This is a timely topic. The entire world is dealing with the coronavirus. Here in the US,
our government put together stimulus packages to help people who are laid off or
companies who experience a significant drop in income.
Stimulus money is being distributed to individuals based on income. Businesses had to
apply and are meant to use the funds for payroll so they can stay open and keep their
employees paid.
Patty noticed via social media that people are upset to see businesses who don’t need
the funds (based on their size and profitability) taking the loans, while those who are
truly struggling were left out.
What if you weren’t attached to the source of the money? Instead, what if you asked the
Universe to support you and were open to new income or funds in completely
unexpected ways?
Being upset that someone else may be receiving (undeservedly) blocks your ability to
receive. The Universe is always ready to provide what you desire when it serves your
highest good.
Patty understands how difficult things are. Seeing injustice, especially now, is always
hard. Even when we know abundance can’t be limited, it’s hard to remember when you
feel left out or see others benefitting in a way that feels unfair.
She explains how to share in the abundance of the Universe. You’ll find it a welcome
shift in energy.
Patty shares a simple practice that you can use today to open yourself to abundance.
Welcome to the wealth and purpose podcast where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to creating wealth in a way that feels really good and live their purpose fully in the process. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an ex type-a corporate banker, turned intuitive business coach. I’m also a wife, a mom to two pre-teens, a professor, girl scout leader and well Hey you get it like you I wear a lot of hats, whether you’re looking for inspiration to get started or strategies to get growing. I am here to help you create abundance in every area of your life in business. Welcome.
hey there and welcome to this episode of the wealth and purpose podcast. I’m your host Patty Lennon and thank you for letting me spend this time with you. I’m going to shift gears to something pretty tactical. In the current environment we’re working in.
I’ve been talking a lot about feeling states and, and dealing with energy. And to a certain extent that’s what we are talking about today, but in a really specific way. And it has to do with the stimulus package that is available in the States. Now, if you’re listening outside the States, I’ll just give you an overview, a very uninformed overview of what is going on in the States and then show you how this is sort of playing out for some people and some shifts in energy that can really help what’s going on, as well as show us how we may get in the way of our own abundance flowing to us openly. So in the States right now, because of the covid shelter at home provisions and closing of essential businesses, et cetera, a couple of stimulus packages were put together. One included, checks going out to families.
But these checks were based on income and a second stimulus package was put together to help small businesses that included low interest loans that could be completely forgiven, or almost completely forgiven if the majority of the money went to payroll. So I’m going to get, I’m going to just take what the intention of the packages are off the table other than they’re meant to help stimulate the economy during a time where we were and probably are headed into a recession and talk about specifics and two very interesting ways that people have spoken to me about these stimulus packages in a way that really shows how easily we can use something that “should be” a neutral event and make it something that’s negative that creates resistance so in the receiving school is running live right now. The, premise of the receiving school and everything that we do in that program is that, you know, when we ask for something, the universe starts sending it to us.
This is a basic premise of law of attraction. It’s, it’s the premise of a lot of spiritual practices, et cetera. The problem is that we block the receiving of the gifts the universe is sending us. And we do that with resistance. And so inside the receiving school, we are working through eight weeks of exercises and coaching and deep work to release resistances. These are resistances to money, love and support, and also resistance to getting spiritual guidance and connecting to loved ones who have crossed, et cetera. So resistance is the key, right? When we don’t have what we want or what we desire, it’s because we’re resisting receiving it. Assuming it’s for our highest good. If it’s not for our highest good, we, we won’t get it anyway. But oftentimes we have desire for financial freedom, which certainly is something that you know, is part of everyone’s path.
I mean, that journey to financial freedom could be easier or harder depending on our soul’s contract. But certainly that journey towards financial freedom is in alignment with most people soul’s path. And so if that doesn’t exist, it’s because there’s resistance to it. You know, getting underneath where that resistance is coming from is the work. So one of my children came to me the other day talking about the stimulus package. I’m not going to say which child and said, mom, when does my check get here? And I said what check? And the child said, you know the check that they’re sending me. And I truly had no idea what that child was talking about cause I there’s a chance that said child may have gotten the impression from a relative that maybe that child was getting some money. I don’t know. So I said, what check, who’s sending you the check?
And the child said the government, okay so the government sending you a check and that child said yes for $500. Now part of the stimulus package, the stimulus money included $1,200 per individual if you met the income requirements and $500 per child. So that’s where this child got the impression that there was a $500 check coming to said child. And so I told said child, and I’m being very generic so that I don’t embarrass said child, that if that I didn’t think we qualified for the money. But that if for some reason that the child payments go out anyway, that that would be coming to, you know, my husband and I as the taxpayers do, who support a child and my child was not pleased. And the child said, but you’re not the child, you’re not doing the work of the child. And I said, well that’s true, but I’m doing the financial work of supporting the children.
