, not just having faith in it, but actually experiencing it as truth, and so I had shared last week how I think that came to be, and I have gotten a big response from last week’s podcast, a bunch of people I’ve been telling me that what I shared kind of blew their minds, but not because it was something new, but it just brought into focus something that has worked for them in the past, and now they realize they need to do more of it, so you’re probably wondering what is that…
0:01:58.7 S2: And the thing that it is, is releasing old identities, releasing identities that no longer fit us, and that ultimately it’s the weight of these old identities that we don’t need, that we don’t want, that are just not us, that keeps us from feeling limitless that these identities are what creates… Limit that feel very real. What does that look like in real life? Well, a really small example I shared was that for the longest time, I felt that my identity as the one in our house that deals with all of the school staff, that Mom’s better at dealing with school stuff is an identity that I’ve held, but to actually create limitations, because it means that I’ve gotta do all that solving right, and what if I just let go of that because the reality is they’re… Both of my kids are now in high school, and I’m not necessarily better at solving the problems, most of the problems that they encounter at the high school level are ones that can be solved with paperwork, and when I say problems, I’m not talking about intervening in their social in my children’s social life, I’m talking about a form can be found, driver’s ed class got canceled last minute, and we need to get in a certain number of classes before my son goes for his road test or he won’t qualify.
0:03:27.3 S2: Things like that, my husband is capable of doing those things, and finally releasing that cloak of superhero, solving crime, solving the problem solving mom has really freed me up. Now, of course, my kids Don’t believe in that identity, so we have to get them on board, right. But on a bigger level, releasing early in my working life, years ago now, releasing the identity of being a corporate banker in favor of being an entrepreneur, and then more recently releasing the identity of being a business coach in favor of being the founder of the receiving school and really stepping into a place where what I am meant to do and what I am here to do is to teach other people along with myself, how to let in Magic, to how to let in help from the Divine, and that’s in releasing these identities. They’re really carved out space for flight to be flying higher, and the metaphor I used was that when we let go one identity, it’s like letting go of a trapeze bar if you’re taken and you let a one trapeze bar, but for a moment before the next truck he’s bar arrives, you’re mid-air.
0:04:54.5 S2: And in that moment, you decide, are you flying? Or are you falling? Because both of those can be true. So we’ve had a lot of discussion about it in my master mind, in my membership community, because the podcast episode brought up a lot of conversations around this and what it means, and in a trap situation, you’re only in the air without a truck, he’s bar for literal moments, but in life, it doesn’t usually work like that, that period between identities… Well, we’re firmly in… Our next identity usually is months, sometimes years, and that in between place feels like we’re wandering. In fact, one of my very close friends called me and in tears, said, I know that my identity of being this particular type of corporate person where she is is over, but I’m not doing the things to let go of the identity and the things she was referring to was actually quitting her job and she goes, but I just don’t feel it yet. I don’t feel the impetus to go out and look for a job, and it wasn’t just that she’s tired, she needs a break, it’s also that she has learned that when the time comes to make a shift in her life, whatever that shift is, that she feels it that the impetus sort of drives her forward, and what I offered to her is, you can let go of the trapeze bar and not have to make a big production out of it.
0:06:39.1 S2: It can be an internal shift first, you can be going to a job that you no longer identify with, I can still be helping with paperwork issues with the kids school without identifying myself as the superhero that solves those problems. Right, and so I wanted to offer that because to you, because as you think about releasing identities to create this sense of limitless-ness for yourself, if this appeals to you, what I want to understand is it doesn’t have to be giant sweeping transitions. In fact, it’s much kinder and gentler to yourself to allow the process of moving out of an identity and into another, if it’s done slowly, and if you acknowledge that the movement of identities is a big one, right? And so it’s important to baby-step those moves, I’m a big proponent of baby steps, they irritate most people, they used to irritate me because the tiny movements feel like they’re not doing enough to get us where we wanna be, right. And this is Baby Steps are one of the foundations of my Mastermind, and at this point, two years into running this mastermind that’s based on active receiving, actively participating in creating our lives.
