Patty takes on a couple of entrepreneur myths today. Grit and hustle. Of course, she has a different take and it’s so much better than the work-till-you-drop method.
When you are heading to the finish line for your goal, you need to do your 100%. The universe doesn’t require that we have everything we need. It only requires that we do our 100% that it within our human capability.
Grit is that part of you that keeps going when that small self-voice tells you that you can’t do it. Grace takes over when you’ve done all you can do.
Patty shares the 3 steps to know when to push, and when to know you’ve done your part and it’s time to surrender.
Grace is the Divine presence that makes it possible for us to do the impossible.
“We only need to do our 100% in order to manifest our desires. Once we’ve done what we can the Universe takes over Grit helps us push through our limiting beliefs to get to our 100% Once we do we must surrender and handoff whatever else is needed to manifest our desire to the Universe. Once we do Grace joins us. Grace is the Divine presences makes it possible for us to do the impossible ” ~Patty
Speaker 1: (00:02)
Welcome to the wealth and purpose podcast where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to creating wealth in a way that feels really good and live their purpose fully in the process. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an ex type-A corporate banker, turned intuitive business coach. I’m also a wife, a mom to two preteens, a professor, girl scout leader, and well, hey, you get it. Like you, I wear a lot of hats, whether you’re looking for inspiration to get started or strategies to get growing. I am here to help you create abundance in every area of your life in business. Welcome
Hey there, Patty here. Today I want to talk to you about Grit, and I also want to talk to you about grace. So Grit and usually it’s counterpart, Hustle is two aspects of the common entrepreneur mythology. And what I mean by that is if/and when you become an entrepreneur, you will constantly hear that what you need to succeed is Grit and hustle, Grit and hustle, Grit and hustle.
(01:11) And to a certain extent, Grit and hustle are both needed. But what I want to explain is that Grit is only a part of the journey and where Grit ends, grace takes over, and that is the part where I think so many are not taught what creates true success or for those that do create success purely on Grit, what happens is they end up depleted, angry, numb, apathetic. All of those things can happen when you use just Grit to get to the finish line, and I am going to propose to you that your human self uses Grit and then grace takes over when your soul takes over or more importantly, when the divine in combination with the inner divine and the outer divine takes over. Now you’ve probably heard me say that in order to succeed, you need to do your 100% and what that means is if your hundred percent takes you 50% of the way to the finish line of your goal, and that really is your 100% that the Universe, the divine will take over from there and finish the journey.
(02:29) Now, if my 100% gets me to 75% of my goal, then I need to do 75% of the goal before the Universe will take over. So it is an equal opportunity sport to succeed. If you come to the game with less than, let’s say I do or I come to the game with less than someone else, the Universe doesn’t require that, we have everything we need to succeed within our human control. It simply needs us to show up at 100%, so I have, I had that happen to me when I did my first conference. I had a list of 300 I certainly didn’t have the scope or the reach or the platform to fill a conference of 150 humans in New York City and cover a budget of $45,000 and yet that’s exactly what I did. I sold out a conference with paid tickets. I wasn’t giving them away.
(03:28) I had a massively successful conference, and it catapulted my success. Now. When I had the dream to do this conference, there is absolutely no way that I could have achieved that dream if I looked at just what was within my control what was within my human self. And so I did everything possible to bring that dream to life. And then the Universe took over. All these miracles happened, sponsors came in, inspirations for various parts of the day, came to me out of nowhere that made the events such as success. And if I had sat there and said, well, there’s no way I could do this, or if I listened to experts, which I actually hadn’t even engaged in expert to do this, but if I had, I’m sure they would have told me to wait until my list was bigger, et Cetera, et cetera. Where I used Grit to succeed was there were moments where I really looked around and thought, there is no way that I can succeed at this where you know, I didn’t have enough tickets sold or where it just felt hard.
(04:42) And Grit is that part of you where you dig into your human self, and you keep going. You keep going, and you do not let your mind weak thoughts, your, your inner lizard, your small self take over. You push past that, and you keep going. But then there’s a moment where physically keeping going starts to deplete your wow. And that’s where grace takes over and that’s where you then surrender and say, okay, it’s now time for the divine within me and outside of me to take me the rest of the way and why this is so important is that I see so many people on a journey that believe that they’re too weak to succeed because they’re not all, or let’s get it done. Grit and hustle, Grit and hustle, which by the way, most of those grit and hustle messages are really promoted by young men who don’t have families or if they do, they have a partner at home who’s taking care of a lot of the other pieces of life.
(05:52) And that’s basically all they have to worry about. Well, when all you have to worry about coming up with a marketing campaign or you know, selling your product or service, well then yeah you can throw your whole self into it. But what I find is most purpose-driven entrepreneurs have a lot more going on than that. And so we really need to understand how our human selves then interact with our soul with the divine. And grace is the key. When you start pushing past what you’re physically capable of, and you start depleting the well, you start giving up on sleep regularly and, and you just start feeling like your energy is plummeting. When all that starts to happen, that’s your proof that you’ve gone beyond your hundred percent and you are at a moment where you need to surrender to the divine. And it is that act of surrender, and it’s not that you’re surrendering to some force outside yourself, your surrendering to the divine that was both within you and outside of you that you are deeply connected to that can achieve more than your human self can.
(07:02) And you surrender to that part of you. And in that moment you must have trust and trust is the thing that bridges Grit to grace. And then grace is the space that fills in the blanks that we our human self can’t fill in. Grace is, what we use when someone who’s sick in the hospital and we’ve done everything we can and we are on our knees, you know, asking the divine for help. The moment when we let go and allow space for whatever will happen, not for what we want to happen but for whatever will happen and trust that that is for the highest good. All of the energy that fills you and all of the actions that happen outside of you that feel like miracles, that is grace.