And then the child said, well, why wouldn’t we get it? And I said, because I don’t think we meet the income requirements for it. And the child said, well, you know, every other child does exactly the same amount of work as this child. Basically this child is just as deserving of a $500 check as everyone else. And I said, well, that aside, it’s, I don’t know whether we’re getting the check or not, but certainly if it comes, it’s not going to you. It’s going to us. And it’s meant to offset, you know, the cost of having a child. So anyway, that conversation ended and the child dealt with it pretty pretty well, I have to say. But I found it really fascinating that without any context, that child felt that if money was coming, it was certainly coming to that person to that child. And I’m seeing that a lot with the stimulus money with small business owners, especially with the money that was put aside for this, these payments to go out for these loans to be made to small businesses.
So the loans were meant to be two and a half times monthly payroll and rent expenses. Essentially. That was how the, the stimulus check would be calculated or how the loan would be calculated and then it would be a 1% loan. But again, if the money, if you use the money towards payroll and I believe rent, then the loan would be forgiven. So it would essentially be a grant. So a lot of people were feeling like there was free money on the table. Well, the first traunch of loans totaling 350 billion got used up very quickly. The second tranche, which is 250 billion hasn’t been approved because there’s some debate over what needs to be included in that second traunch of money. And so there’s a lot of people who really do need the money and I completely understand that really need the money, are in very difficult circumstances and are upset that they’re not getting the money because the money seems to have gone to organizations that didn’t really need it.
So one article I saw fly across my Facebook feed, and again I didn’t read it, so I don’t know for a fact that this is a specific example, but, well one for sure was Ruth Chris steakhouse got money and I believe Harvard may have gotten some of the money and these are organizations that we perceive would have been able to themselves through this difficulty without the stimulus money. And ideally the stimulus money though the funding of the grant/loan will go to businesses that really needed it. What’s interesting is that the people that are most upset, at least that have said things to me really, although they could have benefited from the money and it’s definitely a hard time that they’re going to go through. They aren’t completely at risk for closing. So they definitely, you know, definitely qualified for the money. They are definitely in the group of businesses that the money was intended for.
I’m not taking that off the table, but they felt that this other, these other organizations that didn’t need the money got this money, this free money and they didn’t get free money. There are so many stories attached to that about, you know, if there’s free money than I want. Some of it, you know, that was certainly my child’s feeling and it’s understandable. It’s understandable that if there’s free money out there that I want some of it. The thing is that there’s always money available to us. There’s always money available to us. And so if you saw that there was money available through this, through these stimulus packages, you can use that to inspire a desire from within yourself for that money flow. And then let go of how that money is going to come to you. That’s really how it all works, right? Is you have the desire, you ask and then you let go of how it’s going to come and then you receive it.
Getting attached to how it comes in is one of the ways we create resistance. So really looking at and staying focused on, look at who got this money that I didn’t really builds up this resistance to that money flow coming into our lives because it focuses us on lack and this feels very justified right now. People are traumatized, they’re hurting. They believe that there was money available and someone else took it and so there’s this limited amount of money, but the reality is the universe is a creative force. It is a creative source and so if we can let go of how that money is going to come in to allow it in, that opens up the universe’s ability to care for us. But if we’re so attached to someone or something getting more than us is some injustice we believe is happening, then we get locked into this state of resistance and this happens all the time.
Take us out of the current environment we’re in, but all of us, myself included, we get locked into these situations and I’m going to stay focused on money, but we could apply this to love, we could apply this to support that we, you know, one person is getting is using up all of the the resources and so then there isn’t resources for me. Right? But that’s not accurate. The universe is unlimited. It is infinite in our ability to take care of us. Inside the receiving school we are actually going through a practice of, you know, at the very beginning of setting an intention of what’s something you could manifest in eight weeks that if it showed up, we’d feel very magical. And as we went through in the intention setting workshop, you know what people wanted. It was really interesting because one person, I mean there was lots of different examples of this, but one person for instance wanted to manifest a certain amount of money to clear a certain amount of debt because ultimately when that debt was clear, then they would be able to leave the home that they’re at in which they’re staying in for a lower cost than maybe where they really want to live.
And so when we talked through it, what they truly desired was a new home was to be in a different home, in a different space, in a space with better energy and lots of other factors. And so as we talked about it, we realized that was really what this person wanted, right? But that person had gotten so attached to the money then clearing the debt there that you, they lost track of what they truly desired. And as I, you know, hear from so many people who are frustrated with not getting the stimulus money, the grants specifically, and the low interest loans, which again, I completely understand that frustration. I am not, I am not discounting it. And you really do have to start with feeling the pain of, of not getting a loan. You feel you should have gotten. There’s an unfortunate result to really paying attention to what you haven’t gotten because it really keeps you in that state of not getting more.
