The other day as I was scanning my Facebook feed a post caught my eye.
It read “If you knew you had only one year to live, what would you change?”
My daughter peered over my shoulder to see what I was looking at.
After she read it she said quickly “That’s easy! I would quit school and spend my year hunting for a unicorn.”
It took her less than 10 seconds to establish her priorities (no school + Unicorns.)
There were no “shoulds” or “musts” that held her up. She had a direct line to what would light her up and that is where her plan came from.
She didn’t worry about how realistic her plan was and she also didn’t worry about whether she actually found the Unicorn. We talked about this. She told me she would just want to know she tried to find a unicorn before she died.
How often do we have dreams that feel too far fetched, too magical to pursue. What would happen if rather than worry about whether we achieved “success,” we simply embraced the pursuit of what we desire?
I’ve been playing with that question this week. It was especially interesting to me because last week I emailed you and everyone in my tribe a meditation to access your soul’s deepest desire and received a number of frustrated responses. People wrote to tell me that they either 1. Couldn’t get an answer or 2. Just didn’t know where to start to pursue that desire.
What if we all just started with accepting we have desires that can feel like Unicorns (aka too magical for a grown up to believe in).
Then we could remember that life with unicorns (aka magic) is wayyyyy better than life without unicorns.
If you could do all this and were able to give yourself permission to go hunting unicorns what would your unicorn look like?
What feels so magical to you that simply the pursuit of it would be enough for you to feel satisfied that you are living a good and full life?
That is the question I’m playing with this week and I invite you to do the same. And when you have your answer, I’d love for you to share it with me. Just comment below.
In love and light,
P.S. I have a sneaky suspicion that the pursuit of unicorns may also lead to abundance, a sense of purpose and an overall fuller life.
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