Today, Patty is talking about hope. And Inspiration.
Hope is the belief that there is something better than where we are right now. Hope sustains us through the dark and the storms.
“If there’s no hope, there’s nothing to reach for.” -Patty Lennon
When we are making space for magic, we know that there’s a gap from where we are to where we want to be. We can’t get there on our own. It’s the Divine magic that helps us get there.
There is a universal force of love that’s always working on our behalf. Sometimes, hope starts to feel like a risk. When that happens, disappointment has become toxic. Your brain is linking disappointment to danger.
That’s not our truth and we have so much in our lives that can help us see that for ourselves.
What can you do right now to start to change things for yourself?
Honor who you are right now and what you are feeling.
Remove those things that are no longer lifting you up.
Choose one positive step forward.
“Hope needs to feel safe. Inspiration needs to feel exciting.” – Patty Lennon
If you feel like you need a reset, if you know it’s time to shake off the indecision that has built up over the last few years and free yourself, join me for the live event Unleash your Magic.
You’ll walk away feeling grounded, clear, and ready to take action on the dreams you have waiting deep inside your soul.
Relevant Links:
Live Event: Unleash your Magic
The Gap or the Gain – book
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Hey there magic maker. Are you ready to shake off the stuckness? We’ve all been in and fire up what’s waiting for you in the future? If so, I’d love for you to join me on my new event unleash your magic happening June 21, and 22nd virtually so you can join us from anywhere in the world. Go to forward slash unleash your magic and get your ticket today. Welcome to the speed through magic podcast where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to receiving all the gifts the universe has for us. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an X type a corporate banker turned intuitive coach, using a blend of common sense brain science and just a dash of magic. I’m here to help you create abundance in every area of your life and business. Welcome.
Welcome to this episode of the space for magic podcast. Hey, I am your host, Patty Lennon and today, we are going to be talking about hope. And we’re going to be talking about inspiration. These are energies or qualities or
aspects of being human that are necessary to have a magical life.
So here we talking about how do you make space for magic, but in the very essence of wanting to do that
must be hope.
Must be hope. Because if there’s no hope, then there’s nothing to reach for right? Hope for you watching, I’m holding up the hope card from the workspace for magic Oracle Card Deck. So in this card, there’s a really an expression of what hope is, which is, there’s this small girl innocence standing in this darkness, looking at a tree and she cannot see what’s on the other side. But it’s beautiful, it’s beautiful. What she can see through the tree is light. That’s the light of hope. That’s the understanding that there is something better. And it’s a matter of catching up to it right, it’s a matter of it revealing itself, it’s a matter of certain things moving or shifting to reveal
this other place. And
when we’re making space for magic, it is so that there is a bridge between where we are and where we most want to be. And that from where we are to where we most want to be, there’s a gap, there’s a gap.
And we know
our human selves cannot fill that gap. We cannot physically build the bridge from where we are to where we want to be. We can do part of it. But we can’t get ourselves there by ourselves. It is magic, it is the divine force, it is the force
that birthed our souls onto the earth,
that will then bring us the rest of the way. And that is why hope is not just necessary, but also a given. Right, it’s a given if we know there is this universal force of love that is always acting on our
But something has happened and I found this quite shocking and very telling and also true for myself just a couple of months ago
is that hope has started to feel like a risk.
The people are almost like hoarding their hope. Not meaning keeping it from others but almost only giving hope to very few things right like a squirrel with nuts. I’m only going to give hope,
where I’m pretty sure something good can come right. Because hopes become risky.
The leap of faith that hope requires feels like it could come back in my face. And really when hope feels risky, it’s because disappointment has become toxic. It means that you have experienced so much disappointment and pain as a result of that disappointment that your brain has equated disappointment
to dangerous.
The reality is being on this earth. Disappointment is going to happen. Disappointment is going to happen. However, the amount of gifts in your life far exceed what has been disappointed. thing. Now maybe in the recent past, it doesn’t feel like that’s the truth. But it is, it is the truth, right. And we have so much in our lives that can reveal to us where there is opportunity for hope, because of the proof of what we’ve already accomplished of what the magic that’s already worked in our lives. But when that shadow of I can not tolerate any more disappointment sort of falls on our life, we start just looking towards the things that aren’t working. And the reason our brain does that is just doesn’t want us going after the experience of hope. It doesn’t want us reaching for hope. And it’s doing everything in its power to keep us from hope. And one thing you can do, if you’re experiencing this, is to really start to notice where you are in your mindset. And a book. And I think I’ve mentioned it on the podcast at least once before, because I know it really struck me when I first read it. It’s a book by Dan Sullivan. It’s co authored by
Ben Hardy, I believe. And this is they’re not
the only ones out. But this concept out this has been put out by many, many thinkers, but because that’s where it really anchored it for me, I’m mentioning it. And the book is the gap or the game. And so you are operating in your life, either from the gap or the game. The gap is, you’re where you are, and you’re looking forward. And you’re looking at all that needs to happen and how impossible it is, right? That’s the gap. You’re here, where you want to be. And there’s this huge gap and all you see is this gap. And there’s just nothing there that makes you believe that it’s possible, right? Because your mind’s kind of gone there. The gain, however, is to say I’m here. Well, when I look back at where I’ve come from, I see how far I’ve come. I mean people we as a humanity got through a pandemic, we got through a pandemic, right? And then there’s all your individual experiences. And so are you willing to look at where you used to be? And how much brought you to where you are today?