And so with this particular, you know, loan program, there was a process and then you submitted documentation and depending on what bank you worked with, some of them were more cumbersome than others and it was a somewhat frustrating process. But if you had just done the very best you can do to apply for the loan and then let it go and really trust that you’ve set the intention, you set the intention for your expenses to be covered through this difficult time we’re in and for your business and you and your family to remain safe. That gives the universe the space to deliver to you the fulfillment of what you desire. Now I will shift gears a little bit and just put my bankers hat on for a moment in the hopes of if you’re in this situation where you’re feeling very upset and very let down and very frustrated by this process, that may give you some insight into what’s going on behind the scenes that won’t feel so, so imbalanced and unfair.
So as you probably know, I worked in a bank for 15 years and I worked at many different levels, but when I started I was working with fairly small mom and pop businesses. So businesses that for the most part would be reaching out for these loans. And what I want to sensitize you to or just help you understand is that to get a loan approved in a traditional bank setting is, you know, has a lot of of mechanisms and wheels and back and forth. And unfortunately it runs like a mini bureaucracy and that’s, that’s disappointing. But that is the way that the banks typically run, right? And it’s built like that. So when these, when this stimulus package came out and you know, the government was looking for the banks to process these loans in conjunction with the SBA, it did not work like any process.
It couldn’t work like any process that they had in place. And so I’m sure behind the scenes they were scrambling to figure out which of their staff, which of their employees could actually handle this. The other thing is in banking the credit officers are naturally tend towards the cynical, and I say that lovingly, but in order for you to be a good credit officer, you have to have a certain amount of resistance in letting the money go or else there isn’t enough balance of power per se because you have the sales people who are pushing, pushing, pushing for the money to flow through. And the same with the business heads. And then when you have these smaller loans, you also have like, you know, lending goals. And so there’s a lot of force towards giving the money away. And the credit officers really are the ones that sort of are those gatekeepers that create this almost balance of power.
And you know this stimulus package was sort of created with this idea of flushing money out into the economy to really support small businesses. But you had all of these basic things that need to be put in place for someone that’s built like a credit officer to like in good faith sign off on these loans. Especially a credit officer who isn’t highly trained who’s used to just looking at a credit score and looking at a few other factors and really hasn’t been trained to think outside the box. You know that’s, you’re asking a lot of organizations and so you know a lot this money may have flowed to more established businesses and know I heard from someone that, you know it was very disappointing cause she knew that someone that had a private client relationship with the bank got money. Which I do think is is unfair to a certain extent, not unfair in the world sense, but it’s imbalanced because if you have a private client relationship with a bank, it means you have wealth and you probably could self fund your organization and work through this time right now.
And so I’m not, I’m not misunderstanding that certain individuals and businesses went for money grabs in this current environment when they absolutely could have survived without it. I get that, but also understand that in the banking world when you’ve got all of these relationships with the bank already, they already have a system to flow money to those businesses. So a lot of the things they would have needed to do were already in place because they have things like annual reviews with these businesses where they collected all the documents they needed. The documents are all in order. The documents are in place. This all makes for money to flow, unfortunately, right? Because conceptually this stimulus package sounded really good, but in practice it doesn’t actually fit into the banking world. And so I’m going to leave that there because that’s more than I ever plan to ever say about banking, but I put it out there because I’ve seen this happen before where people get very, very angry in the banking world and believe me, there’s a lot of stuff going on there that is not okay.
I get that, but more of it is system driven than intention driven and what I mean by that is to actually project that the system is rigged in favor or against you. All that does is put you in a position of resistance. It doesn’t open you up to flow. If it is in your highest good and you have released resistance, then money can flow to you at any time and I know that that doesn’t feel true right now. I know that that doesn’t feel true in so many ways, but I promise you it’s true all the time. And so if you are using the stimulus package or anything else going on right now as proof on why money will not flow to you, I am going to ask you to just consider for however many hours you have left in this day, right this day that you’re listening to this podcast just for today, let go of your belief that anything you believe about how money’s going to flow to you is true, right?
Just let that go for today and just see if you knew your desire for could be met by the universe unconditionally, what would you do differently? How would you behave differently today and can you behave that way? I know that that would be hard to maintain longterm, but could you do it just for today and see what happens? The other thing I would encourage you to do is really get clear on how much money exactly you need to flow to you. Now, if you’re not in a position where you need money to flow to you, figure out what you do desire, what is it you desire right now? Is it that you desire freedom from your home? If you’re sheltering in place, do you desire your loved ones to be safe and healthy and to feel the feeling that they are safe and healthy?
