Patty has a special guest on the podcast this week. Patricia Lohan is here talking all things home and energy and miracles!
If you don’t know her, she’s a feng shui practitioner and one of Patty’s friends and go-to experts when it comes to creating great energy in your home.
Did you know your home has its own energy?
Patricia helps women turn their homes into PowerHouses for manifesting miracles and magic using the ancient practice of feng shui.
You’re going to be blown away with the tips she shares and the results that her clients have experienced!
If you spend time in nature and see the flow that happens without struggle or difficulty, that’s a great metaphor for the flow that clients see when they change the energy in their home.
How nice would it be to have clarity about what to do next?
Patty shares how she has discovered ease and clarity around the support she needs in her business when she made some changes in her home.
This episode will open you up to what is possible when you embrace the principles to improve the energy in your home.
Join Patricia’s Free Masterclass!
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0:00:04.3: Welcome to the space for magic podcast, where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to receiving all the gifts the Universe has for us. I’m your host, Patty Lennon, I’m an ex-type a corporate banker turned intuitive coach. Using a blend of common sense brain science and just a dash of magic, I’m here to help you create abundance in every area of your life and business. Welcome. OMG. Everyone, welcome. Welcome, welcome. This is Patty here your host for the space for magic podcast. And today, I have a very special guest, she’s become famous in the space for magic group because everyone wants to know what everyone’s talking about when they talk about Patricia and Patricia’s program. So I said, Oh my goodness, now that my training is over, my goodness, I have to get this woman on the podcast so everyone else knows who you are, so I have my dear friend Patricia with us. Among other things, she is a Feng Shui expert. She’s also a good friend of mine, she has helped me tremendously build a relationship with my home that supports not just me, but our whole family, and she has so much wisdom to share, we definitely are cut from the same cloth when it comes to the woo stuff.
0:01:37.4: And where I lean towards, I think this background in Muggly banking, Patricia leans into her Irish mystical roots and brings forward so much magic, so… Patria, welcome.
0:01:52.8: Thank you so much, I’m excited to be here. Very grateful for that lovely introduction of my magical mystical roots.
0:02:01.7: Is there anything you wanna share that I really didn’t convey that you think is important for people to understand about you? I’m
0:02:09.5: Not really… One of the things that I like to also say is I think we’re totally cut from the same potluck, in our passion for woo and all of those things. And a bit like you have just been building up this like Mary Poppins pig of tricks of different modalities and things that I love, and then just bringing them together with the feng shui, it’s not kind of… Yeah, it all… kind of merges together.
0:02:35.5: I love that, I love that. And so I met Patricia, we were in a mastermind together and her husband was as well Ken… And so the other thing I find fascinating is Ken doesn’t age, so I’m convinced, I mean Patricia’s young too, but Ken does not age, and I’m convinced that Patricia’s got some like fountain of youth in her backyard or something that he’s been drinking from…
0:03:01.0: I don’t know, he literally is, to be honest, since I’ve met him, he started getting younger-looking, I’m more relaxed. It’s just absolutely been fascinating, the other day I was like, You literally are so much younger looking than when I first met you, it’s so fun, and everyone’s gonna be Googling trying to see when Ken looks like… ’cause your face is the only face
0:03:24.6: Anywhere. Alright, so what I find so exciting about the work you do, ’cause I’ve worked with you… I started this process with you, probably close to a year and a half, two years ago, but what was so interesting is as someone who teaches about resistance and releasing resistance, I brought so much resistance to the process, and it was so interesting to watch myself because once I had really embraced the instruction you gave me and the guidance you gave me so much shifted… I mean, it was when we put… I’m gonna use a word, it’s gonna kinda jump ahead in the concepts if you’re new to feng shui this won’t make so much sense to you, but we’re gonna get into it, there’s remedies to put in place. So these are things you can either add or take away in different areas of your home based on the directions that bring your home into a right balance, I would say, Is that fair… Very fair and very easy way of explaining it, yeah. So we put this remedy in place in our house, and I have to say, my husband was like… Everyone always wonders like, ken kinda is on board with you.
