“Get over yourself, Patty”
I’ve been telling myself this a lot these last few days.
You see I ran into a bit of a pickle.
I created a grand vision for 2012. I was pretty darned excited about all that was going to happen in my life and my business this year.
I was inspired!
I started to think about HOW it was going to get done. I’m a list maker from way back and as I started to baby step the heck out of my grand plan I managed to turn my BIG BEAUTIFUL VISION into a massive to-do list.
And with that massive to-do list came overwhelm and some other less savory emotions.
I suddenly saw myself needing to do all that needed to get done on my own.
That is when I realized I needed to get over myself.
I don’t do it all. I could never do it all. (At least not here in my human form.) I open myself up to what is possible. I choose what I want. Then I ride the wave of energy that flows through this Universe to create what I want.
I allow. (I get out of the way.)
And it happens.
When I get in the way, I just get scared.
Maybe you are feeling a bit of this yourself? Do you feel overwhelmed by what you “need” to happen this year? Are you afraid that what you most want will not find its way into your life this year?
Well there is only one thing to do.
I say this with complete and total love. Understand that your job ended when you created the idea of what you want. Your only role now is to allow it to happen.
You will be guided (by your higher self, guides, angels, God, the Big U). Believe the steps you need to take will appear before you when the time comes to take them. You do not need to plan the entire journey.
Get over yourself and get back to enjoying your life!
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