Patty shares how aligning with your ideal client is more than just a list of who you can
serve or who might want to work with you.
She shares how she’s done this for her business and helps her clients do this as well. It
starts with aligned values but it’s much more than that.
For Patty, she knows she works best with people who are committed to business growth
and committed to soul growth as well.
She’s seen those clients get great results in large part to the alignment of those goals.
Recently someone referred to Patty as their “soul coach” and Patty realized that this
was a key component of her work (and has been for some time) but she hadn’t always
shared that part of the focus in her marketing.
She’s developed 3 key methods to help you re-define your ideal client and outlines them
on this episode.
If you value soul growth along with your business growth, join Patty at the Wealth and
Purpose Facebook group.
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