0:04:38.0: My husband is a Muggle, he’s a muggle, and he’s always gonna be a muggle, he trusts me, he’s muggle all the way. So he’s just like, What are you doing? He’s like, alright go for it? But he was kind of, What are you doing? And then we both… We put that remedy in place, that final remedy, and it was like a whoosh went through our house I have never experienced outside of a metaphysical process with a healer, I have never experienced such a whoosh of energy. And I was thinking like, Why did I resist this so much? I have done things that were way more complicated and harder to improve my life… Why would I struggle with this? So that’s my first question to you is, as people start to put their toe in the water, of feng shui… And we’re gonna talk a little bit ’cause you’ve got some trainings coming up, the people and anyone can do from anywhere. Why do you think that is? Patricia
0:05:37.9: Know what I feel like one of the things is it’s the resistance, I think also it’s because we’re working with two energies, we’re working with your own energy, we’re also working with the energy of the house. When I first started seeing this was this resistance, like every house, it’s very individual and it has own personality type and it’s being stuck in its own way, it’s being kind of like… Whatever way it is, it is. So when we’re talking about changing the energy of a house, I was like, Think of my uncle who’s a bachelor up on the mountains in Leitrim Ireland in the middle of the back and beyond. He’s very grumpy, he’s very cynical, and I’m like, Wow, if we’re working with the energy of a 70-year-old house, it would be like working with my uncle… trying to get him to change. So that was one of… That really came for me when I was trying to explain this to people, it’s just like, we’re working with a very dense energy, our house, and that has been in its own way, it’s like, Well, I’m like this… And one of the things at the very beginning of a journey with me is it’s like, start to let your home know that you wanna change, things start to connect, and even in our trainings that are coming live, it’s like building that relationship, so it’s like you’re both on the same page with like, This is what we’re doing, this is my vision, and it’s almost like a little part of getting your house on board, and then you have to get onboarded as well, and that’s one part that I see is an important thing, is this that we’re not just…
0:07:07.9: When I was just like, I don’t think it’s just our own personal resistance is also the house has its own energy and it being like this since it was pretty much built, like some of those energies have been literally there holding back the house from kind of soaring or to do in one of this since it’s being built, and then on the other side, there’s this side like this it part, I think that’s a little bit like… It doesn’t quite make sense. You know, it’s like We have no, I’m so grateful for the idea of acupuncture and be able to explain it from that philosophy because it is all through the tread of acupuncture that the same concepts and the same energy that acupuncture is so much more mainstream, but sometimes it’s like, will this really make a difference, even if we’re 100% part of it, it’s 100% like we signed up and done it, there can still be this part of will this help, and because it doesn’t quite make sense logically, it’s harder for people to kind of go with it. And that’s actually what has been the biggest full circle for me in this journey was when we first started out doing this feng shui with clients and going to them and saying, You need to put this remedy here in this remedy here.
0:08:19.3: And they were on their own and they weren’t part of a community, and they didn’t really know the results of other clients ’cause they were kind of like on this one off thing, and I think it was harder and they were way more resistant and most of the time didn’t do anything or they did some of the things that were just easy on that, and then once we shifted into doing it as part of the program with the community and they started taking action and getting the results, now it’s like, I have this resistance and someone has got to jump in and be like, Just do it, there’s extra nudge because we need something else to help us move forward, not just me, it’s like, Hey, look when I did this, this happened, I just seeing that this week, I know how you’ve been super busy in your own community this week, but the other day, one of our clients did the remedies, she told her remedies and she literally just messaged go like I can’t believe that I just went to a discovery call with the new client, while on the call, I decided to double my rate and she said yes, and it was just like this kind of like…
0:09:19.0: She’s like, I don’t… I can’t believe I just did this this week, so I just did your… What you told me last week, but she joined our program four months ago, and I took her that length to get to that point of that transition, so it takes time, I think also for us to re-adjust and be like, Okay, I’m ready.
0:09:35.4: Okay, that’s such a good point. I was just talking about this a couple of weeks ago on the podcast, that that was why I think the receiving school work so much more quickly than when someone does the work in private… Because of that community aspect. So that’s such a good point, because when I started with you, ’cause I had access to you privately, I didn’t spend as much time in the community, and you’re right, that makes a big difference for me, so… Shame on me. It’s okay. And I think it is this awareness thing that I often, even when I’m working with clients 1:1, when I give them access to the program, to the group, and to all those things, because I just know the potency of it, and the fact that a lot of my community or people who would join my world, they may have husbands or partners or wives who are locals and who are going to be dubious and not be a supportive… And that’s where I’m like, You don’t have to have their 100% support. What you really need is to have another team of people who are your biggest cheerleaders and who are gonna give you and help you and share with you what they did to get the results.