0:08:07.2 S2: What I’ve drive home, the point is we baby step, we baby step, we baby step with baby steps, so we don’t overwhelm ourselves, and so we leave a lot of room for the divine to help us. And at the beginning of every Mastermind, I have to remind every person that they are going to get frustrated with baby steps, and that if they can just trust me on this, that by the end of the mastermind, they will be the biggest baby step advocates ever. And they always are. It happens every single time. So I promise you, if you get irritated at the concept, the baby steps, I get it, and yet if you can engage them, they create so much magic that you will eventually… When you use them consistently, become the us advocate for baby steps, and they are the key to becoming limitless in a way that’s kind to yourself, in a way that’s gentle and loving, and actually works right. If I had left banking and then expected myself to be a super successful entrepreneur within days or weeks or months, and actually I did, I’m gonna create a live stress for myself, and I did.
0:09:25.7 S2: Now, when I see people leave one career for another, or an employment situation for a self-employment situation, the thing I always tell them is, be gentle, Ben, by gentle, same thing with becoming an empty nester, same thing with becoming a parent, same thing with losing a parent, every transition requires baby steps, it requires us to understand it’s gonna be messy in the middle, and that the place that we’re going is exciting and worth it, and we’re talking about this in the space for magic training, that’s happening right now, which if you’re not a part of, I highly recommend at the point in time where this podcast drops, even though we started yesterday, you have plenty of time to catch up because the first video dropped yesterday, and the second one doesn’t drop till tomorrow, and I’m doing Q and As all week long, all next week in our Facebook group, and then the third training will happen on Monday, so what we talked about yesterday, and you can still get in on this magic, is why we are built the way we’re built, where we’re so unforgiving of ourselves because that unforgiveness… That desire to have everything done immediately and have it all the eyes dot I and the TAs cross is actually not something we were born with, we were born with patients, we were born embracing the mess, we didn’t need all these finish lines, all these neat, clean finish lines, when we were born, we were trained to be like that, and yesterday’s training explained how that came to be and how it blocks so much magic, and tomorrow’s training, what we’re gonna be talking about is how to start to shift that programming, how to start to open up to this magic in a trusting way.
0:11:21.2 S2: And the key, surprisingly, or not surprisingly, is doing things like taking a vacation, watching Netflix, buying something that you’ve known you need or want, but I’ve held off because of maybe the cost, and of course, just going out and doing those without understanding the theory behind them or which one specifically is right for you isn’t gonna work, so it is important for you to understand the theory, to understand how it works, to understand which one to choose for yourself, but if you join the training now, you will get those details, you’ll understand… We have a workbook that goes along with it, for simple questions that you can answer right on the training that require very little, very little thinking, the answer comes to pretty quickly, and that those answers will eventually tell you what is the baby step for you to take right now are becoming limitless, but I promise you, the baby step is going to feel counter-intuitive because it’s gonna feel easy, and we always think the things we most desire need to be hard. It’s just not the case. In fact, as I’m recording this podcast when I woke up this morning, I had cleared my calendar to do only a few things, one was to record this podcast, the second was to write the beginning of another book that I feel is being birthed into the world to just open up to that creative space, and most importantly, to spend some time outside fall, I’m in Connecticut, in New England, and fall as my fee or favorite season, and today is a beautiful day, and so I just had this really expansive feeling for what today was gonna be…
0:13:13.2 S2: And then about an hour and a half into my day, I realized that that wasn’t coming to me, the book wasn’t coming to me, this podcast was, and I’m sharing it with you now, but my allergies are kind of acting up and being outside… What’s the glorious experience I thought it was gonna be? And then I started to try and muscle the version of the day I thought I was gonna create, and I started to try and make myself feel creative and meet myself, enjoy the outdoors, and the reality is that’s not what was coming. Now, what’s coming to me is to just be… Once I’m done with this podcast, I’m going to just be… And my brain still trying to catch up to that, is still trying to catch up to the idea that I’m not accomplishing something, even though a day ago, the thing I was accomplishing fell juicy and easel, it just doesn’t anymore. And to trust that is something we’re taught out of, and it’s something that I’m helping you re-learn through the make space for magic training. So the one piece of advice I have for you right now is I want you to check in on something you’re reaching for, some version of limitless-ness, maybe it’s a romantic partner or a more fulfilling career, you could have a fabulous career, but you want the next version of the fulfillment of the expansion of the impact you make in that maybe you just wanna feel healthier and feel that your body is capable of so many wonderful things, that it is the secret vessel that you are born to live in it, and you’re reaching for that just feeling to where are you pushing to get to the finish line versus allowing yourself to fly there, allowing yourself to float through the air, even amidst the question mark of, Are you succeeding? Because that’s one of the reasons why we want that finish line, is we want to know we’ve succeeded, and the thing is, the journey is the whole point of this, right? When you look at the true, even when you’re letting go of a legitimate or a literally chop using when people do trend, especially for fun.
