“New E-Book Reveals How To Build and Execute a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Brookfield, CT
Dear Friend,
If you’d like to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign, you absolutely need to grab this e-book![/text_block]

The system I outline in this e-book worked for me, it’s worked for my clients and I believe it can help you, too.
But I’m not suggesting that everyone who reads this e-book will launch a highly successful crowdfunding campaign.
Crowdfunding is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs, writers, artists and inventors that can yield incredible results but it does take some work to succeed. I have no idea what kind of results someone will get if they are unwilling to follow the directions or work hard.
That being said…If you know you are ready to follow the directions in this e-book and work hard then let me jump right in and show you…[/text_block]

And this e-book is easy to read.
You’ll immediately “get” the entire system I personally used to launch a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign and be featured on the front page of Indiegogo.
And even though I used this system to create a successful crowdfunding campaign,[/text_block]

It’s About MORE Than Just Crowdfunding.

I used the same strategies in the e-book to not only raise money to fund my conference but also to attract corporate sponsors and increase the visibility of my brand throughout the country.
A local Chocolatier used this system to raise $30,000 to open his brick and mortar operation in his neighborhood and generated a list of 1000 eager supporters in the process.
A Thought Leader used the system in this e-book to raise $55,000 for her first event which has since evolved into a world-renown conference with ticket sales of $100,000 per event.
A client in the consulting industry used this same strategy to create and launch a successful daily planner that is now featured by magazines and bloggers alike.
One client took a single piece of advice I give on p. 181 and increased her contributions by $4,000 in one hour and then later used this same advice over and over again to grow her business to seven figures!!!
So like I said, there’s more to this little e-book than “just” crowdfunding. Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting…
The stress-free way to choose the best platform for your campaign even if you feel overwhelmed right now p.31
How to get tons of funders even if you have a small list p.40
Where to find your biggest contributors online and what you need to do to communicate effectively with them before, during and after your campaign …. p.44
Everything you need to know to create a high quality pitch video even on a teeny, tiny budget p. 57
3 Step process to become super visible to bloggers and influencers and gain their support during your campaign p. 48
One simple change you can make to your business card TODAY that will yield thousands of dollars in campaign contributions in the future p.51
How to easily get other people to market your product or service on your behalf without having to make any cheesy or weird requests p.36
A works-every-time equation that will calculate the funding goal that is perfect for your campaign and gives you the greatest likelihood of success p.93
How to uncover hidden contributors most crowdfunders miss out on and only discover after their campaign is over p. 169
What you must communicate in your pitch video that will compel your supporters to fund your campaign quickly and share it with their friends and social circle p. 64
A super simple method to script a pitch video that you can use not only in crowdfunding but to create any marketing video for any product or service p.69
How to choose the ideal funding structure (i.e. flexible funding or “all or nothing”) and why you don’t want to get this choice wrong p. 91
How to create rewards that get people excited to support your campaign and more importantly to share it with their friends and family p. 128
How to structure and launch BONUS rewards throughout your campaign to boost contributions and excitement while your campaign is live p. 135
How to harness the power of your inner circle long before your launch your campaign so that the people closest to you are ready, willing and able to help you succeed p. 99
Where to find the best Ambassador’s and how to keep them excited and motivated throughout the length of your campaign p. 110
Proven Strategies for each social media platform to make your campaign stand out p. 138[/text_block]

But it gets better because you’re also getting …[/text_block]

The Crowdfund with Ease™ Project Plan Template

You’ll be able to easily check off every task that needs to get done and quickly see where you need to recruit or pay for help to create success.
This simple but effective method has been essential to help my clients and I create crowdfunding success while staying organized and stress-free!
The best part of this is that it’s …[/text_block]

Specifically Designed For People Who Have a Small Team and/or a Small Budget

I took what I knew about creating big results when resources were small and translated it into a project plan that makes it possible for anyone, no matter the size of the budget or team, to create success.
Take what I know and make it your own. I want you to succeed! We need more of the good guys and gals succeeding in this world and I truly believe Crowdfunding can help us do it.
When you use what I offer you here in this e-book to launch a crowdfunding campaign successfully, two things will happen.
First, you will be able to raise the money you need to really make a difference with the product, book or service you are launching in the world.
That is important because this world needs you and what you are offering right now and it is silly to let money hold you back!
You’ll realize you don’t have to do this alone.
You will be able to share your product, book or service with the world on a much bigger scale because you will have the support of your friends, family and social circle helping you do it.
This is really important to you because there are many people in your life that would like to support the growth of what you are doing but they don’t really know how to do that. Crowdfunding gives them an easy way to support you.
Yes, you heard that right. There are people waiting to support you and Crowdfunding is the vehicle that will allow that support in. You don’t have to believe me right now but trust me on this one.
Crowdfunding will transform your relationship to your purpose and the people in your life.[/text_block]

As soon as you place your order, you’ll get an automated receipt with a link to download the book directly in your email.
You can access it anywhere, immediately, without having to wait for the mail man.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering …[/text_block]

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.
This isn’t one of them.
There’s NO hidden program you have to try or anything even remotely like that.
I’m literally giving you this entire e-book, for $9.97, as a means of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real value.
My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come. [/text_block]

You’re Also Getting An Advanced 90-Minute Training, Free

You’ll see the mistakes most crowdfunders make (they are silly really) and how to avoid them.
You’ll learn how to create a tidal wave of marketing power with your crowdfunding campaign that will support your sales and growth long after your crowdfunding campaign is over.
I’ll even tell you exactly why 70% of crowdfunding campaigns fail and why this is absolutely ridiculous and how to avoid the lethal mistakes most crowdfunders make.
And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the e-book.
Oh. And in case you’re wondering …
Of course there’s a money-back guarantee.
In fact, I think it’s …[/text_block]

The Boldest Guarantee In The World

That’s right. You don’t even have to send anything back. Just email me and I’ll give you back your $9.97 with no questions asked.
How’s that for fair?[/text_block]

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before It’s Over

Patty Lennon
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:
I’m offering you The Crowdfunding E-Book that outlines how to structure and launch a highly successful crowdfunding campaign …even if you know nothing about crowdfunding right now.
The E-book is $9.97.
I’m also give you the Crowdfund with Ease ™ Project Planning template template that will show you exactly how to stay organized and efficient throughout your crowdfunding campaign process. This is essential to ensure that potential supporters and contributors don’t “fall through the cracks” of your campaign.
On top of all that, I’m also giving you a 90-minute online training, free, which shows you exactly how to implement what you learn in the book.
This is a very limited offer because it’s a marketing test.
There is no “catch” to this offer. You will not be signing up for any “trial” to some monthly program or anything like that.
In fact, if you don’t like the e-book let me know and I’ll even give you back the $9.97. And you can keep the ebook.
Click here and claim your copy now. You won’t regret it.[/text_block]

*Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS E-BOOK.[/text_block]

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