0:10:46.3: I’m so good. And you know, I will say though, in my husband… So we just finished launching the receiving school and you were so wonderful during it, and it was the most successful launch on so many levels, and as soon as the last day… The launch was, and I was talking to my husband about it. He just stopped for a second. He goes, You know that everything started to change when we put these fountains in, and I was like, Oh, oh my God, Patricia’s gonna be so happy
0:11:18.4: A love that it’s like music to my ears. But
0:11:24.1: I do think the fact that he can embrace that, I think that there is something shifting, and I know you have a lot more understanding of why this work is interacting on the planet at this time in a different way. So can you talk a little bit more about what shifted energetically to make this make even more sense?
0:11:45.7: When we think about feng shui, when I talk about feng shui, my whole idea concept and what I feel so deeply about is that essentially what we are doing is we’re looking, if you spend time in nature in the perfect day connected with nature. And I know Patty in your training, you talked about spending time in nature and just watching how everything is just moving and going, and it’s perfect rhythm, and that’s essentially what we are doing and tapping into that energetic flow when we bring our homes into balance with the feng shui and that’s really what’s happening right now, is this re-alignment into a certain type of flow, that it is not dominated by the systems and the way… It’s just like your work, and I think that’s why our work complements so much is because it’s about opening up to this universal flow, this source energy, and when we do it with our house, it brings everybody in the house into balance, so just like you’re saying like your husband is saying everything started to shift when we did that because it’s not just you that’s gonna benefit from putting balancing the house, it’s all the people in the house, and that becomes just so…
0:12:53.6: So powerful and profound. When everybody is benefiting.
0:12:57.7: Yes, yeah. And you know what was interesting is that for me in this process was that for as much as I understood a lot of different modalities, I hadn’t read books on feng shui before, and I had done little things that I thought were feng shui and once I worked with you, I realized that feng shui when it’s applied in this very generic way can almost be the opposite of what you need to do, so can you talk a little bit about some of the misunderstandings and… I don’t know, I guess mishaps that can happen when you don’t… Access feng shui properly.
0:13:42.1: I suppose, you know what, I’m so grateful that you brought this up. And feng shui is over 5000 years old, this is a really ancient practice, and it was actually illegal to practice feng shui over many of the centuries, that has been like a living since it was created and brought into our space, and up until the 1990s, it was actually illegal to practice feng shui in China. So the teachers and how it’s still part of our world and still making an impact just shows how potent it is and how the emperors and the higher sources didn’t want this power in hands of the normal people, so that’s just something to kinda reflect on the potency of it. Now, one of the things is the misconceptions is like when something has brought from an ancient culture or from the east to the west, we want the shortcut, we wanna try to find the easiest, the simplest way to break it down, and that’s what happened. It just became diluted. There’s many schools of feng shui there, many different schools of feng shui out there that offer some advice and wisdom, and some of it can actually… Sometimes it could kind of work, you know, but it’s more accidental as
0:15:02.4: opposed to being specific. So I’m just gonna give one example, and you know it took… I have to… This have to be proven to me as well because I had read some of those books as well, now I got my first books about feng shui when I was 15, and actually, it was… It was classical feng shui, actually, what I practice now, here’s what those books were, but in between that I had looked at low and different things and how Google things and try different stuff out. And we were like, Oh, did it work? Did I not work? Who knows, but what I know is what we’ve been doing on the fact that every house is unique and every person is unique, it’s the same idea that we can’t one brush stroke for everything isn’t going to balance and support a home. So some of the things… And just from one from the biggest, very early days example was a client who came to me who’d been working with that more generic School of feng shui for 10 years, and she just said, You know what, it’s like, I think it… I’ve been doing it and it feels fine, but I still not, I’m still not that happy with the flow and things in my life, and I was like, Grace, well, let’s have a look.
