“My session with Patty was amazing. I felt safe, nurtured and completely supported. Her intuitive understanding of what was blocking me was incredibly accurate and the clarity I received helped me so much. The action plan and steps she provided helped me to continue moving forward and to remove the blocks that were in my way around the junk that was really gumming up the works for me. After our session I was able to take powerful steps forward in my business and my life.” ~Payson Cooper, Intuitive Marketing Strategist, www.PaysonCooper.com |
“Patty helped me realize that it was ok to balance my desires to be with my children and grow a thriving business. In this one session Patty helped me get crystal clear on where I needed to be spending my time to make my life work the way I wanted it to.” Jennifer Zweibel, A Place Of Joy, www.aplaceofjoy.com |
“Patty helped me squash those self doubts and gave me some excellent tools to help me keep my head up high and grow my business…This could not have come at a more perfect time!” ~ Leslie Ruggeiro, www.neighborhoodsquirrel.com |