(07:59) And when you have a small baby, and I have a story from one of my mentors, Martha Beck, she had, when she had her son Adam, she tells a story, he was born with down syndrome and some other medical issues and one of them was that he had to be, his nose had to be cleaned out like regularly that he was just got stuffed up all the time. But there was a point where she hasn’t slept for a couple of days and she knew she had to sleep or she was going to not be able to care for him longterm. And in that moment she had to surrender and trust that the divine had her child. And she did. And, and Adam survived her nap. And learning to walk that journey and walk that dance of Grit and then grace was something that got her to the place that she’s our, see she’s such a beautiful teacher for so many.
(08:54) So this has happened over and over and over again. And I’m giving you some extreme examples cause I want you to understand that that’s what it looks like in the extreme. But it can be a part of the everyday of your business where when you show up at 100% and you push through your fears and you push through your limiting beliefs that’s you using Grit. And then at the moment where you have done your 100%, it is critical that you then surrender. And that surrendering is an act of faith. And then on the other side of that act of faith is grace and grace fills in the blanks. Because when you don’t surrender, what ends up happening is you end up with a business or whatever you’re engaging in, you end up completely exhausted and deplete it. Your well is empty and you can give nothing to anyone.
(09:47) And so if you have a business right now and you are feeling either apathy or exhaustion or just the complete fatigue or wondering how it’s all gonna come together and thinking your choices to give up or keep using Grit, I want to assure you there is a third choice. And the third choice is to let grace take over. And the way you do that is through surrender. Now, surrender takes incredible courage. When I looked up the definition of Grit, it actually incorporated the word courage. And I would say courage in Grit is important. Meaning when you push through your limiting beliefs, that takes courage, but when you have done all you can do and then you surrender and understand that you are meant to receive that you are not meant to exhaust yourself. Fatigue yourself in order to have a success and you allow in that grace.
(10:48) That is when your soul really shines out in your business and beautiful, amazing things start to happen because now you’re working fully with that giving and receiving energy and it’s giving and receiving and letting those be in balance. That will really start to create true profit in your business, true wealth in your business. That’s when sales flows in without you having to muscle those sales. People feel naturally attracted to you. They want to work with you. That’s what it’s like to be around someone who’s balancing that Grit/ grace balancing act. And if you’re looking for your first step, if this is making sense to you and you are wondering, how do I move forward? The first place is to understand how have you done your 100% because if you haven’t, then you do need to employ some grit to take it to the hundred percent you know, are you letting weak thoughts, limiting beliefs, fears get in your way?
(11:51) So often I will see an entrepreneur, run, run, run so hard, take something, be heading for a dream, and then all of a sudden see proof from the outside. Some proof on the outside that someone puts in front of them that makes them doubt their ability to finish because their human self isn’t capable of creating this dream on your own. And that person gives up just before the finish line of their 100% they stopped at the 98% mark. So don’t do that, right? That’s still a place of Grit and you do have to get to your 100% and then once you do, dig down deep inside of you and feel the truth of your dream, feel the truth of your goal, whether it’s a sales goal or you want to write a book or launch a conference like I did, whatever it is, the only truth of that dream inside of you, because that desire inside of you is proof that you are capable of getting all the way to manifesting that.
(12:53) And if you have done your 100% on the journey to creating that, that means it’s time for grace to take over. That means surrendering and really honoring the fact that you are enough, that you are worthy to receive at that bold level from the divine, from the miraculous Universe. And when you do that, then everything starts to come together. That’s when everything starts to work. Now the opposite of that is to push, to keep pushing when you’re at your 100 percent to keep pushing and emptying your well. And here’s the thing, it may look like you’re moving towards more success. If you can just push through and give up another night’s sleep and Grit and hustle and Grit and hustle past the point that is reasonable for you as a human. But actually what happens is you keep shouting to the Universe, I am not enough. I am not enough.
(13:46) I have to do this on my own. I am not enough to receive help. I am only good when I’m doing this on my own. And the thing is the Universe will honor whatever we put out. And if what we tell the Universe is that we must do it on its own, on our own, the Universe will respect that and we’ll honor that because we come with freewill. But all that does is it keeps success away because the full energy of abundance and wealth is receiving in equal to what we give. And so your giving requirement is that you reach 100% and then you hand it off and receive in light. So my friend right now take these steps first, understand that Grit is for your human self. It has a purpose, but the soul does not need Grit and hustle. It requires only grace second pushing when what you really need to do to surrender.
(14:48) Just keep your success away and it’s not helping anything. So finally, once you reached your hundred percent, when you’ve used Grit to get to your a hundred percent mark, then it’s time to summon the courage to surrender and to allow in space for grace. Because when grace is part of your life, when it’s part of your business that’s, when you experience the fullness of what your soul intended for this human experience to both feel the ability to create in the human form despite limitations and then to also manifest in the divine in spite of human conditions. So I hope that was helpful for you. We um, I have been like deep, deep, deep inside this conversation with my people, with my clients, with myself because I’m in the process of developing all the content for our upcoming wealth and purpose business retreat, which is happening on November 1st through the third.
(15:52) And if you think you might want to be a part of this, definitely comment, check out the page. I would love to have you there right now. Tickets just went on sale but there’s only a few left. So we’ll put a link to the page in the show notes, check it out and hey, if you’ve got any questions for me, let me know. Email me, and I’m eager to hear from you. Have a great day.
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