0:16:04.4: So when she sent me all the information and we create personal reports for all of our clients, she had… When she got her report, we happened to have a… Have a call with her and she’s like… She goes, Oh look, I always thought it was my prosperity area. That was not there. It was missing, and I was like, No, it’s not your prosperity area. And she goes, Well, that’s interested. I said It’s secrets, your family area. So when she had bought her house five years earlier, her family live in a different country, and she had falling out with them, literally within days of buying this new house, and I haven’t spoken to them in the five years that she’d moved into the new house. So I just said to her, Well, look, like putting these remedies like balance, this is what you have to do, Balaban, let’s see what happens. And as she started putting in the remedy, she’s also an intuitive and a healer and amazing, beautiful woman, and a… She started pulling on the remedies that I recommended, she said she just shivers their whole body and she did it, and the next day, her dad rang her after not speaking to her for five years, and for me, that was just such an affirmation of what I was doing what I was doing, and this school of feng shui that we practice, and this is just happen time and time again, where people have been kind of practicing that kind of generic form and just going from the books and if that feels good to you, I’m like, Great.
0:17:29.2: I’m never gonna say, Don’t do it if it doesn’t feel good. If it feels good, but when we come, the angle that we come out, it is this bespoke approach that every house is unique, the energies are unique, and if we work with that uniqueness, but that’s when we can see really amazing results.
0:17:48.2: I love that, ’cause I definitely felt it. For us, that’s what we experienced, even just… You know what I find is interesting is I think a lot of people, at least my observation is people get attracted to feng shui, to either shift their relationship to money or to a romantic partner, and the biggest impact that we have seen is been in areas that are much more affecting on your general happiness in life, family support peace ease that wish of calm energy that came through and what you’re saying, we think these are the things that are gonna make us happy, money and romantic love, but in reality, and those things do move right. They do in pro, but it’s these other things, these foundational pieces of our life that are really the essence I think of true… Happiness.
0:18:47.8: Yeah, I love that you say that. And I think that this is one of the things that you know, it’s a little bit like people… Pain points are like, it’s money or my relationship, and they kind of feel called into it for that, but that it is really about going into this place of flow like I’ve had clients who have really stepped into a much more feminine zone and started to dress differently or start to paint and create, or their children get on better, or it’s just better communication, or there’s just more fun or lightness or a trusting and things working out that is kind of… It’s intangible, we can’t put a name on it, but it feels different, and I was just listening to one of the ladies that we’ve interviewed a couple of months ago, who’s one of my clients, and she’s like, It just feels like this bubble of protection around us, and we just feel great in our house, and that is so amazing because it feels like it’s kind of like, Oh, what you’d want to… You always want to feel that sense of happiness and flow and connection in your home, but for a lot of people…
0:19:51.1: That’s not the case, you know? It’s actually not… And we’ve had clients who were like, you know, me and my husband, my kids, we in on better when we’re outside our house and inside, and that’s when it’s like if we can shift that… Because that’s exactly what you said, it’s the most important. That’s the most important part of the fundamental parts of our life. Yes.
0:20:10.7: Yeah. And you know the other piece that I found shifted, it was actually at the remedies were already in place and then you… That’s the foundation is shifting some actual objects that you put into your home to balance the energy or removing things from certain areas, and then the next level, I’m just kind of sharing this with people so they have context is to do certain things, I put affirmations in place or maybe add crystals to those areas that will enhance those areas of the home. Feel free to correct me if I’m saying things off. But I did this very small affirmation and I put… Well, I’ll just say what I did, so I put a crystal ladybug in my fame area. And I wasn’t even sure why I did it, it was given to me by a healer, and I just felt like it belonged there, and of course, ladybug is luck and other things, and honestly, fame is not the most important thing to me, but what happened through this launch and I did it right before the launch, and what happened during this launch was people kept saying, How have I never heard of you? Why am I just hearing this method, it became…
0:21:25.9: It was like night and day, Patricia, it was crazy. And I think I’ve lost track of even where I was going, Oh, I know what was… Once these remedies were in place, what I find is clarity on what to do, feel so obvious to me now. One of the first areas of my home I focused on ’cause it wasn’t really the money or the love that was important to me was support, and then suddenly it became so obvious who I need to hire in my business and who wasn’t working out in our business anymore, and I think it’s also like those subtle changes, although they’re not… To suddenly always feel like, I don’t know what to do next, and then for it to just be like, Do this next, then do this next, then do this next, is a really interesting shift that I’ve seen happen from this work, so can you kinda… I absolutely love that, and it’s so interesting you say it because I was just interviewed on a podcast about team yesterday, about team and the dynamics for the change in team and growing your team, and I have to say that I said to her, she’s just like, Oh, what’s your thing for onboarding and bringing team, and I said, Honestly, I feel like we just magically call them in, it’s like…
0:22:41.3: And they’re all the perfect fit in these pieces of the jigsaw of what comes next, so I totally resonate with you on that, and
0:22:48.2: Especially when we’re doing work that really needs to and wants to get out in the world. It’s like we can’t do it on our own, and we need the right people who are all aligned and want to support that mission and that vision, and I just really feel that everyone on my team as well are caretakers for this as well for this mission to get it up and get it out. Which is so beautiful. So yeah, I totally hear you on that with the team, and it is the subtle places, it’s the sense of the support, the people that would come and help you with different things, whether it’s not even just your own team for work, the business, for all the other parts of life, like someone just come in and be like, Oh, I was just thinking about this thing, and they’re like, Oh, here you go. And it’s given to you. I’m like, Oh, okay, great, thank you. That’s exactly what I need to do. It’s just that sense of, it’s almost like your house is listening to you and providing what you need at the perfect time.
