My son graduated from high school this past weekend. It was a beautiful weekend in many ways and it was also really hard. There is grief in this milestone and there was also grief in the people missing that day. The biggest loss was not having my mom there.
She has been gone 11 years but I really needed her.
Sunday night I cried hard feeling all the loss. By Monday, the rawness had dissipated into deep sadness. I was talking to her and she was answering but there was very little she could say that made it hurt less.
Then the most miraculous thing happened yesterday morning. I came out on our deck to have my morning coffee and a single daisy had bloomed at our fence line. This is the sign my mom gives me to let me know she’s near.
There is history to where this daisy grew that makes it an even better story but it would take me a few pages to catch you up so I’m going to ask you to trust me that this was a BIG sign of love.
I was telling my friend Payson about it. Soon after we ended our call I got a text from her.
“When you told me about the daisy, I asked my dad for a panda” (Panda’s are Payson’s sign from her dad)
“I started putting away a bag of towels that my mother gave me several months ago … At the bottom I found this…”
It was a takeout wrapper with a panda on it!
I didn’t see her message right away so I called her as soon as I did not realizing the time … it was 11:11 – another sign her dad uses to communicate with her!
Then a few hours later she was out walking her dog and came upon daisies on her road. She has never seen daisies on her road before. And what is even crazier, her dog doesn’t like walking on the road but her dog was the one that insisted they go.
It gets even better… Payson’s dog is named Maggie – my mom’s name!
This is not the first time a spontaneous act of magic has created a ping-pong effect between Payson and I. Magic is sticky. It attracts itself.
It is very possible you are feeling some FOMO so here is what I promise you. After I’m done I’ll report back on all the magic that started moving for our participants (because it’s sticky and I want it to stick on you!)
Thanks for being here and reading my message. I want you to stay connected with me so that I can share all future communications with you.
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