Karen Yankovich is CEO of Uplevel Media, a social media marketing firm delivering profitable cutting-edge digital strategies, and host of the popular podcast “Good Girls Get Rich”. Karen is an internationally recognized LinkedIn Expert and Social Media Consultant who is a genius at helping businesses use LinkedIn and a range of other social spaces profitably.
In this episode, Karen and Patty talk about success in business and entrepreneurship. She shares how she navigated her way through business ownership by staying clear about what was most important.
Like many entrepreneurs, her path wasn’t predictable. Karen shares how she learned to establish boundaries and stay connected to what is important. Don’t miss her advice about building a firm foundation. It’s a big factor for success and Karen shares from her experience and from her heart about her journey.
Her definition of wealth and purpose are unique, but you’ll see yourself in the way she honors what is best for her.
Bonus: Don’t miss her LinkedIn tips. Karen is a genius at using this popular platform and shared her best advice. She also explained what not to do and the 3 things that everyone can do right now to expand their connections.
Get info for Karen’s LinkedIn playbook and Master Class here Link to: pattylennon.com/linkedintips
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