0:23:40.4: Yeah, yes, truly. So you said something before that I’m gonna take you in a completely different direction now, and I don’t know what things are like, where you are, you’re currently… You and Ken live in a couple of different places throughout the world, depending on the time of year, but right now you are in Ireland, correct. That’s correct. So here in the States, there’s been a real wave of awareness of Asian hate, I was almost gonna say there’s been a wave of Asian hate, but that’s not accurate, there’s been an awareness of it, and I think there’s potential for someone listening to this to wonder within this you teaching this not in General, within you teaching this where is the respect for the eastern traditions, and how do you honor the fact that this really isn’t a practice that is Western-based, and how do you specifically pay respect to the tradition that you learn through?
0:24:38.5: I think I’ve heard about this, and to be honest in Ireland, we are in our own little bubble here, and I’m not in the news or anything like that, but for me, it’s really just… My honoring of it is sharing it, I honestly, I feel like this is just created such a powerful impact in my life, and even for me, often just kind of go, how did I find out about this as a 15-year-old from the west of Ireland, like how… Where… Why did it come to me? And I remember sitting, doing my training and amount of people here and in this community, we open to this, it was like I knew it before, it came so naturally to me and yeah, that’s how I really want to honor it, it’s just literally say, telling people like This is really important and we need to recognize this and take action on it and yeah, that’s where my real reverence comes for it, and especially when I hear things about like, Oh, do this random thing, and I’m like, No, those water-diluted stuff really does make me feel upset and that’s where I’m like, I really want to stick to it as authentically as possible and make it really approachable and easy for people to do, and
0:25:57.4: You’ve been trained through mentors, right. This isn’t something that you self-taught…
0:26:04.1: No, I’ve been trained through several different mentors, and what’s fascinating is they come from very different types of backgrounds, there’s some that have a very Shamanic like Peruvian Shamanic influence, there’s some that have been very strict Chinese background, and others are actually are really influenced with the Celtic mysticism, so all of the teachers have kind of brought in their own personal influences as well, I love that because I think that for me, I remember years ago actually being in China, being asked a meditation… And this is before I ever even told or Trained in feng shui, I was in China at a workshop, and it was a Quan yin workshop. What was discussed at this Quan Yin Workshop was the fact that, you know, Quan Yin’s energy is like this line that moves this kind of mothering energy that flows through the earth and are through and around our world, but like Quan yin has the same energetic nearly vibration as like greener, or as white Tara, which would go into Nepal and Buddhism another kind of form of its inputs and then over into that Mother Mary energy, and it’s like all of these lineages have very, very similar connections when I think about here in Ireland and the kind of Celtic Shamanism, it’s all about the round, it’s all about connecting to the elements, we had a shamanic ceremony for our wedding and seeing how they are actually so similar as well, so…
0:27:38.4: Yeah, all of them have come from… Have different influences as well. That’s
0:27:44.0: Beautiful. I’m so curious when you look back on all of the people that you’ve helped with this, and I know you have a Feng Shui… We’ve talked about before, Feng Shui is sort of the doorway, that people come to you through your gifts, and there’s lots of other practices that you work with and in specifically for Feng shui when you look back on all the people you’ve helped, what’s the story that you love the most?
