Seriously, I’m so glad you are here! We are not quite ready to open our doors but I’d love to tell you a little bit about what’s in store! At Mom Gets A Life we have created a virtual home for moms who are ready to move themselves up on their priority list. I bet that is you! Inside we have a host of experts lined up to partner with you on designing a life that honors you as an individual.
Are you ready to fall as deeply in love with your life as you are with your children?
If you said YES! you are in the right place!
As moms we are often driven to pursue definitions of what a good mother looks like to the point that we completely lose ourselves in the process. At least that is what happened to me. One day I woke up and flat out resented being a mother. And just acknowledging that gave me an overwhelming sense of guilt but it also gave me a little breath of freedom – the freedom that comes with truth. I was tired of pretending that I loved this job mother.
Once I acknowledged that I could also see that I deeply, deeply loved my children. So how could I love my children yet not love being a mother? Easy. My relationship to my children and my relationship to the job of motherhood were totally separate. I loved my children and wanted them to stay but couldn’t keep up with the endless lists of requirements I had put on myself to be a “good mother.”
I eventually redefined what success as a mother looked like and it included me getting my life back. It wasn’t always easy but it was an amazing journey and it is a journey I am determined to share with as many moms as possible. If you feel lost, suffocated, overwhelmed or disappointed in your life or your unending task list, then come on home! Come join us at Mom Gets A Life! Share your information below and receive your first Mom Gets A Life tip immediately!
And…the best TelePARTY EVER will be starting soon! Don’t miss out! Visit is here for more details.
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