So that’s number one. That is
are you able to operate in the gap or the game? Or I should say, are you choosing to operate in the gap? Or are you choosing to operate in the game because the gain, what you have already overcome what you have already received, what you have already benefited from all the gifts in your life are what can show you and sustain you in believing in hope, again, in allowing yourself to hope. And hope is a quality that’s very innocent. It’s not positive visualization. It’s not something that really requires the what I would say the adult mind, hope is an innocent experience. It’s saying I don’t know how I am reaching the light how I am reaching my
destination. But I believe it’s possible.
I believe it’s possible because I believe in the Divine. I believe in universe, I believe in source whatever word you use, because there is magic in the world, right?
And then inspiration, it’s necessary to
believe in inspiration, because inspiration is what’s going to carry you on your path inspiration tells you what steps you need to uniquely take versus which ones the Divine is going to take inspired action. And what I’ve noticed is people feel inspiration is fragile. So not so much that inspiration is risky, because once we feel inspiration, it’s there, right? It’s not a risk, it’s just there.
But what’s become problematic is that, will it stick?
Will it be enough to carry me forward? Right? Or will something change because that’s what’s happened for a lot of us is we’ve been taken on paths. And we thought we were heading in one direction. And then we get there and it’s a dead end. Or at least it feels like a dead end. But really what’s happened is we’re still in the middle of the story. We’ve judged a point that we’ve reached as the end of the story, when in fact it’s actually the middle of the story. The story is not over yet. Right? And so we need to continue to follow inspiration. And a friend said to me the other day. Now this is I would say this is even on my spectrum of Wu friend she is she’s fairly Woo, woo, skeptical, right? She loves to listen to me talk to her about it, but she doesn’t really rent her life on magic and the whoo and all of this and she said I’m finally coming out of the woods. I really feel positive about this thing. I’m working on it. She has a business. She’s an entrepreneur and she’s like this thing in my business. But I’m not even willing to say it out loud until I feel some momentum behind it. And what she’s really saying is not willing to speak it, because I’m almost afraid it will go away just by the energy I use to speak it. And if you’re experiencing anything I’m sharing here in your own life, I just want you to know you’re not alone. And on top of it, I just came through it, I’m on the other side of it, I know exactly what it feels like to feel like hope is risky. I know exactly what it feels like to feel like inspiration is fleeting. And it’s unreliable. And it’s fragile, right? It feels fragile, it feels like you almost want to stay very quiet about anything that even feels remotely expansive, because it might disappear. But it’s not. It’s not. We are all in the process of ascending the mountain, we are all in the process of evolving. And so there are certain structures that need to fall away as we evolve as we vibrate higher. And it’s happening at a pace that has never happened before on this planet. I read somewhere and I can attribute it properly. And I apologize for whoever put this out. But
that were
what you would have needed five times of reincarnation, right? So this requires a belief in reincarnation begin with what we’ve normally needed five lifetimes to learn, we are learning in years in this one lifetime. I mean, that is mind blowing the kind of evolution we’re going we’re facing fears. We’re facing old karmic patterns, we’re facing old wounds, where throwing them off. And it’s happening at a pace never before seen on this planet because of this evolution of vibration. But you know what it feels like when you’re in the middle of it, it feels like a crash show feels like a total incomplete shit show.
And that is scary.
It’s scary when it feels like you’re doing all the right things. And all you’re experiencing is
a shitshow. Right. So
having gotten to the other side, and by the other side, let me just tell you what I mean is hope feels solid for me. My faith has never been shaken period. But now I believe this faith is going to, you know that the Divine is, is in fact working wonders in my life, and that my desires are being met if they are for my highest and best good. And I do not need to question this right. And I do not need to question whether I am enough in this process. And all I need to do is take the next step forward. So it’s not that my life is turning magically perfect with all my desires being met instantly. Although that is, in some circumstances that’s happening very quickly, I noticed that as soon as I
get solid with a desire.