0:28:11.9: The story that I love the most, and she just pops into my head because she just had a baby a few days ago, and I remember Anne Marie coming into our world, and she didn’t even know what feng shui was… She had no idea what it was, and she was having many, sleepless nights around her finances, her relationship was really just kinda on the rocks, the kids weren’t happy, it was just… She was just in a really tough situation, she kinda moved into her husband’s home, family home, it was just not a great situation and she just… Without kind of questioning. She just was like, This is it, I’m just gonna do it. And for me, the journey has been just watching these clients who started out several years ago and watching them flourish, like… Absolutely step into their power. She was like, It was kind of a wish to have another baby, she’s had the other baby to grow her business, she’d no clients when she started our program, and she ended up at within weeks or very soon after she created a waitlist for three months, she’s gone online, like she’s been in the newspaper, she’s just…
0:29:21.2: And she’s really just flourished, it’s just so amazing to watch that, and now she is decluttering, so she’s even come on and done the declutter day with me, and she’s got her own… She’s helping people as well with her own ripple effect, that’s like one of my favorites is that… And it’s all of the aspects. She actually kind of tagged the #fengshuirocks, ’cause when I talk to or bring her on, and even when people are being kind of wondering whether they should join, future comes on, and it’s just like, just do… Let’s do it. That passion is so amazing. And the thing is, she’s not the only one, but when we’re doing our work and we’re wondering like, Oh, why am I doing this? And I just think there’s millions of Anne Marie’s out there who need what we have to help, and that’s what we have to get up and do every day is to show up and hope that they go and feel that call and nudge that she felt to do it even though she was kind of diving into the deep end and not into the unknown.
0:30:24.2: Yeah, so good. So I’m sure there’s people right now who are ready to get started, and you have created an opportunity for them to do that with you in a really easy way, so your training drops, this podcast episode is gonna drop on the 14th, and the training that you’re putting out is going to start tomorrow when this drops, but you have something even going on on the 14th in the group associated with this training, right?
0:30:53.5: Yes, so if anyone wants to sign up to join me in the training, I’ll also be doing live Q and A sessions, and I’m also gonna be talking about the actual overall energetics of this year and last year, because for me when I started diving into this, I was just blown away now about what’s going on with the elements and the energies of each of the years, particularly because we’ve been going through a very bizarre… Energetics is an understatement or last year this year, so I’m gonna be talking about that, the energies of this year and what we can do to support ourselves as best we can, and then we’ll also be doing some more training on our own personal Chinese animal sign, so you’ll be able to find that what that is and what the… What’s in store for each one of our Chinese animals along with the masterclass trainings, which we’ll be getting… You start with feng shui.
0:31:48.5: I love it for those of you interested? I will be partaking because I love taking anything Patricia puts out, it always reminds me that there’s still so much for me to learn, so you could go to And we’ll put that link in the show notes. What can people expect to walk away from the training with Patricia?
0:32:12.5: So when you come in to join us in the training, the first thing you can expect is to kinda get a better, deeper understanding of what feng shui is, I’m building a more positive relationship with your home, I love integrating and meditation and sound healings and different things during the journey as well. So that’ll be part of my live Q and A sessions, we also have an opportunity to ask me any questions about feng shui, so if you read something or heard something, I really want to be able to demystify that. So that’s an amazing opportunity. And I also share a quiz where you get more clarity about your house type, and this is something that really is just not known or taught about or spoken about it, so that would be it. And it really, I think it helps you understand what has been going on in your life and how you can improve and then turn it around, so… That’s so super fun. And then we will also be doing some practical session of some beautiful prosperity altars and setting up our homes and to call in more abundance.
0:33:13.6: Oh, I love it. I dismantled my prosperity altar and had started re-creating it, but I would love a guided way to do that
0:33:24.0: Or… Perfect timing. Oh.
0:33:27.1: Awesome. Alright, well, Patricia, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and you’re just your beautiful soul with us. Is there any last words of wisdom you wanna leave everyone with…
0:33:38.8: I just want to say thank you so much for this opportunity. I just want to say to people, We have this resource that literally is under our toes over our heads that literally can be supporting us so much more than we could possibly imagine, and I’m excited to help you just connect into that and activate it.
0:34:01.3: So good. Alright, so go to to sign up for Patricia’s training, and you will see me in there with you doing all this good stuff. Thank you so much, Patricia. Thank you so much. Hey, thanks for listening. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this episode with them, and if you’re feeling really generous, I’d love for you to leave us a review at your favorite podcast app, it helps us reach many more people and it fills my heart with so much joy when I hear what you have to say about what I’ve shared. I’m cheering for your success, have an amazing day, and don’t forget… Always create space for magic.
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