0:15:57.2 S2: They do it for that moment. They’re in the middle, right? It’s not to be on one chopper or the second trap piece Bar, it’s really for that moment, those moments where you’re in the air, experiencing flight, that is the real point of trap using, and if we really embrace that then to apply that to our own lives. When we’re in the process of releasing the security of one identity and reaching for another, reaching for a more expanded version of ourselves, it’s not for the finish line of that, because once we’re there, it becomes our new normal, right, it’s the exhilaration of the in-between, but it’s an exhilaration. We usually only allow ourself to appreciate one, We’re heading the finish line, right. Now, it’s a lot easier for me to look back and realize how silang it was when I left a stable corporate career and was out there on my own, but I didn’t give myself always the opportunity to enjoy that, and I suspect that there’s times in your life right now, that could be far more enjoyable if you just allow yourself to feel excited rather than anxious simply because of an unknown man, every time the kids ask me about…
0:17:28.6 S2: Are the picture forms filled out or whatever it is, for a moment, I actually can feel bubbling up of telling them, No, your father is handling it right, whereas the old you would braced for their disappointment or raised for their anxiety that he might get it wrong. Right. And by the way, I didn’t hand over the picture forms to him because I guess I’m still in the middle of this identity, and I really don’t want to have to worry about having the retakes done and so it’s okay, it’s not 100% be in the full fledged flying, right? But yesterday, the orthodontist called and wanted to know if my daughter was going to be at her appointment, they were confirming the appointment, and I’m like, I have no idea, because my husband handles this and I’ve given you his number, please use it. All of those things are messy transitions, but if I just trust it’s all working out, they become exciting. So what can be exciting for you, what could be exciting for you that Right now feel stressful, simply because you have no guarantee that it works out perfectly, what if you trusted the magic, what have you tested that your desire and your vision for where you’re heading is absolutely gonna come into play and you just enjoyed this in-between place, and if you’re not there yet, what’s the baby step you can take, what’s the giant boulder of a step you’re trying to take that you can then break down into teeny tiny steps.
0:19:12.7 S2: You are able to make… We have a woman in our group right now who is stepping more deeply into our artist identity, and one of the pieces of the puzzle for her was to create a space within her home for it, and now she has that space, and she said, I just feel overwhelmed with the idea of producing art, and I said, Well, then don’t worry about that, because that space hasn’t become an inspired space for you so far, all you’ve done is clear it, so now, start to think about what tools you wanna bring to the space, maybe for the next week only focus on finding the most inspirational pain brush or your favor campuses, and just make that your staff don’t worry about the art that’s coming, and I see that you don’t worry about the finish line, just worry about the team time step, you can put in front of you, and if you’re not or how to do this, definitely come join us in the training and in the Facebook group, which is partnering with the training where I’m in there every day answering questions. So go to Patty Lin dot com training, sign up, and then you will get access to the group as well as all the Q and As with me, and I’m happy to answer any questions you have about all of this, but for now, just trust in your own limitless-ness, and even if it doesn’t feel real to you, find a teeny tiny baby step and take it
0:20:52.2 S1: And they’ll be well on of… Hey, thanks for listening. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this episode with them, and if you’re feeling really generous, I’d love for you to leave us a review at your favorite podcast app, it helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy when I hear what you have to say about what I’ve shared. I’m cheering for your success, have an amazing day, and don’t forget. Always create space for magic.
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