In school my son was asked to list his blessings. Here is one of them:
“Being a person is a great blessing” and I couldn’t help but grin at the simple truth of that blessing.
Sure being a divine being (aka soul) living life as a human person can be daunting at times. But remember each of us chose to be the person we are. And all those human qualities – the parts of you that make you a person – are exactly what your soul needs to grow bigger and brighter in this world.
As you list all that you have to be grateful for today, I am here to personally remind you to put yourself at the top of that list.
Look at what an incredible person you are…
You haven’t let yourself down yet (whether you realize this or not.)
You get up every time you fall (c’mon – you aren’t reading this from the floor are you?)
You smile through your tears.
You laugh at life (in the good way.)
You see your own greatness (even if it takes a little while some days.)
You are an incredible being of light.
You show up for yourself every day.
There are plenty of reasons for you to have stayed in bed today (and yesterday and the day before.) You’ve been tempted to give up. But you didn’t! Heck no – you are here to live life and you are living it sister!
Have you remembered to be grateful for the fact that you get to spend your entire life with YOU as a person?! That is a pretty special gift you gave yourself before you were even born and although many people have reason to be grateful you made the choice to be here today, I hope no one is more grateful than YOU!
Love you, love you, lots, lots, lots,
P.S. Almost all the other blessings my son listed were about toys he owned, wanted or games he has played and won. There is nothing wrong with loving your toys or playing to win – just make sure the starting point is loving yourself!
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