What is it that you desire? And get really clear about that because when you separate out what you truly desire from what should happen or what you think should be true or should be right, then you really get clear on your desire and you align with that desire and that creates the greatest opening for that to flow to you. I’m going to end also with one other story that I find so fascinating, so fascinating and that is the way I’m watching our local restaurants operate. So we’ve been, each week we’ve been, you know, investing in gift cards and some take out pretty limited because I’m still not 100% sure that that’s the direction that we want to go in. But certainly financially supporting our restaurants and supporting the wait staff in various ways. And on two separate occasions, businesses basically told me that they were so overrun with calls that they, they were huffing at me and basically telling me that they really didn’t have time for me.
And I really wasn’t asking for too much. Like I was trying to find out if they had curbside pickup in one case and another case if I could order the gift cards online as opposed to having to go in and get the gift card. And that to me is a sign of resistance. So I’m sure every restaurant owner along with so many other businesses is really, you know, it’s struggling because even with maybe a robust take out process, they’re still losing out on maybe alcohol revenue and some other revenues that they might get for people eating in and et cetera, et cetera. And I imagine that stress is being felt and, and I certainly extended compassion to these restaurants that acted like this, but in the moment I felt like, you know what? I feel less compulsion to support this particular restaurant over.
Another one, if they’re going to treat me like that. And yet I’m sure that that is just a result of how they’re feeling right now. And I’m sure they’re feeling very, very frustrated. Yet if they could turn their attention to how many people in the community are here supporting them, if they could really just allow in the truth that we are there to support them and that we will keep flowing funding to them, we will keep flowing money to them and that, you know, we have their back and we appreciate them being in our communities. If they could stay focused on that, their reactions would be different. And that’s what I see for most of the restaurants. You know these, Hey thank you so much. Thank you for supporting us. You know, thank you for being there. But these, these two particular restaurants are acting very differently.
And so that’s how we can sort of just like in real time block money flow, right? Because if we focus on lack and focus on stress and and not do the work to clear that stress, then all of a sudden we start reacting to the world that way and then the world starts interacting with us in that way and that creates, can create some resistance. So I know that right now these are challenging times for so many reasons. And if you are feeling stressed or you’re feeling any level of resistance and saying, well that’s great Patty, now you’re just freaking me out because now I feel like I’m screwing myself more because I’m stressed out. Don’t, don’t take it that way. Really look for ways to release your stress and to refocus yourself on abundance. So you know, the same techniques that I talk about, they’ve talked about here in normal times, apply right now.
So ways to focus on abundance are clean water, fresh air, being able to move your body, any of these things you can focus on every single day and really take in that level of abundance that you have access to. That’s just a way to refocus your attention. You don’t have to maintain that all day long, but just when you find yourself getting into that space of fear, if you can refocus your attention, that can be really helpful. And then from a stress standpoint, the breath is the core helper with this, right? And so I’m going to do this with you right now, whether you’re driving, which where are you driving to? But whether you’re driving or you’re on a treadmill or you’re just listening to me and in the bed, wherever you are, we’re going to breathe together right now because this you can do anytime, anywhere, and this really does move the dial in a very powerful way. And all we’re going to do is three cycles of breath. So breathe in and breathe out, breathe in and breathe out, breathe in
and breathe out.
Now maybe you’re going to have to do that a few more times to get to a place of stasis, place of calm, but this works all the time, no matter what’s going on. Now, I will say one more thing, which is that you know, I, I do offer all of this understanding with a somewhat level of consciousness that I am coming from a place of privilege right now on so many levels. And you know, I certainly offer a disclaimer that I do not know what is going on for you right now. I do not know what is going on in your life. I don’t know what’s going on in your head, in your heart, in your home. And it’s possible that, you know what I said is just not relevant because my privilege just makes this completely a ridiculous piece of advice for you.
And that’s fair. If this just feels like this is so out of reality for you because either your situation is, has so much struggle in it or something else is going on for you, I am setting an intention right now that you allow yourself to find a resource that can help you, that that resource makes itself clear very quickly for you. And that when you leave this podcast, you know that I truly want the best for you. And none of what I’ve shared is shared from a place of judgment or an expectation that this is easy to apply. So please take what works for you and reject everything else. And that is especially true right now. I hope that your family is healthy. I hope that you are healthy and I wish you every bit of abundance you deserve.
Hey, thanks for listening. And if you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this podcast with them. And if you’re feeling really generous, I love for you to leave us a review on your favorite podcast app. It helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy when I hear what you had to say about what you heard. I am cheering for your success have an amazing day.
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