Yesterday on Periscope I shared my top three time management tips for crazy busy entrepreneurs to use during the holidays. You can watch the video below which is less than 10 minutes but if you need the cliff notes version, here you go…
1. When planning your day, double the amount of time you think tasks will take you. (If you are always running late than triple the amount of time you think tasks will take you.) Everyone underestimates the amount of time tasks will take. This creates stress and frustration when working through your day.
2. Write down the list of all those big plans you have for yourself over the next couple of weeks. Review the list with the eyes of a friend. Was this list written by a sane person? No! It was written by someone smoking superwoman crack. Now cross off everything that isn’t absolutely necessary. There is your new list. (And don’t even lie. You know that one is pretty unrealistic also but, hey, you are getting closer.)
3. Choose three memories that you want to have when you look back on this month and dedicate yourself to making those happen. Do you want to have a day of leisurely shopping for gifts? Good! Order most of your gifts online to free up a day and spend your time perusing the shops for one or two special gifts. Do you want to have a romantic evening by the fire with your honey? Great! Make it happen (and don’t try to decorate the tree while you are doing it!)
There are a huge number of psychological and metaphysical benefits to following these three steps that involve you becoming a master of time. I talk about them in the video below so if you want to know why doing this will actually create MORE time in your life watch this!
And if you want to grab my full Time Management system that will transform your relation to time increase how much you get done every single day you can have it for freeeeezle here:
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