It’s raining.
I’m bored.
This is a good thing.
There was a time where being bored freaked me out. I filled the gaps in my day with something… some busy-ness, or socializing, or technology or eating or drinking.
Right now, I’m not doing that. Well technically I am because I’m writing this but I’m going to keep it brief.
Consider this your permission to be bored.
Boredom means the space between what was and what is about to be is allowed to exist. That is scary for the mind. But if boredom doesn’t happen it means the most delicious, potent version of what you are about to create will be diluted.
Being bored is gooooooood (even if it doesn’t feel that way.) What emerges on the other side of “Bored” is something really juicy. I can’t wait to see what is about to come!
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