The other day my daughter asked if we were lucky. Uh oh – I felt a slippery slope approaching in that question.
As a child luck was something I very much believed in and my sense was that where money was concerned we weren’t very lucky. Luck felt illusive and random.
It took me a while but I eventually learned that luck was something you create. It’s the result of being inspired and then following that inspiration with action. When I came to understand that a whole world of opportunity opened up for me.
I wanted to make sure I taught my daughter this version of luck and not the one I grew up believing in.
But how? How did I make her understand that every day we have the choice to create our life? The action we take and the thoughts we think create our reality.
How do I make her understand that sometimes the thing that will lead us beyond our current reality into the life we want takes so much courage that we back away from it. How do I help her understand that the courage to go after what we want is our “luck” and that it’s the courage that can sometimes be illusive?
At five could I make her see that when she asks for help, she creates her luck? Could I teach her that everything is possible even when it seems impossible if we just call in support from above and do what we can with what we have?
These lessons feel big even when I share them with adults. They sometimes feel overwhelming to me and I have proof they are true.
These are the moments when the job of “mom” feels too big too.
So I took the easy way out and asked her “What do you think K-girl? Are you lucky?”
Her answer?
“Oh yes. I’ve got my lucky grandma in heaven. I’ve got God and you and sometimes my brother and definitely dad….” She went on for a few more minutes listing the reasons she’s lucky and that is when I remembered the most important aspect of luck:
Have the faith of a child.
I don’t have to teach her what luck is. She came knowing it. My job as mom is to just make sure no one (including me) helps her un-learn it.
Each of us knows how to have the life we want – some of us just stopped believing in our own luck along the way.
What about you? Are you feeling lucky?
If your version of lucky includes starting or growing your business check out The Mom Gets A Business Conference I’ve put together a team of “luck angels” to teach you how to grow a business from home while still getting to be the kind of mom you want to be!
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