There are things shifting, like instantly, instantly, I’m talking like within minutes of having like a phone call or an email, like something show up in my reality that shows me like, Yep, this is being taken care of. So that is going on. But there’s still lots to shift, right? The other thing that that has shifted for me is inspiration no longer feels fragile, right? Like I believe in the inspiration. I know that I may wake up tomorrow and not feel as on fire as I feel today taking a step forward. And I can still take another step forward, because I know it’s going to keep coming back. I know that inspiration is not a constant experience, right? It doesn’t always feel inspired. But once you get the inspiration, just taking the steps forward, then takes you on your path. And I’ve already started to see movement. And as I’ve been talking to my team about what we’re going to be doing during unleash your magic, my upcoming virtual event, my two day event. One things I really wanted to get to the heart of what are the exercises we can do within two days that are really going to get people moving forward in a very expansive direction, truly unleashing your magic in the world. And as I’ve taken a step back, I’ve looked also at what are the pre existing conditions that need to happen? What are the pre existing conditions that need to happen in order to feel safe to move forward, right. So both these conditions have to happen at the same time. Hope needs to feel safe, inspiration needs to feel exciting and worthy. Right? So I do want to go through the three things you can do right now to start to shift things for yourself.
The first is to honor who you
are right now and what you are feeling that means allow in the truth. Have the disappointment you felt allowing your anger, allowing your frustration allow in your fear, receive it so that you can release it. But trying to like, segment and not look at and ignore and try and avoid what isn’t working for you does not work. So allow it in feel the bad feelings if that’s what they are, because they are so less powerful than you think. And once you actually let them in, you’re free of them. You really are free of them. It’s the shadow and the fear of them that actually takes up so much more space. So that’s number one. Number two is do take some actions to remove what is sucking you down. Or said another way, what is not lifting you up? So what is going on in your life? Are there people you’re talking to? Are there things you’re eating or drinking? Is there a level of activity? Are there items in your home or your office that just suck you down? Right? And where can you make some shifts? Where can you remove things, I’m not talking about you overhauling your life I’m talking about. If you’re drinking out of a cracked mug every morning, and it does not feel good to drink out of that cracked mug, then get rid of the cracked mug, right? I say that because actually, I drink very often out of a mug that has a crack in it. But I adore the mug, my mother gave it to me when I moved into my first solo apartment. So that crack doesn’t bother me that crack doesn’t bother me. But if you’re not getting a new mug, because it’s frugal,
let’s say let the mug go. Right? If you are,
this is my latest thing, I’m back to my coffee, I’ve realized that the coffeemaker I have this is this happened, I think a year and a half ago. It’s no longer what I want. And it would really be good. If I had a French press. That’s what I love, right? So I’m going to move that other coffeemaker on to someone who can enjoy it. And I am getting a French press coffeemaker. Okay. And so I’m just giving you these examples to say, this does not have to be hard or extreme. It’s not about like, well, the person dragging me down is my partner or my children and I can’t get rid of them. Right? That happens from time to time, right? That’s not, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking make those little movements that make the little movements. Okay, any teeny tiny step you take to remove something that isn’t working for you is going to help is going to help it’s going to start to create exponential benefits in your life. And then the final thing is, choose one positive step forward, I can tell you having talked to many, many people, people are not taking action on the steps they know they quote unquote, should take and by that I mean it’s part of their inspired action. Because of the lack of hope, though, it feels pointless. It feels like what’s the point,
right? Take the next step. And if you would like some fuel for
this process, then I definitely encourage you to join us at unleash your magic during the unleash your magic event, we’re going to be taking your energy next level if you feel like deep down inside of you, your magic is bubbling up right. What I mean by that is your soul, your purpose. Your unique lies, just bubbling up is dying to get out in the world and be making magic and drawing into yourself. Amazing, amazing benefits and desires as a result of sharing your magic with the world. Right. And I mean by just being yourself, right? This is not about a job or a business or anything. This is just by being in the world in a very powerful and exciting way during a time where we are going through powerful, exciting time. If that feels like you, then I would love for you to join us go to forward slash unleash your magic. And I just want you to know we’ve got some beautiful energy coming up on the planet. This event is happening June 21 and 22nd. Because of the Summer Solstice, at least the for those of us here in the northern hemisphere. The summer solstice is the most powerful time to step into new beginnings to harness your own power to feel the light within you and to feel all of this energy. So get excited about this time that’s coming up. It is powerful. It is good, it is blessed and I promise you the divine has your back. You are not alone. Your Spirit team has you. In fact, one of the things we’ll be doing unleash your magic is a a process for you to meet your spirit guides your your your round table of Spirit guidance. So if that is something you’re like, I wish I just knew what they wanted me to hear. This is going to be the place for you to make it happen. All right, everyone. Have a beautiful, beautiful week and make space for magic. Hey, thanks for listening. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this episode with them. And if you’re feeling really generous, I’d love for you to leave us a review at your favorite podcast app. It helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy. When I hear what you have to say about what I’ve shared. I’m cheering for your success. Have an amazing day. And don’t forget, always create space for magic.
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